
9 Reviews
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17 January 2024
Not serious enough to be an action movie, not funny enough to be a comedy. Apparently they were going for a James Bond-type spy movie and missed spectacularly. I'm not sure if there is a plot, if there is, it isn't interesting enough to make the viewer care. Rod Taylor has all the intrigue of a mall shoe salesman. Watching this movie is sheer tedium. I recorded it on Turner Classic Movies and tried three times before I was able to complete it. Save yourself 119 minutes and avoid it at all costs. At least it answers the question, "What would James Bond be like if he was a dullard?". Of course, this probaly means Hollywood is working on a remake but it's hard to imagine it could be even worse.
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Cracked Nuts (1931)
Is this supposed to be funny?
21 May 2022
This movie is getting close to being 100 years old. Other movies from the era like the ones by the Marx Brothers and Three Stooges are still funny, yet this movie falls so flat. Maybe it was considered witty and topical when it came out now it seems like an antiquated relic from a long gone era.
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Should have been called "Time To Die"
21 December 2021
Warning: Spoilers
It takes a truly bankrupt 'creative' team to kill off one of the most popular characters in movie history just because they can't come up with a plot. I suppose this is all result of cancel culture run amok. They even foreshadow their agenda by introducing a black female agent with the designation of 007. I guess that instead of creating their own unique character, it was easier to just appropriate the one that has been loved for millions over the last 60 years. In the process they saw it necessary to also take down the character of Felix Leiter. What's next? Kill off Santa Claus? It is my wish that the person or persons responsible issue a formal apology for 'No Time to Die', all prints are destroyed, and that they NEVER be allowed to work on a film project ever again. Who knows what popular franchise they will gut next?
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Midway (2019)
4 April 2021
You're better off watching the 1976 version of this movie. For a movie that decided to forgo acting and a story to concentrate on special effects you would think they would have tried to make things more realistic. Instead the action scenes look like something from a 10 year old video game. Every old, worn war used like planes without landing gear or gas sputtering to a stops on aircraft carrier decks. The dialogue and acting is so predictable that it's a wonder the actors weren't computer generated too. A wasted opportunity to show respect for those who served in the battle.
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One Bad Actor Spoils the Whole Bunch
4 March 2019
Clearly Vince Vaughn must have a great agent. That can be the only explaination for his addition to this cast. A graduate of the 'adam's apple' school of actors (like Bruce Willis), his signature move in dramatic scenes is to stare off into the distance and swallow hard. Perhaps someone thought being in over his head was conducive to his portrayal of a character in the same situation. No matter the reason, his dinner theater acting was the weak link than torpedoed the whole second season. What a shame, the rest of the cast and the story were very good.
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Confidence (2003)
NOT a Film Noir!
10 February 2018
Please don't soil the name of film noir by calling this movie one. The dialogue is cringeworthy throughout. The formula is to get a group of B-movie actors to do most of the work while throwing some marquee names (Norton & Hoffman) to make a few brief appearances. It plays out like a comedy waiting for a punchline. Save your time, read a book or watch a REAL film noir.
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CHIPS (2017)
Thoroughly Enjoyable
29 January 2018
As a hard core classic movie buff I HATE most horrible remakes of old TV shows and "re-invisioned" classic movies. Something about this movie is different though. There is great chemistry between Dax Shepard and Michael Pena in this. The writing and dialogue is crisp and never gets bogged down. Where most movies like this make me groan, this movie made me laugh...and that's something very few so called 'comedies' do for me anymore these days .
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Never Let the Truth Get In the Way of a Good Story
6 June 2017
Warning: Spoilers
This movie saddens me. The cast is great, performances great, locations and camera work all great. There are multiple problems with the movie though. First, it misses the boat on it's subject. Gov. Huey P. Long was one of the most colorful political figures of any age. Sean Penn gives a great portrayal of Long (despite having his wardrobe all wrong) but the movie veers away from his story and concentrates too much on Jude Law's character. While Law's character is interesting, it feels like the movie is more about him than Long. Secondly, why take one of the most compelling true political stories of all time and turn it into a work of fiction? For instance, this movie has Long being shot in the state capitol on the day of his impeachment hearing. In reality, Long had already moved on to the Senate when he was shot down. All the right elements were in place here except an accurate story. It is a disgrace that this movie shares the same title as the superior 1949 movie with Broderick Crawford. Watch it instead.
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Fargo (2014–2024)
Fargo Season 3
22 May 2017
Season 3 of the series "Fargo", episode #3 "The Law of Non- Contradiction" absolutely blew me away. Easily the most interesting and creative thing I've seen on TV in a very long time. I can't imagine the episode NOT winning an Emmy. The episode took a great series to a whole new level. I believe this to be a one off departure from 'normal' (relative term with 'Fargo') but I've watched it at least 5 times and still get a thrill from it.
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