
13 Reviews
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Kaal (2005)
Not what I expected really disappointed
16 June 2024
So this movie came out in 2005 like almost 20 years ago which really hard to believe I was really young back then but I remember watching promotion on tv and thought this movie was about tigers I think I also watched this movie but only remember one scene when tigers comes from the grass I really thought this movie is about man eating tigers.

So I rewatched the movie today because I didn't remember anything and it's awful everything is awful about this movie the acting, plot, plot twist, editing, directing, dialogues, camera work and so on. Like they given the project to some new comer who didn't know what he's doing. I like they took a risk and tried something different but it ended up being the same Bollywood plot line.

I would've liked this movie to bit shorter and being about man eating tigers where these youngsters trapped in the jungle because of floods and had to survive from man eating tigers. Because that would've been really interesting and different from Bollywood movies.

They tried to make it into a horror movie which I think would've worked for kids but it's just stupid watching it as an adult and then stupid final distinction kind of deaths which I think was something different but would've liked to be more brutal if they were going that route.

I want something new and different from Bollywood they keep making the same movies idk why people keep supporting them this was something different but weren't in good hands. Bollywood really needs better writers and directors. People like Karan Johar needs to retire.

Overall really bad movie's annoying editing, recording and repetitive footage and animal sounds which was unbearable if that wasn't in the movie it would've been shorter and better.
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12 June 2024
I love transformers 1-4 not the greatest but pretty entertaining movies but the last knight and this movie was disappointing from start to finish. In my opinion transformers ended with the dark of the moon now they repeating the same thing over and over again.

Idk why it's so hard for Hollywood to write good movies? Not every movie needs to be world ending just make good written stories revolve around autobots and decepticons and make appearances of other transformers here and there. We already seen this movie 12 years ago?

The design of primals, autobots and the enemies doesn't really go well together some of them are boxy and others are rounder it feels really weird to see them together in one frame. I like they are trying to bring all of the designs to the big screen but they need to do a better job.

And then the humans in the transformers movies if they want humans to be helping transformers and be in the battlefield they need to do better like they can show that humans made weapons from their technology and replicated to fight against them but they are still weak so they need autobots by their side.

Overall pretty average movie like they made just to keep the license or something which I feel like most of the companies are doing.
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Last One Standing (2019–2020)
I love zombies so I gave it a try
27 May 2024
Idk what other guy yapping about in his review not even related to the show.

I like some bad shows and movies here and there so I watched few episodes but it really slow paced, low budget, and have average plot line. It felt like 90s or 20s movie I remember watching a movie similar to this having bats monsters as a child and I laughed so hard back then and laughed so hard watching this now. The weight of bats are around 5-10 pounds according to their size in the show and they are killing people with few bites even if they are venomous or infected it should take some time.

If they really want to do bat monsters they need to up their budget but in my opinion they aren't the best creatures to be monsters in the shows because of their small size and weight they don't really pose any real threat. It's cool idea though making zombies from bat bites and it came around the same time as corona outbreak which is weird.

And everyone is so dumb in the show they can easily fortify the train and stay there it has light, clean toilets, water, food, and comfy seats. It has to be the safest place but they chose to stay out there in crumbling old buildings. And they can easily reverse the train to get to the previous station. I guess the show wouldn't be made if it was smart lol. It's the same for most of these kind of shows and movies.

I'm giving a 3/10 for trying but people need to work on the script before making these mediocre shows.
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Unwanted sequel to pretty good trilogy
16 May 2024
I love the Trilogy but I don't think this sequel was anybody was looking forward to. The third movie ended on pretty good note there wasn't any need of a 4th movie.

But I wasn't surprise because this is well on franchise which can bring millions of dollars and Hollywood try to squeeze every drop out of franchise until they can't squeeze no more.

And Po doesn't need choose another dragon warrior because he is doing fine he's young I don't know who's idea was this because it's pretty terrible even if the wanted to make another sequel they should of made about another one of panda adventures with his buddies.

That fox and chameleon might be worst character design and characters in the franchise they brought nothing new to the table. Again another female character who already knows everything she is at the same level as the dragon warrior she doesn't need any training she shown as pretty perfect character from the start. We love panda because of his flaws he has to train hard from the first movie and he defeated his enemies even when he was at disadvantage.

And then there is disrespect towards previous villians Kai defeated master oogway the strongest character in the franchise but didn't even get one scene in the movie.

Chameleon was just disappointing character against every other previous villians don't have to say much about her.

Also the furious five was missing from the movie which I don't understand and got replaced by Po's dad's and fox. This didn't felt like Kung fu panda movie to me.

If the really wanted to make a new apprentice than it should've been either tigress or Tai lung. They were ready at that time but they improved and learned from their mistakes.

I don't like giving this movie such a low score but it was pretty bad 3/10 at Max.
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I kinda enjoyed it
11 February 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Not one of the best movies but not the worst movie there are some flaws but I overall enjoyed it and it's all because of jason mamoa I think without him this movie is 2 at max.

I don't know why it's of hard for writers to make a good villain these days most of the recent superhero movies villains were really week and bad. Villains makes the superhero movies enjoyable which is missing nowadays.

So overall I would give this movie 6 ouut of 10. Why dc didn't let them go all out it was the last dceu movie RIP hope we see better future for the dc

And what happened why stories are so bad and basic this movie felt like I watched it a lot of times before and the end wasn't even worth all the wait the just killed the villain with one shot.
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Animal (I) (2023)
Could've been a lot better
6 February 2024
This movies isn't bad or perfect as people are saying this movie is but it definitely is a below average movie.

I kinda liked the plot of the movie but it isn't complicated that it needs three and half hour runtime this movie could've told better story in one and half hour time the director thinking he's making history the only history he's making is to make himself look like a CLOWN.

So the main plot of the movie is pretty simple a kid loves his dad so much but he only gets hate in return. So he takes all the bad habits and negativity from his dad but when he do bad things his dad lash out on him which I don't really get all his life he ignored his kid but only notices him when he does something bad. I liked they put this on big screen but the couldn't convey it properly. Good parenting and father is really important in kids life it can make them good or a bad person. And in the movie the kids become a bad person because of a bad father and he didn't acknowledge all his life he only understand in his last moment when his son confronted him which he should've done a long time ago his dad was ignorant and a fool who wasted all his life on work, work is important but family is more important. This is really important topic a child needs love not hate they learn everything from their surrounding which need to be told but this vanga guy butchered it. And this was the only good part of the movie.

Idk what people saw in this movie they are praising it like crazy like this is some kind of masterpiece people were coming crying out of theaters lmao. The movie tries so hard to be emotional but failed for me I think that's the only part in the movie doing all of the hard work. And I don't get why people mad seeing some blood and sex scenes if you don't like bloody movies then stay at home and they are also claiming this movie push misogynism which I don't think it does at all in this movie the main character only shouted two times on a women how's that mesogenic didn't these people watched the movie this movie called ANIMAL he became animal as the movie progressed because of the love for his dad and his wife said "his dad should've died a long time ago" his response definitely were too much but from his view I can understand he's a gone mad at that point it's not misogney it is love for his dad which is more then anything in his life which he told throughout the movie.

So overall I would say this movie is too long, direction, editing and writing definitely needed a lot of work and they are making a sequel which I think will be as bad as this one. 3/10 is my max rating.

I'm only giving 3 because this movie at least tried to do something new because I'm bored with the Indian movie formula we are the most populated country in this world who has most crimes, rapes, and murder. But Indian audience can't handle little bit of blood and sex. I don't get why sex is a taboo subject in Indian families do they think kids just drop from the sky sex is needed to be taught and it shouldn't be a taboo subject when you have 4 plus kids.
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The Creator (2023)
Trying something which this movie is not
3 February 2024
I like the concept of the movie where the AI finally shown as an good entity which helps humans in a lot of way but because of one mistake which wasn't even the AI fault the whole world expect new Asia went against the AI for some reason without proper investigation which is the main foundation of the movie and it's really bad I mean really bad.

If they wanted to make this movie they should've went the good and bad Ai which depends of the society and the country they live in because AI learns from humans and with bad influence they can be corrupted which would've been better and reasonable story because it's the truth. "Because of few bad apples we assume the batch is bad" which we can see in real life to just because of few bad individuals we paint the whole religion and countries our enemies. And I think it would've really worked with this movie.

And for some reason the recent media trying to make us feel bad for AI for some reason I don't give AF about AI that's just a program even if it became Highly intelligent it always going to be AI we always should put ourselves over AI do we really want a reality like that where humans are replaced by AI and living like a human that's really stupid.

As I mentioned above the foundation of the show is really bad and the plot isn't good either it feels like mashup of some of the good stories made by an AI. The plot, acting, and characters in the movie also really bad the only good thing about the movie is direction and the CGI which is really impressive in such a small budget compared to other big studios.

Overall the movie is below average 3/10 max.
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Miller's Girl (2024)
Maybe one of the worst movies of the year
3 February 2024
Feels bad Netflix movie why it's in theaters and Maybe one of the worst movies of the year only watched for Jenna

Who even green light movies like these? There isn't much of a plot in this movie and not even any kind of vulgarity, seduction and sex scenes for people who enjoys movies like these. I read the script before movie came out and it's bad but it had some scene which didn't made it to big screen I don't know why they exactly cut those scenes those parts could've saved the movie.

There are thousands of books, novels, and other media which needs to be turned into shows and movies but they chose mediocre stories like this who even write this? Are they proud of themselves even I wrote better stories then this and I'm a nobody. Hollywood really thinks people would watch anything and they are wrong people are walking up and not consuming trash anymore this movie doesn't belongs in people's mind it belongs to trash.

Even after so many failures they still makes movies like this they are really insane thinking movies and shows like this will be success and they don't learn from their mistakes.

At least this movie was short because sitting through this movie was really hard. 0/10 for me for wasting my time.
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IDK why they keep making resident evil movies they are dumb af
25 July 2023
I watched all of the animated and live action movies beside the Netflix show and every one of them are dumbest movies I ever seen. Resident evil games works because they are games! The same plot doesn't work with movies and shows. I don't even wanted to finish the movie because I already knew what's going to happen.

This movie looks fine compared to the pervious animated shows and movies but the plot and plot armor seems to be the same. The same old stupid villain which the movie try to make look smart but at the end they are just big ugly monsters which can't even able to scratch any of the cast I want to see some deaths and blood when they are fighting these monsters but able to get defeat them with ease these people aren't super solider every other solider and people dying around them but only the main cast able to survive any odds. The end boss battle is the stupidest scene I ever seen in a movie they were just standing in front of the monster like its just Tuesday and there were all kind of weapons of there to fight the monster lmao. Why there is boss battles in these movies in the first place this isn't a game it works sometimes but they are doing this in most of the RE movies.

Movies needs different tone and plot from the games make more mature story for set of films with an ending. Where character lives are at stake I don't want plot armor in horror genre let people die make better stories instead of making tons of average RE content.

I think RE franchise have potential I wish someone able to give the franchise justice.
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Fall (I) (2022)
It's stupid but I kinda like bad movies
13 April 2023
This has to be stupidest movie I have ever watched from start to finish I think this movie could've worked if they went with the dumber plot like bunch of teenagers went out camping and where the planned to kill both of these girls but they didn't want it to look like a murder so they climbed the tower and losses the screws and then cheated on the dare so both of these girls have to climb the tower and after they climb to the top they ran away look this way all of the issues people have with this movie goes away.

If you want to watch a good climbing movie then just watch the Everest don't waste your time on this unless you also like to watch stupid/bad movies

The only reason I liked this movie because I also have fear of heights and this movie did good in that regard other than that they failed in everything like why they only have one backpack with little bit of water and no food? I'm no climber but I would take take two backpacks with the two water bottles in each bag and some chocolates and a parachute I'm not going to climb down from that tower okay fine they don't have the parachute but why they don't have longer rope with them if something goes wrong because they know they are climbing an old tower

I'm only giving it a reasonable 3/10 because of good visuals.
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Sweet Home (2020– )
From masterpiece webtoon to mediocre Netflix adaption
28 February 2023
IDK how this has.7.3/10 rating what people take while watching these mid shows on Netflix to give it such high ratings

Home Sweet Home is one of my fav comics ever and they ruined it. I was excited about this show but after watching the first episode I immediately turned it off in 2020 and never watched it again then I saw they are making season 2 so I just finished it in 2023 because I don't want to judge anything without finishing and I was right back then for not watching this show because it didn't have the same feeling as the comics they went in the opposite direction and why they use random ass songs on monsters doesn't make any sense not just on monsters the random songs were playing throughout the show every time it played I just rolled my eyes this show didn't need any songs only thing it needs some creepy music and sound design for the monsters that are all did they gave the show to below average editor? They ruined every monster which appears in the show because of these songs all of the terror from the monsters went away and on top of that they used monsters as an obstacle in the story nothing more than that they were never a threat to the people in the building whenever they showed up they defended themselves or defeated them instantly which is totally opposite to the comics in the comics every monster felt threatening and intimidating from the moment the showed up and there was a buildup for every monster which made the entry of every monster terrifying but they removed half of the monster scenes and their entry from the show and focused on the humans which were just stupid the comics is about people who survived in a building full of monsters where anyone can turn any time which is a really great idea but the execution is really terrible here.

It should've been a horror show but it is just a mediocre action-thriller at best why does Netflix throw away projects to random teams this could've been one of the best shows on the platform if I felt this terrible as a fan I can't express how bad the writer of the comics must've felt when he watched the show.

Netflix has such great animators who created some of the most amazing episodes of Love Death and Robot why they didn't give projects like this to those animators if they don't have a budget to make these shows this show needed an experienced team and a good budget I hope the season 2 is much better than this.
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I kinda liked it
19 January 2023
I watched it twice the first time was back in 2010 and forgot about this movie and watched it again recently and I enjoyed the movie both times it's not the best movie but it's not the worst either this film is about Jackie's fan who just wants to meet him and learn from him and due to movie strict budget it also feels like it actually made by a fan

This is not Jackie Chan's movie calling it Jackie Chan kung fu master is disgraceful on prime video I watched thinking I must have missed this movie but halfway through the movie I realized that I watched this movie before because Jackie is only around 5 min in the whole movie

If you are a Jackie fan then watch the movie but it definitely didn't age that well.
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The movie is a mess the writing, directing, acting and the music everything was mess it felt more like a average action movie than a dinosaur thriller
14 June 2022
I didn't like the second part of the second movie but they continued the story from there I didn't care about the clone girl story or the grasshopper extinction story all I wanted is see a dinosaur with a good story which neither of them was it felt like some random action movie where they added dinosaur later lmao it's so frustrating to see all of the good franchise die Jurassic world dominion was the worst Jurassic movie out of 6 I hope they let it die and don't try to milk this franchise to extinction

I didn't even like any of the main characters from the new movies they tried so hard to cast the same actors for different characters like Clair and Owen they didn't bother to act in this movie. Clair was totally opposite to her character from the first movie and they made Owen into an average action movie hero to save the world wow wow wow

they are just making billions of dollars from the success of the first trilogy the new trilogy felt like downgraded ver of the original trilogy. In the first movies they destroyed the parks and then they made two parts of Jurassic Park 2 called fallen Kingdom and dominion

I would rate this 0 for wasting my time but I'm only rating it 3/10 just for the animators good job to them I really like the movie where dinosaurs showed up and they added new species I really liked them to see on the big screen.
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