
17 Reviews
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Night Court (2023– )
Harry Never Had A Daughter !
18 January 2023
Harry never had a child on night court. They tried to have a relationship work in season 2, but it didn't work out. Harry never had a daughter nor a son. NBC is just lying and trying to milk as much cash as possible to gain viewers. It's a shame John returned that's the only way to boost ratings. I'm glad Richard Mull is not on this. Reboots are all what TV is about. No originality. I am glad I don't have cable. I have the OG Night Court DVD set. This one is rubbish and fake forced comedy. I hope the actors of the OG cast gets the revenue they deserve. I just strictly prefer old shoes that had charm and actual comedy. In the OG you can see there reactions to certain plots and remarks and that's what made the show great. This is just wrong. Cancel this show !
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Returnal (2021 Video Game)
Worst game I've ever played and it doesn't make any sense
26 July 2022
How did this pathetic trash game even make it to green lite ? This game doesn't even tell you what to do nor does it have a quest item . This game got awards how ? Guaranteed boys are praising this game. Do not play or buy it. It's rogue like and you lose your weapons when you die, so the game is not worth it. Only way I'll play it is free on ps extra. Not worth $69.99. Avoid this garbage. Returnal is returned.
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Halloweentown (1998 TV Movie)
Seen the movie many times and it's kinda cheesy
4 July 2022
The movie is harmless but the acting is cringy, I think the first two movies are good, but the rest was just terrible. Kalibar had potential to be made into more movies but that's my opinion. But it's a decent Disney flick from the late 90s. Cheesy tho.
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Star Trek: Picard: Farewell (2022)
Season 2, Episode 10
Just stop already !
16 May 2022
This show is pointless and I can easily see Wil Wheaton being an obvious shill for the franchise. The characters are trash and the show sucks. I only watch spoiler reviews because I'm not dumb enough to watch an hour of lecture and propaganda nonsense. Boycott this show at all costs !!
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WWE 2K22 (2022 Video Game)
The game story line is so cringe
20 April 2022
Honestly the game isn't bad, but the story line is just pure cringe. I wanna skip the cut scenes but I can't that's how awful they are. I'm glad I got it on sale. And they need to stop with the micro transactions ! Hurt them with no payments . Just buy the game and don't give them money . Enough.
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I like Bob Lazar but this movie was boring
31 March 2022
This movie seemed okay at first, but then got really boring and I had to turn it off. I like Bob Lazar tho and his conspiracy stuff but this movie was meh not my thing. Watch it if you want.
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Star Trek: Picard: Assimilation (2022)
Season 2, Episode 3
Ignore the 10 rating reviews. This show is pathetic
23 March 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Patrick Stewart in this show is sad and a bitter old angry man for no real reason. This is not Star Trek. How did this show manage to survive a 2nd season? Alex Kurtzman needs to be blacklisted and never touch anything Star Trek. All this show is, is propaganda and bringing old actors back because they know the entire show is a failure. $hill Wheaton also is a joke for praising this. Seven of Nine never even knew Picard not Hugh. So this doesn't make any sense whatsoever and the way season 2 is going they are going to steal the best of both worlds and put it on here. Pathetic. I'm a long time Trekkie fan but this show is not Star Trek. It was made for people who hate Star Trek and like Marvel films.
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Star Trek: Picard: The Star Gazer (2022)
Season 2, Episode 1
How is Sevenof Nine knowing Picard? She's on voyager
9 March 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I watched all seasons of Star Trek voyager, while it's not a great show but decent. Seven of nine got killed off in the last season of Star Trek Voyager. How did she even manage to come back to Picard? How does seven of nine know Picard? How does Seven of Nine know who the borg drone Hugh was? How does Picard have hi chatue vineyard back when it was burned to a fire in Generations ? The characters are unlikeable and not good at all. No science in this. Too much sweating for a supposed family oriented show. They only brought old cast members back because of how bad the ratings are and they know the show is a fail. This is NOT Star Trek. This show was made by people who never watched it and only relied on heresay. Do not watch this. This doesn't make any sense. Patrick Stewart only took this role for a paycheck. Quite sad I grew up watching this. I hate new Star Trek so much.
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Euphoria (2019– )
Dumbest "show" drama ever
24 February 2022
This is quite honestly another dumb show. Too much sex and nudity and use of drugs. I we this advertise and looked at the reviews. All of the 10s and 9s rating are paid shills so don't listen to them. Do not watch this filth. I never watched it but only read the reviews. All of todays shows are garbage. Do NOT watch or support this or you're proart of the problem.
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Star Trek: Picard (2020–2023)
Patrick Stewart sold out for a paycheck
18 February 2022
What the hell is this ? This is not the Star Trek I grew up watching as a kid. This is like a marvel drama movie slapped with the Star Trek name on it. I can't believe the other actors signed up to make a cameo for this awful garbage. Alex Kurtzman needs to be sued into oblivion for ripping off other tv shows and black listed never allowed to make a show again. Do not watch this by any means. The show makes no sense. Picard acts like a 100yr old man when he runs up stairs with that girl to help him and he gets turned into a android and still acts old lmao. These Romulo so also look stupid. They're just bringing old characters back because they know the ratings are awful and they're desperate. Boycott this show at all costs.
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How did this show last until 2021? Need to switch it
13 January 2022
This show is fantastic, my complaint I have is that whenever it's streaming they always show Jonathan Frakes on season one, when it should be James Brolin. Although the show did kinda suck at season 4 tbh. I think they ran out of stories. I remember tuning in the first time I saw the show and wasn't scared at all from it and I saw Jonathan Frakes and thought welll I'm gonna enjoy this. Great show tho I watch it it for nostalgia.
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Battlefield 2042 (2021 Video Game)
I regret buying this game
8 January 2022
Bought the game on Xbox series s on sale for $40 and the game feels so unfinished and the game feels so empty. They have no mic chat, micro transactions for mostly just skins and that's pathetic. No story mode and the hero class is awful. DICE is a pathetic company.
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Star Trek: The Next Generation: The Loss (1990)
Season 4, Episode 10
Terrible episode
6 January 2022
Trio looses her telepathic abilities and claims she is disabled and goes around the enterprise crying and wanting to resign because she is "handicapped " I'm disabled myself but I found this insulting. She is not even close to being disabled. A skip episode and avoid it.
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Unsolved Mysteries (2020– )
The show is boring
5 January 2022
The show used to be engaging and fun to watch. Now there is no host for the show just the music in the background and random people talking. They could've tried to find a new host at least. I stick with the old classics. Don't waste your time. I'm done.
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I have no idea this came out today
10 December 2021
Saw a review of RedLetterMedia and this looks like a 1980s cheesy action film. I think The Room is just like this. Bad acting and idk what else to write. I like eggs and bacon and sausage with on a muffin.
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Assassin's Creed: Valhalla (2020 Video Game)
Liking the game
9 December 2021
I'm not finished with the game yet. But I wish they kept the blocking from Odyssey in when you press the left and right bumpers together to block attacks easier. But in this one it's hard to time the blocking mechanics. Still a great story so far.
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Santa Inc. (2021)
Glad I never heard of this till IMDb showed the trailer
9 December 2021
The movie is so bad, I dunno why it was even made. What a shameful disgrace. Why would hbo even want to make tho? I'm glad the movie flipped and getting the backlash it deserves. Do not watch this filth. Go watch Star Wars The Holiday Special instead lol.
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