
69 Reviews
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New Tricks (2003–2015)
Brilliant except for one thing
6 June 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Brilliant series loved it, the main characters are all excellent actors and play their parts great. I enjoy the stories the comedy and the cleverness of some of the series. I would have rated this a full almighty ten,except for one thing. Amanda Redmans Character, superintendent Pullman. She is a good actress but I think they have made this character to sarcastic and just too annoying sometimes. Her attitude and the way she talks to people, especially Gerry ( Dennis Waterman) gets annoying. You feel like telling her to shut the up to be honest. Her attitude is to much and spoils it for me, but apart from that The series is excellent.

Brilliant except for one thing.
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Big Deal (1984–1986)
When the BBC made watchable programs
17 May 2024
Big deal is a rarety, the BBC make rubbish political correct brain wash rubbish these days. Their guts are gone, but back in the 80s there were a few programs and series that were good. Big deal is one such show, written by the same writer as Minder it is entertaining and believable, watchable and enjoyable. The cast do a great job and the story lines are entertaining. You notice loads of faces from past shows like EastEnders, Grange Hill, The Sweeney. Stepping back in time when you watch this you realise how bad and rubbish shows these days have become. Shame only series one is on dvd. It was a great entertaining bit of TV gone but not forgotten.
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Flight (I) (2012)
16 April 2024
Warning: Spoilers
This is just a silly film, first off if the plane nose dives because of the critical failure, then why when he brings the plane back into it's flying positing does it just glide down. It would surly nose dive like before, the rudder is jammed? The main character is very unlikable it's an insult to airline pilots really. Denzel washington is very here and there he just seems to drift through all his parts being Denzel Washington doing a Sidney poitier impersonation. Not likable at all and drug addict don't just become right over night like his love interest. He is an alcoholic and a drug user arrogant and insultive was not a likable person in this movie which seemed like a long long two hours.
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Great Frankenstein
26 February 2024
You can't go wrong with Peter Cushing. This version of Frankenstein from the brilliant Hammer studios is a great film. Frankenstein needs the information from a doctor's brain so cures his insanity, and transplants the brain. Back when they made films with no CGI, or political agenda. Just good acting intelligent dialog and it's easy to watch. The gorgeous Veronica Carlson is in support and does a great job. The studio wanted more sex and they hurriedly filmed a rape scene no one wanted, but this apart it all works well and was a pleasure to view. Probably one of the best Frankenstein movies, because Hammer concentrated on Doctor Frankenstein in their films and not the monster. Watch it and enjoy a time when films were worth watching with no stupid over the top effects.

Summary: Excellent film.
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Doesn't work, annoying
9 January 2024
Back in the 80s when people were young talented and no CGI. This is where these films came from, now it's just tired boring and CGI pumped up to the max. Harrison Ford is to old to play this part, the female lead was agonisingly annoying, over and over she just got on your nerves. Her side kick who was suppose to be a child looked about 25. Antonio banderas was wasted so was John Rhys Davis. Disney just are not in touch with the real world and what real fans want and expect. This film jumped from one place to another so unbelievable it looked stupid and disjointed. The action that made the originals look good as in real stunts, were absent from this pile of tosh let's just use CGI and make it look like a video game! Let's get annoying characters and let's make the original hero an old man just being pulled here and everywhere by a sociopath woman, yeah great idea Disney. Load of rubbish.
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Excellent movie
5 January 2024
This is just a great film and to say it's based on a true story. Michael Cain and Glenda Jackson are brilliant. It just flows along and you get lost within it, you feel for the characters and you understand their pain and struggle with old age life. This film should be shown to the youth of today because it is about a generation, the greatest generation that is disappearing and probably never return. These are the men and women who fought and died to save this country and the free world. They should never be forgotten and more films like this should be made in my opinion. No fancy over the top action, just good old fashioned acting and fantastic true story. Top marks and if this is Michael Cain's last film it's a fitting one to bow out to.
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Loved it
4 January 2024
I enjoyed this, I know a lot will say we knew that before or we are not learning anything we didn't already know, but it is a great way to spend 80 minutes or so. Good location shots and some rare interviews from the 70s. Nice to hear blattys widow talking about him also. Interesting enough and I visited the steps and the house this year and was great to see footage of the unavailing of the plaque for the steps back in 2015. It is still there and the whole area is very iconic to this movie. Will enjoy watching this again and it is a must for your collection in my opinion. Watch it and enjoy it for what it is.
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Annoying and unfulfilled
9 December 2023
There were some good actors on this but that's about it. The camera is all over the place trying to be clever but just makes you feel sick. The soundtrack is so wrong the songs used for not match what you are seeing in the screen. The teenage daughter of the house owner who turns up at night is annoying and obnoxious. It doesn't really make sense there are a lot of scenes done, maybe for effect? Then nothing said about them from then on. Let's have a go at white people card that seems to be the norm these days in society and movies. It was boring annoying and just didn't work. Avoid it if you can you won't be missing anything worth while.
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Missed opportunity
30 November 2023
I was excited to watch this, I'm from Yorkshire and remember it all happening it was right where I used to live. But after three episodes I was disappointed. It's ok viewing it from the victims point of view but still, it just came across as slow and boring. The settings were good they caught the time, but Toby Jones just was not right, not convincing. The police made mistakes they were side tracked they were over worked, but making them out to be racist and incompetent is just a liberty. If you are going to make a series about the Yorkshire ripper make the Yorkshire ripper a main character surly, or at least have him in the thing. Could have been great but fell flat for this Yorkshire man.
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The Old Guard (2020)
Not convincing
29 November 2023
Went into this with a few high hopes, namely Veronica Ngo. What I came away with was just another over the top stupid doesn't make sense plot holed filled rubbish. It's all well and good empowering women but at least make it believable. I know the characters are immortal but when you have trained soldiers going up against a skinny ill looking woman and she is throwing them all over the place. Acting like a tough bad ass it just looks rather stupid. Charlize Theron is a good actress but she is not an action star with credibility. She wants to be something like a John Wick I think and she just fails looking awkward, daft and pathetic walking about acting tough. Veronica Ngo was wasted and would have done a much better job.
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The 355 (2022)
Very stupid with many plot holes
13 November 2023
Was it entertaining ? Dependings on your level of intelligence really, if it was a film we were suppose to take seriously then no it was bloody stupid, if it was just a bit of fun then it was ok. But just didn't make sense and was very silly, it's ok empowering woman and all that but at least make it believable. If you are going to have a fight where you get bashed up elbowed in the face, smashing into a table crashing her head etc at least show afterwards you have swelling and bashed up face not just a plaster?. The whole set up was just unbelievable and how they got for one place to another never explained. Very silly and not worth it.
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Acted like an egotistic brat
13 November 2023
I was never a fan of Robbie Williams to be honest never understood all the fuss. But thought I would give this a try to see what he was all about. He came across as a selfish horrid child like boy who wanted it all his own way and hated anyone else who was more talented than he was. His disrespect for Gary Barlow and also the man who got him where he was, was just pathetic. Bombed in America not surprisingly and just seemed so up himself I'm surprised anyone stuck round him. What were everyone shouting and cheering at? The Leeds concerts looked a disgrace to be honest. Ok he was going through problems and needed help but still!. All this he writes all the songs I'm a performer I do the music was just jealously and childish. He admitted he couldn't even play an instrument. He came across as very unprofessional sat there in his unerware letting his small daughter wonder in. Was not impressed at all Netflix would of done better doing a documentary on Gary Barlow, at least he is a talented song writer and is the real deal not a childish spoilt annoying fool.
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Talk to Me (I) (2022)
Don't talk to me? Don't bother
26 October 2023
Well I was hoping for a good horror film, but yet again the hype and this modern way of making movies hit and runied it. Let's get this generation satisfied then LGBTQ let's just tick the boxes then think about doing the film. Oh no, it's just horrid, the characters are stupid and annoying. The idea is ok and should have been much better but it seems no thought went into plot story and plasability. Drags over to the left and just doesn't bother trying to be scary, it's not a touch on the horrors of the 70s and 80s, what happened why all this total rubbish instead of some good old fashioned horror films. I would give this a miss to be honest you won't be losing anything.
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Intelligently made film
13 September 2023
It took me some years, I must admit to actually sit down and watch this but I'm so glad I did finally do so. It is a great film and done realistically and with some skill. It's not all gun ho and over the top silly action. But what action there is done very well. The feeling of being on that ship with them is always with you. It's acted with a lot of skill and everyone played their part very well. Just goes to show you don't need millions of pounds of CGI to make a good descent movie. It's a film I will watch again and keep in my collection I just wish I had got round to watching it much earlier.
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12 September 2023
Sorry but what the hell is this mess. Marvel have lost it, it's time to pack it in. All the high scores on here must be paid or something. The film is stupid, all over the place, far to much CGI and the so called humour in it is just not funny. The first one was good the second one was ok but this is a wreck of a film. Gamora character just annoying with the bad attitude all the time. I wanted to turn it off after half an hour I had had enough, but my wife gave it a go and even she, who is a fan said it just didn't work. I hope this is the end they need to move on and stop spending millions on CGI and get back to good stories and characters. Rocket is the best but they just made this depressing and awful.
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Nice change
6 September 2023
I was not expecting a lot and normally don't like comedy horror. I don't think they go together. But I was pleasantly surprised I thought this was pretty good. People who say they are turning it off after ten minutes are missing the point. It is taking the Mick out of the 80s slasher and does it pretty darn well. Yes it's a little silly in places yes it's daft in others but it's a comedy horror after all. The chemistry is there between the two characters and the collage kids are suppose to be stupid and annoying. Give it a try with an open mind and just enjoy something a little different for a change.
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16 August 2023
I mean come on, what the hell was this. Bad acting bad writing stupid in every way. It was made by numbers the special effects were not special and it was just bad bad bad. My other half wanted to watch it and even she said the same thing. All the obvious anti white slurs. This is what we now expect from Hollywood netflix and the like is it. Let's just say what we want show what we want just so long as it is against white people. It doesn't matter the actors are not good enough or the story done badly. Absolute rubbish netflix is getting worse every month, cancel subscription time I should think.
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Just Good Friends (1983–1986)
Classic and underated.
22 June 2023
Just good friends is a magnificent piece of work, writing and acting. As with most John Sullivan's scripts it just gells and is professionally and very cleverly written. People say Only Fools and Horses is his best work but I disagree. I found OFAH ok but it went on to long for me. Just good friend along with Dear John are my favourite. Both main characters from Just good friends are brilliant the rest of the cast do a fantastic job also. Considering the age of this (early 80s) it still holds up well today. Just goes to show the strength and calibre of the writing. It's such a shame John Sullivan is no longer with us. There doesn't seem to be writers around today who can produce classics like this.
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Disappointed To be honest.
13 June 2023
Was so looking forward to this, but about half hour in my hopes were draining away. It's to long it's to repetative its just to far fetched. They wasted people like Scott Adkins, why make him a silly large fat man? Just stupid, Donny yen a blind man trying to be some sort of Zatoichi character. Mark Zaror again a great fighter but wasted. Then that very annoying man with the dog, what was that all about, waiting for the reward to get high enough it was 20 million for Christ sake. I was so let down the fights were repetative, went on to long, and just became comical you can't take that much punishment and just walk away. The car fight in the Arc De Triomphe was different but again just stupid, no police, no one stopped everyone just carried on etc. It was like watching a arcade game with all weapons and you can't die. Then the warriors rip off near the end with the radio announcer? The first two John wicks were good, different, Halle Berry spoiled the third for me. But it's time to stop it's just repeating it's self over and over. Stay with the first two forget about three and four. Very disappointed with it...
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Same old, same old.
9 June 2023
After all these years and more advanced CGI, this is what we get? It's the same film the same story. It's stupid and boring and much to long. Again it's like watching a play station game with actors thrown in. Why are these creatures talking like angry braty American kids. Why are the water people thinking they are kiwi warriors sticking their tongue out etc. Why are all the bad guys white. It doesn't make sense to have over a 3 hour film and just give us this rubbish. Was it a film about whales who were more intelligent than us, they compose songs apparentely. Was it about repeating the first film incase we forget it. Was it a homage to Titanic at the end. I will never watch it again and won't be bothering with any more..
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The Happening (2008)
Stupid and unexplained
8 June 2023
This was just a stupid film, nothing intelgently explained. The dialog was silly and you could see the embarrassment on the actors faces when they had to deliver some of their lines. The story doesn't really make sense. It is left to you to decide what it all was and what happened. It contradicts it's self, and is just stupid. Anyone else delivering this script would of been laughed out of the office I'm sure. But you get these directors who live off one or two films and the rest are rubbish. I watched it and just shook my head a lot of the time. The situations were just silly and the dialog that went along with it was daft to say the least. Disappointed, just a really stupid film.
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Collide (I) (2016)
Enjoyable and exciting
2 June 2023
I had not heard of this film but glad I watched it. Hopkins and Kingsley giving fine performances. Loved them meeting early on talking over the table, true class and professionalism. The racing action is great and the actors all do a good job in their rolls. Some reviews on here are just venomous and troll the hell out of everything. Others seemed paid to praise movies. But the genuine reviewers I think appreciate a good film when they come across it. This was a good film, I enjoyed it and it moved along pretty good, once the scene was set and it got going. I will watch it again and think it should get the praise it deserves. There are much worse films out there with higher ratings on here?
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Made for ten year olds ?
31 May 2023
Warning: Spoilers
This was just so bad, I mean come on if this is what blockbuster entertainment is now a days. Ripping off other films like aliens, top gun and star wars. Stupid things happening all the time, man in coma for 20 years then just wakes up and is running about as if nothing happened. Warlords working out the aliens language, from what how? A lot of shouting and screaming while flying about like a bunch of kids on a Xbox game. The ship has the power for total destruction all over the world but doesn't destroy the building the orb thing is in?. Pilots hijacking alien crafts and flying them in two minutes like professionals. Hundreds of alien fighters circling the queen, for protection? But when she is attacked they do nothing. It was just silly stupid and insulting to the intelligence. Mindless entertainment for children.
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CGI Boring waste of time
26 May 2023
Sorry but I don't see this as an ant man movie. They were fun and entertaining. This is boring and annoying, where is the humour, the originality the story the characters. It's just a Mish mash of CGI effects that just are really stupid at times. This is the third actress who has played his daughter. This one looks older and is just plain annoying. Marvel have lost the plot, it's done, stop trying to make up for lack of story and originality with expensive CGI Rubbish. Michael Douglas was just wasted, it didn't seem like an ant man movie, but a CGI movie with ant man in it. You had your moment of glory with the first batch, hang it up now and leave it at that no more CGI movies please...
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Very under rated film
24 May 2023
This is an entertaining and great movie. All of the action is amazing. Scott Atkins is in there as well and always excellent in everything he does. The idea is pretty original, nice to see a British setting for a change instead of USA. The stunts are entertaining it's not often we see a double decker bus chase and fight after all is it. I loved it and think it deserves much more appreciation and admiration then it gets in my opinion. The budget was probably not huge but hell they did great with what they had and it stands up to any Hollywood actioner if you ask me. Give it a chance sit and enjoy it for what it is, a great actioner and some great entertainment.
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