16 Reviews
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The Wolfman (2010)
Should of seen Shutter Island
1 March 2010
Warning: Spoilers
I went and saw this movie tonight. I didn't expect a life changer but I expected it to have something to it. It really wasn't all that good.

The killing scenes were mediocre. The suspense was half decent but it just didn't lead up to much. They tried to hard with the gore. The first decapitation was kinda cool but that's pretty much it. Good acting on Benicio Del Toro's part and Anthony Hopkins. Tho everyone else was kinda lame.

Maybe wait till it comes out to your local movie rental store. It's really not worth going to the theatre for.

Another positive thing I could say about it is that maybe you'll enjoy it if you're not expecting to think at all.

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Not bad. Could of been way better.
10 January 2010
Warning: Spoilers

I watched this tonight with some friends. It wasn't a complete waste of time, that's for sure. Good acting on some parts and kinda lame on the other. You know what I'm talking about, if you've seen it. There was barely any intense scenes. Yeah, a few. But not that much. Body count (Not including the family in the opening scene), ends at 2. The real father and the crazy cat lady across the street. Wow..And does he die in the end? No. They leave it open for another one. (Please No) The intense scenes they DID have, weren't bad for what they were. It was way more of a drama in my eyes.

Maybe rent it first.

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Meh..It was alright, I guess.
10 January 2010
Warning: Spoilers
I just saw this movie tonight with some friends and there's little to say. Like really, did you expect much? The dramatic suspense scenes were pretty cool but the acting was terrible. It was gory for the gore fanatics.

I wouldn't recommend it to anyone who is looking to watch something fully interesting. It's very basic and bland. Like I said, it has its moments. They even managed to throw some comedic relief in there. Kinda dark humour though.

Definitely could of been way better.

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The Hills (2006–2010)
There is no way this crap is real
7 April 2009
I watched a couple episodes of this last night, because my friends girlfriend was watching it. It was painful! This is the lamest show ever made! The guys are douche bags and the girls are dramatic little whiners.

This is the kind of crap that 9-13 year old girls should watch. My friends girl was trying to tell me that it's all real and non scripted. THAT'S BULL! There is no way that this show is real. The acting is extremely poor. IF this is real, then these people need to be put to sleep. I would never want to live a life like that.

BASIC RUNDOWN OF THE HILLS: Material Girls who are rich because of "Mommy and Daddy", have douche bag boyfriends who are rich because of "Mommy and Daddy". Some of the girls like each other, some don't. The odd fight here and there. Constant lame drama, which in the end everything goes back to normal. The girls are naive as hell.

Anyone who watches this show is a sheep. 0/10 COMPLETE CRAP!!!!!!!!!!
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Way Better Than Expected
5 April 2009
Warning: Spoilers
A friend of mine convinced me to go to this movie on opening night. I gave in, figuring that it couldn't be too bad of a movie. Pretty much, right off the bat I was glued to it.

Soo much happens in the beginning. Like the opening scene for example, when they're stealing the gas. Then to kick it off and give the movie a plot, Vin Diesels girlfriend gets killed off. They really thought this one through, this time.

The action is great. Amazing cars and high flying. The ending is excellent. I like how they pull off the first scene idea, in the ending scene.

VERY well done. I thought it'd be good. It was great! 8/10
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The Wrestler (2008)
30 March 2009
Warning: Spoilers
I had no doubt in my mind that this movie was going to be great. I watched it a couple weeks back, and my god..It's a work of art, I tell you.

I have never really seen many films with Mickey Rourke, that I remember. I had never really paid any attention to him, until now. He is an amazingly gifted actor. I cannot see anyone else being as right for that part, as he was.

I will be watching this movie again and again. Even if you're not a wrestling fan, it doesn't matter..It's an amazingly, well done movie.

Go see it! 10/10
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Simply Amazing....An Instant Classic
22 July 2008
Warning: Spoilers
I have honestly never seen a movie that amazed me like this one did. I thought I had seen some pretty intense movies, such as Fight Club, The Shawshank Redemption, American History X...this movie tops all of them, without a doubt. The acting is electrifying, the action is mind blowing and the characters are incredibly believable.

Heath Ledger is amazing as The Joker. Christian Bale is yet again amazing as Batman. I saw this in the theater a couple nights back, I walked out just pumped. I will see this again, if not in theater then I'm gonna buy it when it comes out on DVD.

Watch this movie...Love this movie...

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5 November 2007
Warning: Spoilers
I went to this movie with a bunch of friends last night, and I got what I expected, excellence. The acting was amazing, the plot was great and the characters were portrayed perfectly. Denzel Washington was perfect for the character of Frank and Crowe was perfect for the character of Detective Richie.

If you are looking for a straight up shooting film, then this movie is not for you.

This movie does have shooting and some action, but it is about inequality and how the first African American got into the mob. Excellent movie. Nothing short of amazing.

9/10. Instant Classic.
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Uncle Goddamn (2004 Video)
One Hour Of My Life Completely Wasted
25 July 2007
Warning: Spoilers
I rented this film tonight thinking that it might be funny. I was horribly disappointed! It was one hour of stupid hillbillies doing senseless crap to this drunken old guy who constantly said "goddamn". The replays were annoying and too much, the picture was awful, the pranks were lame. The entire film was boring and stupid. Do not waste your money on this piece of crap. I don't know how it got out and I don't know who would have the sense to produce it.

Avoid this junk at all costs. It is one hour of boredom and stupidity.

Completely unfunny and a big piece of junk.

0/10. (the vote doesn't let you give less than one star, and it doesn't even deserve that)
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Dead Silence (2007)
Darkness Falls Meets Childs Play
18 July 2007
Warning: Spoilers
You Know, These days there is not a lot of good horror movies coming out. But this one actually surprised me in a good way. The plot wasn't bad, the acting was pretty good and it managed to be pretty creepy. I Noticed that this movie resembled Darkness Falls in a certain way, the way that it was an old woman who was murdered for a crime and came back to haunt those who represent those who did wrong to her in the past. In Darkness falls, if you look in her eyes, you die..In Dead Silence, if you scream, you die. It was still a pretty good movie with a good twist ending.

Go give it a try. It may surprise you.

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Little Nicky (2000)
I Love It! Why do you bash it?
19 June 2007
Warning: Spoilers
I have always enjoyed this movie. I don't get why people look at it as so bad. It's funny, its interesting and the acting is actually good. What is actually so bad about it? Does anyone have a legit reason as to why this movie is so 'bad'. I personally love every minute of this movie. Please give it at least 5/10 if you have a heart. I think it is worth more than that. That is why I am giving it an 8/10, because I see very few flaws in this wonderful film.

Please upgrade the rating on this site. This is one of my personal favorites.

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Not Bad...Annoying in Parts.
28 April 2007
Warning: Spoilers
I just rented this movie last night. My girlfriend talked me into it. She had seen it in the theater a while back and claimed that it was really good. I gave in with little expectations. It was better than I thought it would be and it was actually pretty funny in parts. John Heder does a good job, it's probably one of his better films. Billy Bob Thornton does a good job playing the guy you want to slap. The movie did however, get kind of annoying in parts and I found myself getting a little frustrated. It felt like the movie wasn't going to come to a conclusion, but it finally came to a good ending after all of the scenes where I wanted to pull my hair out of my head. Anyways, give this one a try, you just might enjoy it.

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Not Bad..Pretty Good
26 April 2007
Warning: Spoilers
This wasn't a bad movie. It was kind of slow in parts and in some parts..pointless. It had a good plot and a lot of good fighting scenes. Viggo is a very good dramatic actor and good at playing an almost 'split personality'. The cool thing about the movie is that it takes place in Millbrooke Ontario and it says that it takes place in Illinois. I am from the Millbrooke area, which is cool and I recognized some of the scene locations. I would recommend this movie for anyone who has time. I'd also recommend that you rent it before you buy it because I'm not sure if everyone will share my opinion.

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Alpha Dog (2006)
Amazing Movie
26 March 2007
Warning: Spoilers
I just recently saw this movie with high hopes in mind and I was not disappointed. This was a great adaptation from the true story. The acting was great with an EXCELLENT job from Justin Timberlake, who I misjudged. This movie is very dramatic and disturbing in some parts. Ben Foster also did a great job with his dramatic scenes. I would recommend this movie to anyone with good taste in movies. Throughout the movie, you feel sorry for Justin Timberlakes character, because he becomes close to the guy they kidnapped, so when they kill him, you feel extremely sorry for him.

Be Warned that this movie is extremely disturbing and extremely dramatic and a bit of a tear jerker. Highly Recommended. 9/10
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The Marine (2006)
I Loved It
3 February 2007
Warning: Spoilers
Months prior to seeing this movie, I was watching it be knocked by so many people on this site. I knew that it couldn't be all that bad, so when it came out on DVD, I rented it. I loved it and calling it awesome would be an understatement. There was a few flaws (bloopers, tires getting shot but stayed inflated) and the acting was actually pretty good. People don't expect that wrestlers would be good actors in movies, but thats what wrestlers are...They're actors! Wrestling is Sports Entertainment! This had A lot of explosions and gun battles, quite a bit of killing and some intense fighting scenes. The film makers did an excellent job and so did John Cena. Robert Patrick and the other actors do not go un-noticed. I applaud this film.

Go buy this, I did the day after I rented it. You will enjoy it. 9/10
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Amazing! One Of The Best Movies Ever!
6 January 2007
Warning: Spoilers
This movie was nothing short of amazing. I had watched it a couple years after it came out but I rented it recently and I have watched it over and over. The acting is amazing, the suspense is great and the events in the movie are gut wrenching, tear jerking and sometimes even stomach turning. This movie shows you what some prisons can be like in some places at different points in time. The cast is great, with Tim Robbins as Andy Dufresne, an innocent man who is sentenced to 2 back to back 20 year life sentences for "murdering his wife", Morgan Freeman as Ellis Boyd 'Red'Redding, an old man who has done years for a murder he committed when he was a teenager, Andy and Red become good friends in prison, there is also Clancy Brown who plays Captain Byron T. Hadley, a vicious prison guard with no remorse or conscience, and Bob Gunton plays Warden Samuel Norton, a crooked prison warden. I highly recommend this movie to anyone fit to watch a movie so disturbing in scenes. So go out and buy this movie, you don't even have to rent it to see if you like it, trust me, you will. I'd buy it but it isn't exactly an easy one to find here.

10/10--Amazing..Highly Recommended
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