11 Reviews
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Losers rejoice! There is hope.
21 March 2024
OK... so this is not a story about winning. It is yet another story from the brilliantly comedic and subtle mind of Kiwi (New Zealander) writer and director Taika Waititi. Check out his other stuff for several good fun laughs. This time around, the worst international soccer team in history, American Samoa, bears the brunt of the comedy. For a mostly true story, it is simply magic (think Cool Runnings). It is also a movie for the whole family, having fun with religion, sexuality, and self- discovery in the process. These sorts of movies are rare, as they challenge you to enjoy life as it is, not for what you dream it may be. Good things, no matter how hard your life has been, can still happen.
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The Battle of Long Tan (2006 TV Movie)
The real story of Danger Close
6 April 2023
Even if you are not Australian (I am) or a New Zealander, you would be well advised to watch this scary, but stangely fascinating story of The Battle of Long Tan during the Vietnam War if you like this sort of stuff. The 108 Aussies and Kiwis incredibly fought off two regiments of North Vietnamese numbering about 2500 troops, with casualties numbering 17 killed (one died of wounds) and 24 wounded. No matter which side you listen to, the VC/NVA casualty numbers were very high considering the size of the two forces, with most killed by artillery fire. The feature film Danger Close, which I am told by Vietnam vets is incredibly realistic, has some fascinating backstories that viewers might find interesting (true or not) as companion viewing.
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Well-crafted and reasonably true to the novel
30 November 2022
I am totally perplexed as to why so many have given this show poor reviews. I suspect it is all about people who want action and sex. OK... so there is not a lot of either, but that doesn't mean it is bad. I realise the other 2019 series is a tense horror with a lot going for it, but this version is simply a very well-crafted drama typical of the BBC. I think the re-creation of Edwardian England is tremendously well done. The special effects, by and large, are believable and the acting is just great. Overall, the show is not a 10, but it is pretty close. I particularly liked the way the British air of Anglo-Saxon superiority is depicted and the rock-solid belief that the sun will never set on the British Empire. They didn't save themselves, the planet did. And there is a lesson in that for all of us.
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Intelligent show, but why the title?
13 September 2022
This is a highly intelligent show, very well acted and loaded with dark humour. I am puzzled, however, by the title, as its premise doesn't seem to bear much relationship to the original novel or the David Bowie movie. The show seems closer to Resident Alien and The Day the Earth Stood Still from what I have seen so far. Regardless, this show is well written, lots of fun and has plenty to keep action fans happy as well. It also stands up well as good science fiction with what is essentially a three part premise. The alien has to save our planet in order to save his. Then we get the utilisation of seemingly simple technology in order to build the highly advanced technology he needs to complete his mission. As I say, absolutely loads of fun.
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Halo (2022– )
Not a gamer, so I like it
22 June 2022
I am not a gamer, so some of the criticisms of this show go a bit over my head. Watching it from a cold start, this is pretty good, but not great. The CGI in particular is a bit pedestrian. The acting is good and the action-packed plotlines hold my interest. It's sort of an enjoyable cross between Starship Troopers and the TV series Invasion.
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For All Mankind (2019– )
Absolutely addictive
2 February 2022
I see where some reviewers gave this show a hard time, especially the first two episodes. It probably means more to those of us who remember the Apollo 11 landing, but as someone who was there I can say that the makers did a wonderful job of capturing the moment in reverse. After the first episode, I simply couldn't get the show out of my head. I woke up a few times that night and started thinking about the episode, which is the only negative thing I can say about it... it made me lose sleep! Not quite a 10, but darn close.
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Over-simplified mess
14 December 2021
Larry Lamb may be an award-winning actor and a self-described history buff, but he is certainly no historian, or at least not a very good one. I am a former ancient history teacher and it appears Lamb seems to have decided what the story is and sets out to rush through telling it his way without a whole lot of analysis and thought, aggrandizing his infatuation with ancient Rome along the way. To its credit, there are some good shots of structures and interesting artifacts, and a few good points made by real historians and archaeologists. But history is about looking at all sides of the story and determining the motives behind the facts. This series is sadly lacking on that front.
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No historical objectivity
14 December 2021
As a former ancient history teacher, I found this series had a distinct lack of objectivity, instead opting to take side of the barbarians as freedom fighters against the oppression of Rome. I also noted the historical inaccuracies others have mentioned. History is about taking a good look at all sides of the story, seeking out evidence not just on the facts, but the motives behind them. This series over-sensationalizes the barbarians while leaving out the fact that some of them did not enjoy popular support. Try Terry Jones' Barbarians for a much better idea of what really went on.
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Country Music (2019)
Early stuff good... later stuff a mess
13 December 2021
I am a big fan of Ken Burns documentaries, but this one just doesn't cut it. The early history of country was done pretty well in this series, but the later history just leaves out too much that is important. Some major artists are completely overlooked, often in favor much less important stuff. And what on Earth is Wynton Marsalis - a jazz artist - doing commenting on country music. Perhaps this should have gone for a couple more episodes to get things right. As it stands, it just looks like Burns doesn't know the subject matter.
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Star Trek: Discovery: Kobayashi Maru (2021)
Season 4, Episode 1
Finally... real Trek!
26 November 2021
After three seasons of serialized bullcrap, Trek finally returns to its episodic roots. This episode has almost everything that made TOS and TNG so fabulous. It has Federation ideals, bravery, drama, and a whole lot of 'this is plain what we do'. And it is an episode that can be watched for what it is, not for where it is going in the next installment. Keep it up!
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Lacking objectivity
17 November 2021
As an ex-high school Ancient History teacher, I thought this series took a very one-eyed view of Rome and, as others have pointed out, gets a few of the "facts" wrong. It depicted the Romans as the bad guys and the barbarians as the good guys (and girls). The ancient world was a pretty brutal place no matter where you were.

Think back to the "What have the Romans ever done for us?" scene in Monty Python's Life of Brian where the troupe satirically reels off a long list of the good things the Romans had done. A lot of uprisings did not have popular support, as many thought Rome offered an OK deal, or at least a better deal than they were getting.

Rather than a one-sided narrative, this series would have been a lot better with some historical objectivity in the mix.
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