
3 Reviews
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I would recommend it for a Doctor Who fan, but there are many flaws in this film.
18 February 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Dr. Who and the Dalek is, well, kind of bad. Let's start with the title, Dr Who/Doctor Who is a question, not a name, as stated many times in Doctor Who (the show), plus if it is a title of a film it would be more sophisticated to spell out the ,'Dr.' in Dr. Who and the Daleks, because it just seems lazy. But less about the little things, the plot is majorly lacking in originality (when it comes to The Daleks (1963)), sometimes even copying full lines. It's only original a few times, like Barbra and Ian being boyfriend and girlfriends and Dr. Who/the Doctor being a Human and the grandfather of Barbra, and it is way too fast paced, trying to fit a serial of seven, twenty (approximately) minute episodes into one, one hour and (just under) a half film doesn't work. But, I was born long after this film was created I still do feel nostalgic, in a good way. Plus the Dalek props are amazing and Subotsky did a better job at creating the Doctor/Dr. Who more eccentric. I would recommend, if you are a Doctor Who fan, this film, but, I strongly believe Subotsky butchered The Daleks (1963). Solid 3.5/10.
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Doctor Who: The Dead Planet (1963)
Season 1, Episode 5
A good start to the story, giving a good build up to the villain (the Daleks) but not spoiling them at all.
21 December 2021
Warning: Spoilers
The Dead Planet (1963) is part one of seven of The Daleks, a story that first introduces us to one of the most iconic monster/villains ever, and definitely the most iconic in the UK. The story starts in a jungle, made of very fragile and brittle stone, a dead planet, hence the title, and there is a city in the distance a little east to where the TARDIS parked. This city is a Dalek city. The Doctor (or Dr/ Dr. Who, as seen in the credits) and their companions don't particularly see the point/don't want to go/see this city, so wthey walk back to the TARDIS, but on the way, Susan gets touched on the shoulder by something. At the TARDIS, the Doctor trys to dematerialise the TARDIS but fails because the fluid link doesn't have enough mercury. Because of this, they go to the city to find some more. When they're there they have a look around for it. Barbara gets lost and the others try to find her but, she suddenly encounters a Dalek, roll credits. I think this part (The Dead Planet) is very good at setting the scene, not making it seem to coincidental which I think alot of new who storys suffers from a little bit but it wasn't boring, somthing I'd thought it would be. 9/10.
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Spree (2020)
Way too underrated, simply fantastic!
21 December 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Before I properly sat down and watched all one hour and thirty-three minutes of Forest Hill Entertainments Spree (2020), I only heard about it/seen clips of it a few times, a couple of times on TikTok and one time where my sister was watching it when I got back from something. The story is about a young adult called Kurt Kunkle who desperately wants views and popularity for a social media profile called 'Kurts World', so he becomes a rideshare driver and goes on a murder spree to gain popularity on his live stream/live. I would say that the concept is brilliant, very well-executed, despite its constant hate. And the editing is simply fantastic, replicating Instagram lives, Reddit pages, 4chan pages and news articles perfectly. With wonderfully-done practical effects, for example, the scene where Kurt's car crashed into his house, was very impressive. One thing is that says 'comedy' but I didn't find it funny at all, it wasn't funny and I only knew/realized that it was a comedy categorised film when I saw it's IMDb page for making this review. But overall I don't see many flaws with this film, so I give it a 8/10. I would recommend this, but if you have hemophobia (fear of blood) or is generally triggered/scared by blood I wouldn't recommend it.

Overall: 8/10 Acting: 7/10 Structure: 6.5/10 Visuals: 10/10 Comedy: 1/10 Characterization: 10/10.
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