
3 Reviews
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Well done
27 May 2023
I have to start off by saying that I know it is a remake, but this really was so much better than the American version of the show. I was not going in with high expectations but can honestly say it was one of the best shows I have seen in a long time. It was so well done. It had everything- a great plot, an excellent cast and strong acting. I was on the edge of my seat with all of the twists and turns. I really loved it and hoped it would keep going! I can't help but hope they bring it back and continue the story. I don't know much about Korean cinema or shows but will keep an eye out for more.
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South Side (2019–2022)
20 June 2022
I love the South Side! This show is witty, funny, and clever. Humor based in dialogue instead of gimmick. I breezed through the first season in one weekend.
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Moonfall (2022)
Really terrible
8 May 2022
It's entertaining- but only if you have the patience for a really terrible movie. Honestly, I cannot believe so many established actors agreed to take part in this hot garbage.
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