
9 Reviews
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17 July 2023
In order to review this movie you need to consider how good it is in terms of filmmaking and also the validity of the scientific claims that are being made. I've been interested in evolution and paleontology my whole life and have seen countless documentaries on this subject. It's very difficult to lay out a complex story in an hour and a half so I realize that we're not going to see all of the little details required to actually prove what they're saying. I would like to have seen more evidence that the rock they discussed is actually a stone tool but it's obvious that these creatures used tools to make those very distinctive carvings. It also seems certain that they did in fact bury their dead which certainly means that they weren't as primitive as they might have appeared with their small brains. So it was informative as well as entertaining for those of us who are interested in science and definitely worth watching.
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Close (I) (2019)
First Rate Thriller, Confusing reviews
25 June 2023
I really wasn't expecting much with such a low review average and it really has me wondering about the whole review process. The acting was excellent in this movie and it was put together in such a way that I got interested right from the start and was hooked until the end. The action scenes were very realistic and intense. Noomi Rapace is very good in a role like this, I'm very impressed with her.

I have to say that I'm beginning to wonder about the legitimacy of these reviews. I can understand how an action film like this one certainly isn't for everyone but it simply doesn't deserve a low score, it's a high quality film! I rarely give a movie and 8 but this one deserves it! Highly recommended.
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Treason (2022– )
13 February 2023
The premise of this series is wildly unrealistic and far fetched but I must admit that I really enjoyed it anyway. The acting was good and the buildup of the plot was well done. I also like the fact that it wasn't too long of a series and it's been my experience that many of them are far too long and they end up dragging the whole thing down. Five episodes was just about right to let the story unfold and develop the characters in a way that was entertaining to the viewer. I've seen Ciaran Hinds in quite a few films and he's always good so he was an appropriate addition to the cast. I see that quite a few reviews are critical of the outlandish nature of the story but after watching it I'm glad I didn't pay any attention to them. Give it a try!
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The Glory (2022– )
A Great Start But Ultimately Disappointing
11 February 2023
Warning: Spoilers
After watching the first episode I really got into it. The acting was good and it kept my interest. In fact I really enjoyed most of the series, the quirky characters and the plot that was building and taking shape. However I was quite disappointed with the last episode. Nothing of any consequence really happened at the ending, it felt like it just fizzled out! What really irritates me is the feeling that this is another Netflix series that wants to add another season so they keep the plot dangling without any resolution in the hopes that enough viewers will stick it out to see what happens. I'm really tied of that! A good story needs a good ending and this one should have wrapped up by the eighth episode! Please stop making stories that never end!
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Viking Wolf (2022)
5 February 2023
I felt the need to review this film because of the low number that it currently has. It was an enjoyable and entertaining film with good acting. While the plot is somewhat predictable it's still worth watching. The Norwegian actors and scenery are a refreshing change from so many of the current films online and it gets your interest quickly and turns into an exciting thriller and I never felt let down. It has supernatural elements that develop early on in the story and the female police officer is trying to come to terms with evidence that doesn't seem possible under normal circumstances. She finally is confronted with a choice that's difficult to face!
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20 January 2023
Warning: Spoilers
This started off very well and the characters were interesting and well developed. The story is told by going back and forth between the courtroom scenes where the defendant is describing what happened and then we're transported to those past events. I normally don't care for this type of storytelling but they did a pretty good job of it and it was effective. The whole point of this series is to gradually reveal whether or not the defendant is guilty and as events unfold it leaves you wondering how it's going to turn out. Unfortunately at the very end they show two alternative endings so we never know. A good story needs a good ending and if I would have known there wasn't going to be one I would never have watched it. I'm wondering if this was some kind of gimmick for a possible second season that never happened. Whatever the reason is I was very disappointed because it was very good right up until the last few minutes and then it leaves you hanging and feeling like you wasted your time watching it.
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10 December 2022
I've taken Xanax for over 25 years and I know exactly what these people have experienced. I started taking it when I came down with Meniere's Disease which caused severe attacks of vertigo that could last 8 to 10 hours. The need for help was very real and Xanax allowed me to continue working and carry on a fairly normal life. Three inner ear surgeries in about four years time resolved the worst of my symptoms which was the vertigo. Unfortunately I kept on taking 1MG a day for many years when I should have stopped taking them altogether. My experience was similar to that of several of the people in this documentary. I no longer take a daily Xanax but I have a few small doses in case I'm having a really bad day and start to feel dizzy. I don't think the people who gave this documentary low reviews understand the situation very clearly, this was well done and contains useful information. It's worth watching!
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1899 (2022)
19 November 2022
I really wanted to like this series but I didn't care about any of the characters and the plot was confusing and never made any sense. The only redeeming quality was the special effects. I kept on hoping that it was going to get better so I stuck with it until the end. By the time it was finished I didn't even care what any of it meant, it was completely pointless. So unfortunately this series was a big letdown. There was no development of the relationships between the characters and I didn't care what happened to any of them and eight episodes of special effects is not enough to hold the interest of the viewer.
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Stranger Things (2016–2025)
Good but feels like an infomercial sometimes!
26 July 2022
This series really has its ups and downs despite the high ratings. They really went overboard with the product placement scenes for Coke, Jiff peanut butter, Eggo, etc. Which I found very annoying, especially when it happens during serious scenes because it makes it seem foolish. There are some great action scenes though and the special effects are interesting and well done. The young actors do quite a good job overall and they deserve credit for making this series a hit! I just finished season 4 and the only season I really didn't like was season 3 but it's enjoyable overall and worth watching!
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