
10 Reviews
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Highly entertaining
18 March 2024
Ok. I'll deal with the elephant in the room first - the actress playing Irene isn't great, but nor are the lines she's been given. However, the rest of the casting is spot on and the show is that rare blend of comedy and threat.

Best plan is to relax and not take it too seriously. Chances are you'll enjoy it just as much as we have. If you do, the good news is that season 4 is due out next month! Hopefully it will continue the improvement that we've seen from each season to the next.

The show is a great example of how much Spanish TV has improved over the past 10 years or so. Long may it continue.
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The Lazarus Project (2022–2023)
Increasingly silly
21 November 2023
I understand that a plot like this requires the viewer to suspend their disbelief in the main premise of the story. I had no problem doing that with the first series but the second was a bridge too far. The endless resetting into the past became initially confusing and in the end plain annoying. Like Groundhog day on steroids. One quote from Janet springs to mind "My brain is fried. I'm going to call it a night". I could really identify with her at that moment as I felt exactly the same. Sadly I had by that stage ceased to care about any of the other characters so that's where I left it. No need to time travel to the end of the series - I simply stopped watching!
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Pure marmite
13 March 2023
Quite how this won the Best Picture Oscar against All Quiet on the Western Front is beyond me. I'll admit that I'm not a huge fan of Sci Fi movies in general but this is truly weird and all of the place. Not exactly a coherent piece of film making imho. Nor an enjoyable one. I daresay some will love it simply because it won Best Picture and ergo must be great. I didn't love it because it was exceptionally silly without being funny enough to compensate. I can't really comment on the 2nd half because I didn't last that long - I had lost all interest long before then. I'm just glad I watched it on Amazon Prime and didn't have to waste money on cinema tickets. Small comfort, mind you!
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The Menu (2022)
Just don't!!
25 November 2022
Worst movie I have EVER seen, bar none. Ridiculous plot, presumably the product of a very sad mind? I was expecting tripe - turns out that was the whole "menu". Nothing vaguely funny about it either and the ending was predictable, albeit long overdue.

It's not a movie I could recommend to anyone and it was very disappointing to see quality actors taking on such drivel. My misery was then further added to by realising that I had to write 600+ characters for this review. Almost as boring a task as sitting in a cinema watching the movie for the two hours I'll never get back. Would have gladly paid NOT to see this movie.
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Truly dreadful. Ridiculously far-fetched.
18 July 2022
Simply the worst BBC drama I've seen in many years. The plot is risible and the acting little better. Attention to detail is ignored e.g. Our 'hero' in a crappy white van speeds off from scene of accident approximately 80m in front of BMW police car. Somehow manages to gain so much time on the police car that he can afford to wait for a sticky up-and-over garage door to go up high enough to let him drive in !

Part 2 is on tonight but instead I'd recommend washing your hair/making some brownies/going for a walk or simply changing channel !
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Funeral for a Dog (2022– )
I stopped caring by the end of episode 4
3 April 2022
The thing with foreign language programmes (ok, there's a bit of English in this one) is that they require your full concentration. In some cases it's worth it. In others it isn't. For me, Funeral for a dog is in the latter category. I ended up jealous of the dog!
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Beautifully shot, like The Piano, but equally hateful
6 March 2022
Every bit as slow moving and dull as The Piano, sadly. Must just be Campion's style. What's going on in the world is depressing enough without having to watch this. First hour was more than enough for me.
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Belfast (2021)
Just so disappointing after all the hype
25 January 2022
Good things about this movie:-

Jude Hill's acting (as Buddy) Some good oneliners

Bad things :-

Pretty much everything else but especially a total lack of realism (I was also born and raised in Northern Ireland) in many of the scenes (eg the ridiculous scene where two sets of armed security forces are facing off against each other) and the fact that the film is effectively a pastiche of tiny pieces, none of which are long enough to elicit any real emotional attachment in the viewer. I'll admit that my own overall enjoyment wasn't added to by the extensive use of Van Morrison's music, which I can't stand.

All in all, it's a movie for the luvvies and I'm not one of them. If you are, good luck to you. For me, I really hope it doesn't win any of the major awards - it doesn't deserve any. Jamie Dornan, for example was FAR better in The Tourist.
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Two hours of my life wasted
8 January 2022
Agree totally with the top reviewer. Arty farty drivel. I thought I was playing it in slow motion. I'm a fan of Coleman but this was turgid stuff. 96% on Rotten Tomatoes - really??
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Utter drivel
14 October 2021
Wow - great cast. Appalling dialogue. All over the place and so irritating I gave up after half an hour which was approximately 30 minutes too long! No wonder it never made it to the BBC's main channel.
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