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MLB Central (2015– )
MLB The View would be a better Title
5 October 2023
Nothing better than a morning talk show for major league baseball. Not.

It is definitely cheaper to produce a talk show with talking heads than any other format to report MLB news.

Kelly and Mark would be proud.

Why can't they replay a game with some editing to fill the time? Maybe a two-hour game from previou day or week or year.

Instead, we get a talk show and hosts throwing sofa pillows at each other.

Mad dog may not be any better. Somebody please figure out a more tolerable format than these. Please. Perhaps a reality game show for baseball??

TV is insulting baseball fans and all viewers in general these days.
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10 minutes of content stretched to 1 hour
5 October 2023
Initially, this show was very promising. It contains the big topics that no other TV networks would produce. So far so good. Until.. It started to repeat itself, over and over. Yes, now we know about blackholes, super massive blackholes, dark matter, dark energy.

But, we don't even know exactly how many planets there are in the Solar system? Why no mention about origin and workings of life and other potential life in the universe? How about James Webb Telescope findings? Probably not sexy enough for the CGI crew to make some "shocking" images to wow the audiences.

The shows are stretched to an hour from maybe 10 minutes of real materials, by way of expert astrophysicists- talking heads with exaggerating facial expressions and hand gestures that make viewers puke.

And, please, expert analysts, put on some shirts other than underwear T-shirt.
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10 Minutes of Knowledge Stretched to 1 Hour
14 September 2023
When the show first debuted, it was actually not bad. Supermassive blackholes, quasars, dark energy, dark matter. Colliding galaxies. All interesting topics.

But, when you see 14 years of reruns of these same programs while many new materials are obtained from newly launched telescopes, rovers and probes, those same "astrophysicists" started to become quite annoying to watch.

Other than the narrators in the background, those "scientists" with overly exaggerated facial features and hand gestures (that do not add any benefits for audience's better understanding of the Universe) are just distraction and main reason for us to reach for the remote control and change channel.

It would be better if the shows can be updated or even better, new shows produced, to include science discoveries since 2010. Our understanding of the Universe has grown. New evidences gathered and new technologies used.

But we are stuck with the same, outdated shows for decades.

A bit like watching "Friends" or "Two and a half men" for the Nth times. Not interesting anymore.

Please, more science, less talking heads.
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Ancient Aliens (2009– )
Ridiculous Reality TV on History Channel
31 August 2023
This show adds to the endless, ridiculous reality TV shows we now have to suffer or completely ignore.

Ghost hunting shows, Yeti, Loch Ness monster, chupacabra, and, yes, UFO sighting. Now we are talking. I always wonder, why UFOs and aliens from the past stopped visiting us for thousands of years. Thanks to this show, we now know they helped us build great civilizations and monuments. And then stopped coming.

Why? Did they find us unattractive (after kidnapping people into their spaceships and probed us thoroughly)? That's why our current civilization is so pathetic and continue to go downhill.
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Strange Evidence (2017– )
Science Channel Enters Tabloid Business
23 August 2023
I am so scared. Are we under attack, military experts and former intelligence analysts?

When an entire program is based on footages collected from YouTube plus some sensational, melodramatic talking heads to fill a one-hour time slot, it's a terrible combination. Cheap trash.

Join the other garbage shows around Loch Ness Monster, ghost hunting, Yeti/UFO sightings and street racing TV shows, Strange Evidence series use "expert analysts" with "sinister, macabre, disturbing" warning comments and "analysis" that lead viewer to shake in their boots and believe that the end of time is near. And this is from The Science Channel?

By the way, it's parent company is Warner Bros. Discovery. Surprise?!
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Beautiful outdoor scenes. Thank you NatGeo
18 August 2023
When TV executives and bean-counters turn to a sea of UFO/ghost hunting/Big Foot sightings shows that floods today's TV, National Geographic stands to keep TV quality its tradition, and not stoop low with low-budget reality or talk shows.

Best part of Extraordinary Birder is that it takes viewers to places that are hard to get to, or not very well-known. Yes, we all know Yellow Stone or Grand Canyon are awesome, but how many people know about caves in Puerto Rico that are homes to beautiful birds and animals?

I am happy to have found this show, so that "Naked and Afraid" or ghost hunting or street racing garbage shows can RIP. Thank you very much.
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Serendipity. Tranquility.
17 August 2023
Finally, got my mind back from a sea of UFO/ghost hunting/Big Foot sightings shows that floods today's TV.

This program gives me instant peace when I am trapped in continuous extreme heatwave this summer. The host and guests are genuine, not dramatic or sensational like other reality junk shows.

Camera/film crews are highly experienced in filming outdoor scenes such as when host is canoeing in the middle of a great lake or mountain hiking.

It is great to know that we can still count on PBS for quality programming like this one, when the rest of the world has gone crazy with mindless TikTok 'viral' videos all day. What a relief.
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Expedition X (2020– )
Paranormal researcher? Supernatural encounters?
6 February 2023
Paranormal researchers? Supernatural encounters? Don't waste your time on it. The Science Channel desperately need a new CEO/management team that is not a complete bean counter.

So this is from the Science Channel, which is supposed to be scientific in nature. Unfortunately, they are going the reality show path, to save a few dollars in production cost. Same thing happened to the Travel Channel, that is nowadays full of ghost hunting/paranormal reality shows. Sad reality for U. S. TV industry.

On top of that, even with the drama/soap opera style, they also continue with countless re-runs, because, I guess, you can only do so many UFO/Big-Foot/ghost/Loch Ness monster/pirates' buried treasure 'expeditions' without repeating it to death.
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News Alert! Science Communicators on board!
20 October 2022
Another fear and scare tactics show from Science Channel.

As long as they stick with this fear monger formula from those so-called "science communicators" and "science journalists", don't waste your time on these tabloid grade programs.

It is sad that these days even the Science Channel needs to be melodramatic to attract some viewers. Strange Evidence is the same way. "Are we under attack?" Is it from out-of-this-world beings (UFO, supernatural)? A decent show like "What On Earth" pretty soon took on the same formula by the directors/producers to use dramatic FUD for any topic they cover.

Notice the same "commentators/analysts" have different titles for different shows. Thanks, but no thanks, "Science Communicators."
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Dino Hunters (2020– )
Another Reality Show from Discovery Channel
22 October 2021
The ranchers and cowboys use bulldozers and other heavy machinery to dig ancient animal bones and sell them for profit. Wrong and wrong.

The show is dubbed as documentary, but it is just another reality show from Discovery. OMG, Look at that, Wow abound.

Discovery Channel/ Discovery Inc. Is going down the drain. Don't waste your time on this show.
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