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Law & Order: Tango (2008)
Season 18, Episode 10
The 'Stupid' Male Ego on ALL SIDES
11 October 2019
Warning: Spoilers
When Mike Cutter's co-worker & fellow ADA, Connie Rubirosa, doesn't think her "Female Qualities" including her attractiveness to SWAY possible jurors' decisions--she must be as clueless as Mike Cutter who's STUPID enough 2 tell her 1 of the male jurors has been 'eyeballing' her throughout the trial & may vote 4 the prosecution's side when it's time 4 the verdict. Is she as Clueless as Cutter is Dumb?? Then add the HUGE male ego 1 of the defendants has added 2 the mix & how he juggles 2 girlfriends, 1 who's a strung-out junkie & jealous of the new chick on the block who's only getting away from her nemesis, Sugar who's the 2nd defendant 4 killing the 'new chick' along w/ her boyfriend who kept Sugar in a state of FEAR & strung out enough to "keep her in line." When both Defendants are convicted of 2nd degree Murder, Mike Cutter feels vindicated & starts 2 offer an apology to Connie who breaks away as the trial ends by telling him "DON'T" (as if she's been as abused as the junkie defendant, Sugar, who's now going to Jail--while Connie feels she's in a "Jail of Sorts' as well...just 1 w/o any walls or bars LOCKING HER IN). All 1 Big "Circle of Fire" both mentally & physically depending on which side you're on...EVERYONE'S GUILTY IN THIS SITUATION! A long, drawn-out hour I could have done without.
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Star Trek: The Next Generation: The Loss (1990)
Season 4, Episode 10
Sickening Portrait of Deanna Troi
7 August 2019
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After feeling an INTENSE headache pain while in her quarters, suddenly Troi is 'too dumb' 2 use her communicator requesting an EMERGENCY SICKBAY BEAM-OUT, she finally contacts Dr. Crusher (in Sickbay) who is now overwhelmed w/ emergency requests from 'all over the ship' due 2 an unknown presence surrounding the Enterprise when Crusher tells Troi to lay down & she'll be there ASAP...only 2 see that Troi has completely lost her sense of feeling people's 'state of mind'. She would've been 1st on the list of Dr. Crusher's patients if she wasn't so Proud (& STUPID, too far above anyone else's 'petty human emotions' compared to her Superior Betazoid Feelings--so she thinks! When Crusher tells Deanna she may not get better & doesn't want to offer her 'any false hope'...Troi snidely retorts that it's just HOPE, not FALSE HOPE! This event gave me so much pleasure that Troi had 'Fallen back to Earth' & no longer had her 'Holier than Thou' attitude of supremacy--especially if the Betazoid senses didn't return to her...WHAT AN ATTITUDE, made even more aggravating when Deanna tells off Dr. Crusher 4 WASTING TIME dealing w/ scraped knees & other minor ailments b4 coming to finally see her! In the end, All is Well when the feelings return & she gets this 'Sickening Smile' on her face which I wanted to slap right off because she evokes a SENSE OF ENTITLEMENT, which I'm really Sick of watching the crew give in to her 'put-on sense of weakness' especially Will Riker who she's been hanging around 4 years waiting for him to change his feelings about her...WHAT A LOW SENSE OF SELF-ESTEEM, especially 4 a Ship's Counselor!! Too bad she wasn't forced to give up her commission and leave the Enterprise 4 good...would have been a VERY SWEET MOMENT in my eyes.
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Star Trek: The Next Generation: The Hunted (1990)
Season 3, Episode 11
Story to Compare today's US Military
15 July 2019
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After a long, drawn out affair to recapture an escaped 'highly trained & lethal' prisoner (Roga Danar) who escaped from the detention center of a planet applying 4 membership to the federation, he is beamed aboard the Enterprise after a 'cat & mouse' game of Danar trying 2 outrun capture in his escape vessel showing no life signs--making it nearly impossible to get him into detention...which is finally done after a long, protracted endeavor. Finally, near the end when Worf has him 1 on 1 w/ Worf's phaser trained on him, Roga catches him off guard during a power fluctuation which distracts Worf long enough for Roga to escape again. How many times do the 'Security Staff' have to know when NOT TO TALK & JUST STUN the prisoner w/ a higher stun setting to knock him out after earlier attempts failed at regular settings. That frustrates me to no end that a 'lack of common sense' seems to prevail at ALL THE WRONG TIMES!! Almost a comical ending after all Enterprise staff were HIGHLY WARNED OF THE DANGERS trying to apprehend the prisoner, who finally is back on his own planet & left to their Prime Minister to do what he wants as the Away team beams back to the Enterprise. Episode could have been completed in half the time--way too drawn out discussing the psychological complexities of fighting wars & how 2 treat those soldiers after returning home to reintegrate back into society.
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Law & Order: Ain't No Love (2005)
Season 15, Episode 13
Serena's Big Reveal is a "SELL-OUT"
13 May 2019
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Just 2 wait until the end of her last episode for Serena (Rebecca Rohm) 2 reveal after being fired by D.A. Branch (Fred Thompson) because they didn't see "eye to eye" on the mission of being a Prosecutor, especially 4 the Dist. Attorney's Office which was about CRACKING DOWN ON CRIME & not being a sympathetic bystander at times--like Serena believed was possible. So that was the excuse for D.A. Branch to FIRE Serena...where she asked "it's not because I'm a Lesbian, Right?" & Branch says "No, of course not." Serena's lackluster retort was "Okay, Good.---Good." Fade to Black! What a terrible ending & least thought out excuse 2 write someone off the show...when it was NEVER revealed in all the seasons & episodes Rebecca Rohm played as ADA Serena Southerlyn that she was Gay. ARE U KIDDING--the writers couldn't come up w/ a better idea or just didn't care enough since it was basically a "throw-away line" & had no Special Significance. Who in the world would answer the way she did almost w/ NO REGARD or CONVICTION 2 her position--saying "Okay, Good---Good." That was it...Bye-Bye!
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Law & Order: Magnet (2006)
Season 16, Episode 14
Privileged White Kids cause School Murder
8 May 2019
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As I was catching up on some old "Law & Order" episodes I missed during their original airing while Sundance was running a marathon of episodes, which run a couple of times a week, listen 2 this info about a "formerly" famous Actress. The main reason I'm even writing this revue is 2 say how SHOCKED I was when Kathleen Turner showed up, as a defense lawyer for 1 of the Privileged white kids who murdered a Hispanic boy who studied music & was considered "un-manly or not very macho" by the killer's clique of friends. Anyway, when Kathleen Turner was picked 2 star in the film "Body Heat" less than 10 years earlier, she was a Femme Fatale & Seductress to ensnare William Hurt's character. After not seeing her in a # of years--she looks like a "SWOLLEN BALLOON" w/ a Cosmetic Surgery on her nose which looks almost "pig-like"...what a shame after being known & specifically cast (probably in most cases) as a Very Attractive woman. Sadly, those days are LONG GONE!! The rest of the episode plays out as a typical morality play about not judging races or nationalities b4 getting 2 know someone & maybe avoid the need, maxed out on meds or not, to ensnare a victim w/ NO REGARD 4 anyone else's family & friends who are greatly affected by the murdered victim's loss of life!
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Law & Order: Aftershock (1996)
Season 6, Episode 23
Rashomon reworked for American TV
26 January 2019
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The famous Akira Kurosawa film, Rashomon, from Japan many years ago is redone for a 1-hr. American TV production. It's a retelling from the main protagonist's viewpoints, including Lenny, Rey (the 2 detectives) & the ADA, Jack McCoy. Some of the other peripheral characters are all there but not focused on as usual this time. The 3 protagonists go back to Attica prison to witness an Execution they were all involved in 1 way or another in putting this guy behind bars; the aftermath is the main part of this well-thought out plot & how each person deals w/ their emotions & feelings about whether they did the "RIGHT THING" putting this man to death! Lenny tries to forget it by going to a bar & shooting pool b4 finally giving in to having a REAL drink, after running into McCoy, who's pushing down several scotch & soda's and talking to another couple guys he met at the bar...talking about his OLD MAN "walking the beat" as a cop & always wanted to do the same; the pressure was too much to succeed at something better than the father did. Meanwhile, Rey has met an attractive young lady who convinces him to take her to lunch, after which they end up back at her apartment kissing & dancing to the music they bought in the used CD bins set up in the park. Each of the 3 is very aloof & acting strangely than their normal demeanor. The emotional affects & psychological undertones runs thru each person's "take" on how the day ended up...sadly, Clare (the asst. to Jack McCoy) offers to drive Lenny home after getting a little drunk (when he's normally sober & a member of AA) but her good deed got her punished when a work van blindsided her directly into the driver's side, killing her instantly as Lenny walks around in a shock, saying nothing but taking in ALL THE PAIN THAT WAS RELEASED IN JUST 1 DAY. Obviously, that was Clare's (Jill Hennessy) last episode...What a way to go OUT! A gut-wrenching tear-jerker of an episode. One of the best, well written episodes not to mention the roller-coaster ride of the journey you've never seen about the inner emotions & how this affected their views of each other & namely, THEMSELVES!
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Second-class version of "Heat"
5 January 2019
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This movie while filled with a fair amount of action and excitement, is nothing but a complete cheap version of the great Michael Mann film called "Heat" with Al Pacino & Robert De Niro...almost about the exact same thing. Trying to rip off a Federal Reserve Bank in downtown LA

With heavy weaponry used by both sides of the heist. From there, the excitement is ratcheted up, but not anywhere close to the development of the characters and excitement of Michael Mann's film. Gerard Butler always seems like he's just "trying to hard" 2 be an A-LIST actor, which he's not in my mind. I've enjoyed his work much more in other past projects...maybe this was a little too predictable, but not really sure why!

If I'm not mistaken, that was the first film where Pacino & DeNiro were actually on screen together doing a scene, even though they had been cast in the same movies, but were never in the same scenes together prior to Heat..Give me the original any day, between the excellent cast & the better overall development and excitement of a thrill ride with Heat compared to "Den of Thieves."
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Law & Order: Loco Parentis (2000)
Season 10, Episode 10
"The sins of the son ARE visited upon the father"
11 May 2018
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The last line of the episode sums it all up...when Abbie Carmichael, Jack McCoy's Assistant D.A., says that "the Mother sacrificed the Father, to save the Son." The father was charged with a case of second-degree manslaughter (depraved indifference), by allowing his son to commit violent acts against his school mate who was continually bullied...until he took it too far one day, & killed him with a weapon (used in martial arts), known as a "kama", which is a traditional Japanese farming implement similar to a sickle. When the mother stood up in court, claiming that the husband was responsible for the son's crimes, & went against their own Defense Attorney's argument for saving the Father from being charged, the whole case changed for the Prosecution...and being able to sit down & work out a plea deal agreement with the defendants. In most cases, they say that "the sins of the father, should not be visited upon the son"...however, in this case, it turns out to be just the opposite. The father's inability or unwillingness to step in & see what the son was doing to the other boy, who was being bullied & eventually killed...was too serious an issue to allow the Father NOT to be held responsible...especially, when he encouraged it all to begin with!
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Dateline NBC: Tipping Point (2015)
Season 24, Episode 7
Cheated by New York Prosecutor's office
15 April 2018
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A young Latino man, Johnny Hincapie, was falsely imprisoned by the state of New York in 1990, after he was coerced by the New York City Police Department into making a false confession, after being beaten by detectives and held against his will after being told that he would be allowed to leave if he just read the statement that the police force-fed into his mouth. A real shameful episode in American jurisprudence, which almost didn't get corrected if it wasn't for a couple of individuals with scruples, that were willing to help the young man out and did an unbelievable job to save his life from being in prison forever, after serving 25 years in jail. The New York prosecutor's office were filled with a bunch of liars, crooks, and thieves...just like the people that they supposedly were trying to put away for doing unlawful activities, which seemed awfully similar to their behavior in the court of law, where the scales of Justice weren't very balanced!
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Get Out (I) (2017)
More than a Classic horror Thriller
11 April 2018
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When I saw the Academy Award winning film on HBO, before the Oscars were even presented, I knew this film was going to win an award. It did for Jordan Peele, as the "Best Original Screenplay" of 2017. The scene that stood out to me, was when Chris, the film's protagonist, near the very end, comes to life (after being induced into a trance-like state by the girlfriend's mother who hypnotized him) so that he can become just a "body" to donate his organs for a white man, while Chris is black. Chris takes the mounted 'Deer Head' off the wall & uses the antlers to stab the girlfriend's father to death...just before he plans on removing Chris's organs for the transplant surgery, since the father is a doctor. Watching the blood GUSH from the father, & the antlers stuck into him by Chris with such Delight, knowing that Chris is just about FREE from the "Nightmare" of getting away from the girlfriend's family...who has basically held him captive, with NO FREE WILL (which is the underlying theme of the whole movie). "Get Out" was more than worthy of an Oscar, for Jordan Peele's "Best Original Screenplay"...How many different ways can I say Outstanding. No need to, that says it all!
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Law & Order: Intolerance (1992)
Season 2, Episode 20
Detective Logan's "Finest Moment"
14 March 2018
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Even after a successful prosecution by the District Attorney's office for murder charges because of a young Chinese student's death, detectives Logan & Cerreta come through at the end to reverse a conviction because of their Truth and Honesty, standing up for bringing clues to the D.A. that overturn the conviction... and thus allow a mistrial. The convicts, mother and son, are to be released, after showing that the results were "Impossible" get the conviction originally. With all the years that Mike Logan struggled with the job, and occasionally fighting Superiors, or "bending the rules" to try and make a case...this must have been His Finest Moment as a Detective, working for the NYPD. Assistant D.A. Stone has no choice, but to go back to the court and ask the judge to grant a mistrial of the original results. Truth and Justice outweighed anyting else that mattered in this case!
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Law & Order: Criminal Intent: Bedfellows (2006)
Season 6, Episode 5
Rip Torn always "Steals the show"
28 February 2018
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The ending tells the whole story as Goren and Eames stare at each other as one little boy is picked up by his grandfather, Rip Torn, and the other one is left standing there, staring at the two detectives. Rip Torn is a wealthy man, with two sons, each of whom is treated differently by their father. One who is responsible, and the other is not...Each of whom is married and has a son with each of the two wives. Those two little boys, are a perfect reflection of the whole relationship of how Rip treats the two sons, and eventually his grandsons. One day, Rip takes the two little boys to an amusement park, and each one is given money at the beginning of their the end of which they come back, asking if their grandfather will buy them popcorn. Rip asks both of them if they still have the money they were given earlier, and the one grandson, who is from the more responsible of Rip's two sons, takes out a dollar from his pocket while the other grandson already spent his money, at which point Rip tells him he'll have to do without the popcorn. The whole episode comes full circle as a result of how those two grandsons represent a mirror image of Rip's two sons, and his relationship with both of them. Everything is done so brilliantly! That's without even going into detail about how Rip's two daughters-in-law are part of both Rip's sons being killed...and the obvious suspect is the daughter-in-law of Rip's son who is not looked kindly upon, only to find out that it's the other daughter in law, from Rip's well treated son, who was an author and financially responsible...who becomes the killer and does all of the dastardly deeds committed during the episode. That daughter-in-law is the one who is handcuffed and walked away by the police, waiting in the Rip's favorite grandson runs to him and jumps into his arms, while the other boy is standing there alone, staring at our heroes, Goren and Eames. The whole episode Is written, acted, and executed so brilliantly...that it leaves you amazed at how real the episode reflects life! My only complaint is the cheap-looking, bad toupee' on Rip Torn's head. Otherwise, excellent!
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Law & Order: Trust (1992)
Season 2, Episode 15
"Timely" discussion of Gun rights & Gun Control
27 February 2018
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A young boy who has been coached, trained, and eventually convinced, both mentally & psychologically, that it's okay to not only use a gun...But to threaten his own mother, and later his school friends, by convincing them that it's all a game which turns out to be "Deadly!" After a second boy is shot and killed by playing this game of "chicken", the boy's mother brakes the rules of her divorce and the events that caused the Break-Up, which was her son's killing of the first school friend, before he decided to do the same later on, after he was supposed to be under psychological guidance and counseling, while under the supervision of the father who had custody. Eventually, the boy is sent to jail while the mother just stares in disbelief from the back of the courtroom, and then glares at the father who was next to the defense attorney representing his son, as they both see the boy walked off into the back of the courthouse to be sent away to prison. When Robinette asks Assistant District Attorney, Stone if he could have testified against his own child, he classically says "not without it ripping me in half"...and the episode ends. Gun control and kids' involvement in it, is still a big question and an ordeal, especially after the Nicholas Cruz school shootings in Florida a few days back. The whole gun issue is "ripping this nation into two halves", like A.D.A. Stone said, who both believe they're right, and the other side is DEAD wrong...with the emphasis on DEAD!!
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It's all about ETHICS
25 November 2017
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The biggest reason for my high 10 star rating, is contained in the subject matter's title... the ETHICS is the key. It's not because the episode is the greatest in terms of the characters or the dialogue, even though there are some fairly explosive scenes. The last lines of dialogue in the episode tell the whole story about the proceedings. Assistant D.A. Carver tells Goren & Eames that they need to teach this case in classes at schools of government, and Detective Goren has a quick retort that they need to teach this in law school "Ethics class" he glares at the District Attorney before the credits run. GOREN WINS AGAIN!.. even at the expense of overpowering someone from within the apparatus of state-run bureaucracy...and that's the whole point, isn't it?! To do the right thing, even at the expense of alienating your higher-ups, which could lead to the loss of your job...But the message is more important in the end, not the individual. Too bad you don't see enough of that in the world of politics today!
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Grateful for Unintended Consequences
16 October 2017
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I originally didn't intend to watch "The Collection" For no particular reason, then I brought up the program listings guide on Sunday afternoon, and clicked on the local Los Angeles PBS station. I saw episode 2 was scheduled to be televised that night, And decided to set the DVR... And go back to watch the first episode online, which I have done to my great delight. The writing is outstanding, and character development so well done, that you can't ask more from a series (Masterpiece) I've watched on PBS, Over the years...with a reputation nothing less than par-excellence, going all the way back to when it was still hosted by Alastair Cooke and known as "Masterpiece Theater", With its beautiful weekly presentment...brought to life by its Renaissance style theme music, Which I, along with millions of others Who followed the program regularly, I'm sure, must have truly loved hearing that theme music played...every time It came on.

This series (the Collection), All about the post-WWII times in France, trying to regain Its stature, By the use of high Couture fashion, out of Paris, To gain respectability... after The Vichy government allowed the Nazis to walk in, uncontested, And take over The country... while the collaboration of the French government, didn't put up a fight, To the dismay of many of its citizens. Those who didn't have enough bread to eat after the war ended... And many of the French bakeries who were forced to close several days per week, until they could get enough supplies to even feed their citizens again, were probably part of the original resistance, and never forgave the government, especially those in higher-up positions of authority, who got everything they wanted or needed, unlike the majority of their citizenry. Excellent juxtaposition Of real life history, With character development to represent all the facets of life, from the highest to the lowest classes.

If you in anyway feel uncomfortable with the representation of a gay character, brought to life  on the screen, completely, in all aspects... You may feel threatened by this series, Or at least certain parts of this episode, in particular.

It's not just about the fashion industry trying to regain its identity and getting a foothold within The French culture, It's about the peoples' identity trying to regain who they are as a people, and a culture... While trying to overcome the high price they paid for their Government "selling out"... thinking they had overcome the worst obstacles, once the war had come to an end. Only to find that the struggle for self-identity was even harder than they may have thought.

I eagerly await The chance To view episode 2  from the DVR, that I hadn't planned to record, And now wholeheartedly, am glad that I did!
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Law & Order: Identity (2003)
Season 14, Episode 6
A senile Old Man who isn't so "Senile"
9 October 2017
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I have never before or after remember seeing the actor who played an elderly African-American gentleman named Lonnie Jackson (Paul Benjamin). He has a mild case of dementia, which plays into the plot's story-line of how he may or may not be involved in a murder case that's being investigated. All I could imagine was anyone involved in the scenes being filmed, who were there during production, must have given him a standing ovation afterwards, when the director yelled "Cut". Because I wanted to stand up and give him a round of applause... for the feelings he engendered in me. Watching him play a part with so much pizazz, that all of the subplots came together in the last few lines that he had in such a way... that it was an honor to watch! He literally brought me to feelings of Triumph and tearful Disaster at the same time, due to knowing the outcome that his "Honest" reactions in front of all the other Witnesses produced. When I looked up his name after the episode, and saw the parts that he's had, in famous movies including "Midnight Cowboy" and Clint Eastwood's film "Escape from Alcatraz"...2 of my favorite all-time films, I was shocked to realize that I had seen him over the years and didn't realize that it was the same actor, mostly due to his age since he is almost 80 years old. My hat's off to Mr. Benjamin and if he ever has a chance to see this review, just imagine me standing and clapping as hard as I could, when I got finished watching your fabulous performance! Thank you for the privilege, especially since I have two elderly parents, that I could relate to them...many of the characteristics that you brought to life in your portrayal of Lonnie Jackson. Thank you very much!
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A Contrition of None (Nun)
30 September 2017
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Most of this episode gets bogged down in the details of a past crime, that was witnessed by a young woman, who doesn't want to discuss the details, thus the title in the "Summary" section. She sees a murder and helps cause the outcome... only to later become a Catholic nun in the church. The majority of the episode is not memorable, and is a big runaround until they get to the closing scene, where everything falls into place.The woman who plays the nun, Sister Olivia (Susan Misner) who was involved in the murder as a young girl, is so outstanding and brings you to tears watching her performance... that it's almost impossible not to break down "emotionally", because she is so Heartfelt with her memory & description of the past events, that she's tried to runaway from, just like most of the girls she "protects". Most of them have run away from a life of prostitution, and men looking to track them down to bring them back into a life they no longer want...they want NONE of it, and Sister Olivia is the NUN to help them achieve that. The ending to this episode is one of the most outstanding, dramatic sequences I have watched in all the episodes of viewing Criminal Intent, and that's a lot...which says A LOT!
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"Video game comes to Life"
30 September 2017
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I've never been much of a fan of video games, and most attempts at turning them into film adaptations, haven't worked out very well, most of the time... not in this case, however. This reminds me of a combination between "Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon" for some of the special effects, and Wolverine (Hugh Jackman's character) from the X-Men movies, similar to the way Michael Fassbender's character uses daggers to thwart his competitors while he's in a time-warp "Limbo", trying to figure out who he is and why he's in the position he's at during his interplay with Marion Cotillard (the daughter of Jeremy Irons' character). The whole point is to discover the original "Apple" from the Garden of Eden that gave Original Humanity the chance at immortal Life, and knowledge of how to live that life... if, and only if, it's passed on by descendants of the original Generations. The movie seamlessly moves between the past and modern times with a very clever device, that allows you to imagine what HG Wells created, when he thought of the "Time Machine"...because that was the first thing I thought of when Michael Fassbender weaves himself between the past and the present. Wouldn't it be nice if we could all really do that? I'm not sure exactly what it says about Society and the fascination to want to either go back and change things in the past, or be able to predict the future in ways that control who and what we are... in terms of personal choice, political motivations, and the middle ground between those two. I became lost in this lovely Phantasm of time and space, while I lost myself during the viewing of this film... And loved every minute, or just about. And for me, I find that a very rare thing nowadays!
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Law & Order: Sport of Kings (2005)
Season 15, Episode 22
Most Boring episode Ever
22 September 2017
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I almost never watch any of the regular Law & Order episodes, because I'm a huge Criminal Intent fan, but I happened to catch this one. The only reason I even thought about watching this episode, was because I saw the plot's story-line revolved around a Jockey's murder, and when I was a young kid, I used to go to the racetrack a lot. My dad and a fellow friend of our family, who was European (and a big gambler), loved going to the horse races. I got to tag along, as a little 8 year old kid, having fun running around & watching the thrill of a horse race...and holding on to the racing tickets, tightly in my hand, waiting for the end of the race... hoping we could go back to the window to cash them in as a winner. I have never seen a more boring combination than Michael Imperioli and Dennis Farina as detectives, who sound about as interested in finding out about the clues to their case as a dog on a walk. They have no chemistry together, the whole episode was ruined because the writers (6 listed on the credits, which I've never seen so many before), didn't know how to really come up with an ending. All to justify a man, who stole his company's pension fund money, to buy a racehorse... only to be found dead in the trunk of his car at the airport, when they thought he had fled the country to avoid showing up for his court case. Adding to the misery, is the most boring character in a police, detective-style show that I've ever seen, which is Fred Thompson, playing the District Attorney. This man is so boring, that you can understand why he left acting to try and become a professional politician... which he did as a U.S. Senator for awhile... And I'm guessing he was equally boring in politics, as he was as an actor. Terrible! The only other thing I found odd about the episode, which was hinted at in another review, is that the main detectives, Who start the episode and find the clues to develop the case, suddenly disappear from the show... and it's basically taken over by the attorneys involved. The district attorney's team, defense attorney and anybody else who shows up in court, especially the people charged with the crime being investigated... you might see the detectives show back up, only because they're required to give testimony in court, otherwise they're usually gone from the show, which is an aspect I personally don't care for... it ruins the continuity of the whole episode as far as I'm concerned. To say anymore is a waste of my I won't!
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Law & Order: Criminal Intent: Lady's Man (2009)
Season 8, Episode 11
Detective Eames "Revealed"
21 September 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Here's another episode that I never got to see when it was on during the original run. It was so great to learn something, especially about Alexandra Eames, Bobby Goren's partner, and the second lead in the show after him. She's almost invisible in so many episodes, because Bobby "steals" all the scenes he's in...with her or almost everyone else. Let's face it...the best scenes and writing always involve his character. So it was a real pleasure to see part of her past revealed, with Bobby being the one to uncover part of the mystery of who and why she IS the person that she became... after her husband, Joe, got killed. The reveal, unfortunately, was too slow and too long of a process to make it thrilling... the way some of the best episodes come to a final conclusion. I can't say the same about this one, Sadly... which is part of the reason for my rating of only a "7 out of 10". I always feel cheated when I get an opportunity to see an episode that I missed from the original airings, and then don't feel the thrill or "Rush" of getting the chance to uncover (like the detectives in the show)... an episode that I didn't know about before. But, I think I've said it in other reviews somewhere, that "some episodes are just better than others." It's that simple! I did however learn one more thing by listening to Bobby Goren during a scene when he was speaking to someone and asked if they knew about the famed psychiatrist Carl Jung, who Said that..."Rage is the female side of our nature" which I don't ever recall hearing and was very thought-provoking. Something to leave you with, long after the episode is over and another reason why I think Criminal Intent is so good. Kudos to the writers and as always to Vincent D'Onofrio for bringing it to life... That part was outstanding, unlike the majority of the episode.
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Law & Order: Criminal Intent: Folie a Deux (2009)
Season 8, Episode 7
A commonly "Uncommon" expression
20 September 2017
Warning: Spoilers
When I looked up the name of this episode, "Folie a Deux", I was shocked to see how many titles actually came up on the search... So I had to refine the listings, to just show the titles of "TV episodes" only instead of "All listings" which is the normal default mode on the IMDb "search" setting. A portion of the Wikipedia definition states: French for "madness of two", or shared psychosis which, if you read my Personal Description, with having studied Latin in high school, is an obvious enough terminology to understand in English. But, I honestly don't recall hearing that expression or seeing it used in Articles or write-ups almost anywhere that I've looked and read over the course of my lifetime, which is now up to 56 years. I never cease to stop learning something, every time I watch one of the Criminal Intent episodes, which is why I am such a devoted fan of this show and continue to watch reruns, in syndication of old episodes, some of which I have never seen. Getting back to the Wikipedia definition... It continues to say "a psychiatric syndrome in which symptoms of a delusional belief and hallucinations are transmitted from one individual to another"... and that's the basis for the main premise of this particular episode. Several people "buy in" to a shared psychosis of kidnapping a little girl, to obtain the wealthy grandmother's money... and the psychosis gets worse, as the circumstances ratchet up, and the detectives get closer and closer to finding out why a little girl was kidnapped to start with. The episode itself, probably isn't one of the greatest I've watched in this series...But the drama and how they tie all the separate parts together are usually very satisfying. That's the case here, as well. The most appropriate thing to me about the title of the episode and the "shared Madness" of people around each other, is exactly how I view our political scene right now. So you can't get more current, appropriate timing than that...can you?!!
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Law & Order: Criminal Intent: Grow (2005)
Season 5, Episode 1
Modern version of Classic Hollywood "Good vs Evil"
18 September 2017
After Bobby Goren, there's nobody I enjoy watching more in this series than when Nicole Wallace (played by Olivia d'Abo) is in one of the episodes. She is definitely the "yin to his yang" or reverse, however you'd like to call it... But they are two mirror images of the same personality with the only difference being that Bobby works on the side of "good" whereas Nicole represents the opposite side of "evil". It's almost like something out of an old Western film, with the Good guys wearing white, and the Bad characters all dressed in black. I can't help but think of so many Classic, Hollywood Westerns that are too numerous to mention here. The beauty of watching them do a scene together, is how almost "unscripted" it feels and natural, that the dialogue just happens. It's not stunted, there is no feeling of somebody just reading words off of a script, it just happens the way the best scenes always do... in the best shows, the best movies, and the best entertainment of any kind, is when it's just really, as they say, "in the moment." And boy... When these two get together, it is so in the moment, that you don't need anybody else to "move the story forward" or "to draw a conclusion to an ending", because Bobby Goren and Nicole Wallace get it all done, just by themselves! I just saw this episode less than a month ago, and after starting to watch a few minutes... Wound up finishing the whole episode, all the way through to the end...I could not turn it off. No need to say anymore than I already have... It speaks for itself!
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Reminder of real-life "DC-Sniper attacks" case in 2002
18 September 2017
Only reason I was interested in watching was to see David Andrews, who was a former customer at a small restaurant/dessert shop my family ran in the L.A. area for many years & is now out-of-business. So, we got to know David and always liked to see him do well, with all the struggling actors in Hollywood...even though he was in much higher demand because of his name recognition & excellent skills as an actor. It was slightly disappointing that his part was minimal in this episode, given his stature in the Industry...but I guess they all can't be winners! This episode was not a favorite of mine, but no's always great to see someone you know personally in a part, especially when it brings out the "character actor" in them, as opposed to the real-life person you know, in the flesh. That's when you see how good their talent really is, because you barely recognize them anymore while the episode is running...and you forget it's the same guy you know!
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Law & Order: Criminal Intent: My Good Name (2005)
Season 4, Episode 22
Unbelievable intrigue and drama that leads to an explosive finale of scenes that are unbelievable.
14 September 2017
The whole reason I watch and love this show is because of Vince D'Onofrio or (Bobby Goren, his character's name in the show). The way he builds suspense, violence, and every other aspect of interacting with other characters in the scenes, is just amazing. The final last 10 minutes of this show are better than any television episode that I've ever watched in over 50 years of viewing, and I'm an avid television watcher. I don't know if Vince was so engaged with doing this series that he didn't have the time or energy to consider doing more outside this show... But the one thing that always comes to mind that's so opposite of the character that he played in this series was the part in the movie he did with Jennifer Lopez called "The Cell". He was so avant- garde in that part, that you can't almost believe that it's the same person that you've watched playing the best NYPD homicide detective for the major case Squad in all the years of watching Law & Order: Criminal Intent. As a straight, heterosexual male, I won't say that I love Vince D'Onofrio... But I definitely will admit to the BIGGEST "Man Crush" ever on the BEST TV ACTOR EVER! By the way, a big thank you to WE TV, the station that runs day-long marathons of this show along with other versions of the Law & Order series... It would be impossible to see some of the episodes that I never watched, including the one that I just reviewed here. The moniker of the channel "WE" supposedly stands for "women's entertainment" if I'm not mistaken... Well this show definitely qualifies for more than just female viewing... because all takers need the opportunity to see the greatness of Vincent D'Onofrio in this part.
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