
5 Reviews
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The facts of this "fictional" movie are true
30 March 2007
I gave the movie a 4 because felt that is was a bit boring. I would find myself interested in the main subject matter, being the food manufacturing plant and all of the sudden the movie would switch gears towards a girl and her uncle. A lot of this back and forth caused me to lose interest.

On a serious note about the importance of this movie, for the last twenty years I have worked as an inspector in manufacturing plants and the restaurants themselves and all of the so called "fictional" stuff in this movie is actually quite true. A restaurant isn't going to put a remains of a slaughtered cow on the hamburger box, but the reality is that is what we are eating. Even worse, by the time it reaches the stores it has been infested with god knows what.

On a restaurant level the atmosphere is even worse. I could write an entire book about what I have seen in these places. You think the movie portrays the manufacturing plants to be bad, you should see what I have seen in the stores. I will not even say what I have seen in Chinese restaurants, but even in hamburger joints I have seen rats, mold, I can even recall being in a fast food restaurant and seeing where a milkshake had spilled all over the back of the burger make line and no one ever cleaned it up. It was moldy and had flies all over it.

You would that I would shy away from fast food because of what I have seen, but it is true that this food is addictive. Now don't get me wrong, I do know where not to eat and where not to take my family, but I still munch down a BM once in a while.

After watching this movie I feel like crying when I picture my children eating this crap. The scene where the punk employee spits on the burger is also very true. This happens everyday! When I was a teenager I worked in a restaurant and heaven help you if you came through the drive thru just before close. Most employees are so anxious to get the hell out of there that they start putting the away as it gets closer to closing time. I can recall a half an hour went by with no cars then at one minute until close some drunk came thru and placed an order. He was very obnoxious and boy did he pay for it. Not that being polite would have made his "secret ingredient" any better. The manager him self hooked him up! I swear I had nothing to do with it!! haha The reality is that this happens everyday, in every town, at every chain of restaurant, whether it is fast food or a nice sit down restaurant. None of us are safe. I think I will become a vegetarian.
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A good and entertaining movie!
11 February 2007
It took a while of watching to finally catch on to the plot. Actually, I was a bit "bored" for a while, but as I continued to watch I began to really enjoy it. In the end I it made me feel good. Once in a while a movie comes along that does that! I know people that are "to good for everyone else" so it was funny to see this in a movie.

I would say this movie is about a 6 rating, but I gave it a ten on the vote to up the percentage from those gave it a zero. It is worth checking out.

The cast is really good. It is funny seeing Devito and Deangelo in their roles, as this movie was a bit of a change from the usual. I think I have the hots for Neve Campbell after watching this movie and have always been a fan of Mr. Office Space, Livingston.
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Not as good as I had expected
19 January 2007
As Hollywood is lacking in good movies now a days, I was really looking forward to buying this one. But.. Something told me to rent it first. I'm glad I did because honestly the entire time I was just hoping that the movie would just get better. It didn't!! I even watched it again for the hell of it, hoping that I would see something that I missed. Nope, that wasn't the problem.

The plot is cheesy and the acting is just horrible. But as I always say, a movie is for "entertainment" and doesn't have to follow the rules of life. The biggest flaw in the movie was probably the strange manager and the baseball scene which had no bearing on the movie at all!

I wouldn't recommend this movie at all!!
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4 January 2007
Warning: Spoilers
Unfortunately from the second that I heard the title I was turned off. I tried to have an open mind when I saw the movie at the theater but it was so bad that I didn't even pay attention to most of it. In fact I spent most of the movie working on my hand-held PC while my family watched. Of coarse the kids liked it, hell,they would like anything. I have recently made myself sit down with the DVD and watch it thoroughly and I have to go with original feelings on this. Did the producers, in some odd way want this to be funny? There are so many stupid things in this movie that would never happen. Oh, and the acting is HORRIBLE. Sam is usually "the man," but not in this one. This movie sucked, from the awful acting of the prosecutor's killer in the beginning to the fake as hell landing of the airplane in the end. And why would someone intentionally shoot out the windows of an airplane? All od the other negative comments (which I have read) in the SOAP comments area are true!! I sit through movies that I don't like with my kids all the time but can still find the humor in them, but nothing even remotely in any way shape or form of this movie was any good at all. This movie is horrific....Awful, awful, awful!!!!!!!!
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'contains spoiler' Good movie but......
3 January 2007
Warning: Spoilers
Keeping in mind that a movie is only for "entertainment" and doesn't have to be "perfect" be worth watching:

This is one of the best movies that I have ever seen as far as keeping my interest, but after just watching 3 times in a row I have picked up on many things that I found to be "rediculous." I have read the other comments posted about this movie so I will try to be original.

First of all, I have been to Chicago and there are freeways everywhere! Even after they got off of the freeway they could have found one of many to get out of the bad side of town.

A possible goof, when they leave Franks house it is broad daylight then in the next shot with them driving on the highway it is dark. One may think that they had a bit of a drive to get to downtown Chicago, but later Frank says that they are only 10 minutes from home. The fight scene on the highway: It's that both, the man and the woman in the truck are saying "fu*k you" to Ray, but when they began to get out and fight the woman just sat in the truck and simply said "leave him alone." She barely even looked back. As they are driving through town (before hitting the kid) they pass several well lit streets, they continue down the dark road. After hitting the guy with the RV (even though Ray is a dipstick) they should have listened to him and got the hell out of there, especially when the gang jerks the kids out and starts arguing with him. Instead they keep looking out the back window to see what is going to happen to him. Duhh!! Fast forwarding to the end of the movie (since I don't have time to decipher the entire thing) it was odd when Frank was going into the office of the supermarket (after killing Fallon) and the police officer barges in with gun drawn and tells him to freeze. Frank tells him that "his friend and brother are upstairs bleeding to death," and the cop stands his ground. All of the sudden another officer who wasn't even in the room and couldn't have possibly heard Frank, comes in and says "it's alright, he's telling the truth!" Then all of the sudden the first officer lowers his gun and they go running out of the office. Come on, I am a Cincinnati Police Officer and there would be more to it than that!! Remember, don't break any of Fallon's stupid Rules!

Anyways, aside from the oddities mentioned, I loved the movie and found it to be very entertaining. I thought that Cuba Gooding's acting was by far the best of the cast and his facial expressions (even on background shots) were very convincing. Thats my ten cents. (Possible spoiler on movie titles Tresspass) If you like Judgement Night, check out Tresspass with Ice T. Another movie that has innocent everyday guys caught in the bad part of town by thugs.
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