
7 Reviews
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Artistic and scientific masterpiece
5 November 2012
Warning: Spoilers
This could be a very personal film to anybody who thinks he/she understands the underlying meaning of Clarke what's he actually saying here.

In any given future, mankind will inevitably attain a Class III civilization state ergo the monolith could be considered merely a beacon for HAL. Best example of an encounter between a class 0 and a class III (the Dr.M.Kaku civ scale).

As a skilled scientist (math, physics) Arthur C. Clarke had proved to be a trustworthy futurologist in combination with Stanley Kubrick's artistic perception this turned out to be one of the best if not The Best Film ever.

The moral question of a decisive computer is scary, the music is fabulous and the entire screenplay is genius.

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The Gardener (1998)
Too damn dark
1 January 2008
Although I'm sorry to have seen this film in the first place, my wife came home with it, she loves Richard Grieco. Yeah, he's good looking. So am I.

Anyway, we've seen this almost funny piece of experiment that could have been a film if it was better written and especially filmed! It was too dark! I hate dark films. I've spend more then 500$ on my Philips television, it's a very good one so it had to be the film. That was my first and worst frustration.

But it was also too obvious. And at the end, ... leave that stupid plastic on Kelly's naked body: come on! When you're running for your life, you don't care if you're bare naked!!! (I wouldn't)

Stupid film, and I'm kind of ashamed to have watched it.
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The Funeral (1996)
Slow start, slow content, pointless end.
23 December 2007
Warning: Spoilers
Not often I say at the end of a movie "what a waste of time". My time is not precious. I have a wealth of time. So actually it doesn't really matter what I do with it. At night I like to watch films sitting on my sofa next to my lovely wife who crumbles into my arms and sleeps most of the time. Usually we see good and very good films this way.

But this time it was different. I give most films a chance. When nothing really special happens or when something really strange happens, I'm curious and want to see what the maker of the film is trying to say. No difference on that part, looking at this movie.

I have one positive thing to say about this film: great acting.

For the rest, it is a boring film. I hated the little brother who was dead. I couldn't stand his moron face. He didn't fit in the 'family' to my opinion. The two other brothers, Walken and Penn, they were great!

The entire film I was waiting for something to really happen. But nothing happened. Only very boring intros and some stupid dialogs that have no meaning and in the understanding of the film have no meaning at all. When you've seen the film, you could forget like 60% of the dialogs and still understand it.

I liked what they did with Del Torro. And after that, the actual killer: just didn't fit in the rest of the scenario of this Johnny, nor did it fit in the entire film. The killer had nothing to do with the business, the communist thing. Then why these boring dialogs?

The end of the movie did it. I got a bad mood over it. This is what made me conclude: a waste of time. All dead. ...Come on!
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Wanna be Thriller gets ruined by lack of talent
15 April 2007
I wanted to try this film because of Franco Nero and Menahem Golan. But damn who casted Shane Perdue? He could be good looking if he didn't look so retarded all the time! But acting wasn't one of his skills either. As of the rest of the acting crew, even Franco didn't do much about his character. To be honest I think Steven Bauer did the best of acting. He didn't deliver much beside Scarface either. Really, somebody tell me, why is this film made? It's terrible! I really hope people read all these comments before considering watching it. And you actors out there: please deliver more into your character. And you writers out there: go get inspired!

Please don't see this film. It's not worth it.
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Empty your mind and open your spirit
14 April 2007
This film is not as bad as everyone says if you empty your mind first. OK, the special effects are terrible, but that's the result of low funding I guess. But if you look at it in an artistic point of view like you should with every motion picture, it's not a bad movie. The makers, writers, actors and everybody else who worked on this film worked hard and believed in it! So in that angle, even if there were a few flaws in the scientific details and perhaps critics on other levels where viewers themselves exceed in? I have no knowledge of weather forecast or tornado's or any of that. I'm an economic by education. But like I said, if you rest your mind and view this for recreational purpose (as you always should) it's OK, I even thought the story was plausible, about the heat of the cities and so on (I don't want to write a spoiler). And I liked Randy Quaid in here! He's always funny! And as a surprise to me (I didn't study the cover closely when I rented it) there was Shannen Doherty. Good looking' and I think she is a good actress!

Just watch this on a rainy hang-over Sunday and free your mind.

Oh yeah, I rated this film a 10 to pump up the average. My personal vote would be 7.
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A film should entertain and a thriller should thrill - this one does that!
8 March 2007
Most people that comment here take the film and story serious as if it has to have taken place or something, to begin with! Look, I saw this film late at night and as a big Bruce Willis fan I liked it. And believe me, I'm not a moron, there's nothing wrong with me. I just liked this film, it was good entertainment (just what a film is supposed to do), good thrilling, (just what a thriller should do!) and good acting. Nice of Brad Dourif to drop by in this film, I remembered him from One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest (Billy) immediately.

Now for the story, I think character building was adequate. Of course you must not think too much. No psychiatrist would visit their patients at home and there is more that doesn't add up, but never the less, I was surprised with the end. People are getting killed and the killer is out there, really close to the main character. You really don't know who did it, all though you have your hunches. And that makes a thriller worth while, I think. And about eroticism, this film has stuff for him and her. Bruce really looks great in jeans and you get to see him naked here! And Jane March is stunning, also naked. Beautiful sex-scenes and nicely edited. The film has a nice chase too, a Mercedes SL against a Camaro or Trans Am.

Advice: see this film and judge for yourself! (and write it down here!) Switch your senses off and just let yourself be entertained. You'll see, you'll like it!
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Afblijven (2006)
An interesting film, a Must for youth
21 February 2007
This is a film noir in my opinion. A drama about young people (16-18) and it reflects the problems they have these day's: either you belong to a certain group or you don't. In some groups you're cool if you go along using drugs, in others you'll be banned. It's a story of children of said ages that fall in love but don't know how to cope with that feeling. It's a movie about ambitions and parents that don't listen to well to their adolescence. Parents that keep their children on a leach and be suspicious. Not an easy job anyway. You see the normal everyday problems of families these days. Furthermore, good acting, hip-hop music by Brainpower, good camera works and editing. This is a Dutch film and a typical one too: meaning no nonsense, toilet scenes, frustrated mumblings and drugs. Reality detail: when using the internet to chat, you clearly see the popular MSN configurations. Spoken language is Dutch, but on the DVD you can have subtitles in Dutch (for Flamish viewers), English and French. Spoken language to too harsh, no violence, no sex, no death although the players do their best to get there. Great film.
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