
14 Reviews
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Fantastic Movie
12 August 2007
If you like action flicks, and if you've seen the previous Bourne movies, this is a "don't miss" show. The action is non-stop, and there's something about Damon's portrayal of the Bourne character that is totally involving. It's hard not to identify with the main character. At several points in the movie there were verbal exclamations from the audience and spotty applause--a sure sign that the involvement was complete. My only complaint with this movie was the filming of the action sequences. Some idiot (the director?) thought the excitement would be increased by stimulating nausea in the audience with jerky camera movement. At many times it feels like the scenes are being filmed by a raw amateur (me for example). The camera work sometimes makes Youtube camera work look expert by comparison. Still... it's worth seeing and is one of the best movies of the year.
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Ho Hum and Anachronistic
1 July 2006
Warning: Spoilers
I like the "comic-based movies." We've enjoyed Spiderman and the X-Men and a number of similar things. So we were looking forward to Superman Returns. It was a disappointment in most respects. Oddly enough, we found the acting to be satisfactory (not great), but the special effects and story were weak. We could not get past the 50s feel of the Daily Planet (ala the original Superman) combined with an attempt to "technify" the details to bring it up to date. It did not work. Can you picture dropping some people from the 50s into the year 2006 and expecting them to act natural? They wouldn't. And all of the characters in this story fail to act natural too. They seem misplaced. It would have been much better to simply set this story in the 50s.

The story is in many respects a direct take-off on the "savior" story of Christian faith, and Superman is a type of Jesus Christ. His posture with arms spread (ala crucifix), his sacrificing his life to save the people of Earth, the "I am always around" … "I hear and see everything." In some cases the lines spoken be Superman sound like paraphrased Bible verses. As in when he returns from "death" and says to his son, "The father is the son and the son is the father." With such a heady inspiration for the dialog, the movie fell far short of the inspiration and seemed weak and tacky. It MIGHT be a decent DVD rental, but perhaps not even worth that. Wait till it gets to television.
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Just My Luck (2006)
13 May 2006
We watched this movie on a quiet night when most of the city's people were probably watching a very exciting NHL playoff hockey game. The hockey game definitely had more to offer than "Just My Luck." On the other hand, the movie was not the failure that many reviewers claim. Some of the actors do not deliver great performances, and the story line is not very believable. But if you go to a movie with like this with lofty goals in mind, you're sure to be disappointed. "Just My Luck" is light and fluffy and there's not a serious reflection contained in it. If it pains you to spend $10 on fluff, then wait for the DVD release. If you need something mildly amusing on a quiet night, the movie is okay.
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23 February 2006
This seems to be one of those movies that touches viewers based strictly on their sympathy with the subject matter. Although an awful lot has been made about how "ground-breaking" this movie is (and it may be, for all I know), as a heterosexual married couple my spouse and I found this movie boring in the extreme. (The couple we were with agreed.) We see a lot of movies and we've seen some great performances this year. This wasn't even close to being one of them. The question I have to ask is "If this love story was NOT about gay lovers, how would it rate as a movie and love story?" The answer is "poor." And that's what makes me think this is a great movie for people who have a particular interest in the subject matter, but not a great movie for other people.
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Fantastic Four (I) (2005)
Like reading a comic book
11 July 2005
We've seen most of the "comic book movies" and felt this one rated at the bottom of the heap. My spouse thought it was worse than "The Hulk." Personally, I felt the special effects in "Fantastic 4" helped it edge just a bit ahead of "The Hulk." Either way, I'd take a pass on this movie and catch it on DVD when you've nothing better to do with your time. The acting is cheesy, and based on the performances it's hard to believe any of the actors have serious acting careers. The story line was spotty and the dialog was something I might have written if I was doing the screenplay. NOT a good thing! I actually found my mind drifting during the show, as the story was failing to engage me.
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An enjoyable show
2 October 2004
I saw this at a sneak preview. The theatre was full, 75% of the audience appeared to be 50+ years of age. This was a solid, enjoyable show. Lots of laughs and many whimsical moments. Gere and Lopez did not appear to have much chemistry, but this did not detract from the movie, as the chemistry between Gere and Sarandon, as well as other actors, was excellent. No crude language. No foul humor. A meaningful storyline. Not a movie for anyone who ever says, "But life isn't like that--it wasn't 'realistic' enough." The only part of the movie I felt was a bit forced was near the end where Lopez was dancing alone in the studio, but my wife says this is "normal" for a dance movie. (Excuuuse me!)
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The Notebook (2004)
A romantic and touching story
19 June 2004
I had read "The Notebook" about 10 years ago and remembered it as one

of the best love stories ever, so I was prepared to be disappointed by the


As far as I could recall the film was faithful to the book. All 4 of the main characters do a credible job, with an extra nod to James Garner who

made the most of his role. There seemed to be an excellent natural

chemistry between each of the love interests.

The story is emotionally engaging, and if you're sort of person who cries

at movies, this one will give your tear ducts an Olympic quality workout. I

would rate this movie as one of the best of its genre that I have ever

seen. 9/10
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Troy (2004)
I found the movie surprisingly satisfying
5 June 2004
Having endured 3 separate "Lord of the Rings" movies, I was braced for

an epic. I almost brought my pillow and alarm clock, which I needed for

LOTR. I'm happy to say neither was necessary for "Troy". For my money

"Troy" surpasses LOTR in every possible way except media hype. The

action is good, acting is passible in most cases, and of course the story

line is classic. I can't for the life of me understand what the negative

comments are all about. I see a LOT of movies and this is right up there

with the good ones. My wife and I both enjoyed it more than any of the 3

LOTR, and in fact we both thought it was better than Hidalgo. The only

problem we noticed with "Troy" was logistical. Considering the number of

items in this movie that are being built with massive amounts of timbers,

and considering that almost every vista of the horizon is barren of trees,

we wondered just how much the directors expected us to suspend our

disbelief. Would it have been too much to show a few groves of trees

close to the building sites??
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Filthy language ruins a good tale
27 March 2004
I had such great hopes for this movie, and Tom Hanks was great, as

usual. But the filthy language made it almost impossible to tolerate. I am

sure there were more than 100 instances of motherf-----r, not to

mention numerous "f" words used in every possible configuration, not to

mention non-stop "God d--ns" and "Jesus Christs," etc. The onslaught of

filth pouring from the speakers was almost unbelievable.

My wife said the movie was totally degrading of black people, portraying

them as stupid hicks.

The plot itself is mildly amusing--but for same selection of excitement

and filth, just go down to a local high school corner and stand around the

bus stop for half an hour. It won't cost you a dime and you'll get roughly

the same experience.
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Very worthwhile and entertaining show
9 January 2004
It's true -- I am over 50. Perhaps that's why I loved this show. It's true

that the show has funny moments, many of them seen in the trailers, but

the critics who feel this movie failed because it did not keep them rolling

with laughter have missed the point. Aside from being funny, this movie

has a great deal to say about love, especially coming to terms with love/ risk and love/age. Nicholson carries the movie on his own shoulders,

although Keaton does her share. The chemistry between these two pros

is good, and the movie is believeable for the most part. Where I felt let

down was in some of the production values. In several places there were

obvious "mistakes," such as characters going to sleep and then waking up

in the next shot on the opposite sides of the bed. I spotted at least three

such stupidities, and I bet there are more. I'd give this show 8 out of 10

and recommend it if you're interested in a romantic comedy with more

than just cheap laughs. Oh yes, and it helps if you're over 50.
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Excellent sea epic
16 November 2003
Yes, this movie is very "guy," but guess what? Society in 1805 was very

"guy" too. If you want a realistic and dramatic look at the British navy in

the early19th century, you can't afford to miss this movie.

My wife, who is an avid reader of historical novels of this time period, was

so drawn into the story and scenery that she was trembling beside me.

As for me, an average guy with a better than average interest in

expanding my knowledge and range of experience, I was totally involved in

the story. There is very little place for any criticism except for the

comment that the movie is a little slow in place. This is a very minor


I feel a lot of younger movie goers who have been raised on Star Wars

and Matrix movies will feel this is too tame and the special effects not

daunting enough. But this movie is a real slice of real life, and if you

don't come out of this movie feeling like you've spent two hours on the

deck of a ship, I don't know why.
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Surprisingly good, compared to what I expected
6 April 2003
Scanning through the lists of current movies, we said, "What's this?" We watched the trailer on the Internet and thought it looked promising. It was better than we expected. A few people have already compared this movie to Greek Wedding, and in many ways it is similar. If you liked Greek Wedding (i did) you'll probably like Bend It Like Beckham. This movie is not quite as polished as Greek Wedding, but it acquits it self well enough. Lots of laughs, some moments of deeper introspection make a nice package. If the movie fails anywhere, it's in the romantic interest. The chemistry didn't seem to be there for the two main (male/female) characters. While the male lead was somewhat believeable romantically, the female lead's interest in the romance seemed contrived. They actually could have dropped the romance near the end and the movie might have been more believeable.
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If you aren't in love with Potter, forget it.
1 February 2003
I seemed to be unique in the theatre the night I attended with my wife and her niece. Judging from the laughter at unfunny things and the telegraphing of key moments by the audience's gasps before anything had happened on screen, not many in the theatre were new to Potter. Because I have not read more than a page of any Harry Potter book or ever seen any portion of a movie I had the advantage of looking at this boring movie with an unbiased eye. The story is inane and silly, full of cliches and standard scenes. The acting is dull. There is not actually one believable character in the whole movie. As if this isn't bad enough, the movie goes on endlessly. Apparently if you're a Potter fan there is no limit to your stomach for it. Enough said.
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One of the best IMAX movies ever
21 October 2001
There are very few IMAX movies that i have not seen--and China:The Panda

Adventure (CTPA) is one of the best. i don't think most people go to IMAX

expecting to see a mainline Hollywood-like production. IMAX movies are judged differently, in my opinion. An IMAX movie should make the best possible use of the large-screen format, and the focus of the presentation should be on the visual. CTPA does this extremely well.

It's true that the acting is not outstanding, but i did not go to CTPA to see Robert Redford. i went to see pandas and the stunning scenery of China. i was not


The last IMAX presentation i saw was "Amazing Caves," and i was immensely

disappointed. If you had seen the trailer, you had seen everything worthwhile in the movie. And if that English scientist/diver/narrator said one more time how

important it was to find bacteria so she could "cure new diseases," i would have screamed.

CTPA is done with a deft touch, with good narration and dialog and, as i said, stunning cinematography. It's a treat for the whole family. The fact that there's a "story-line" is just icing on the cake.
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