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The Book of Boba Fett (2021–2022)
It's good, but it could have been a lot better
10 February 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Having a TV-series focusing on the continuing story of Boba Fett looked promising. Afterall, Fett is one of the most iconic and beloved Star Wars characters of all time. Unfortunately the final product felt disoriented, unfocused and overly chaotic. I felt that there was just too much cramped into this seven episode-series. What the writers were trying to achieve here felt very unclear in the end.

The first couple of episodes focuses on Boba getting things in order after taking over Jabba's Palace. We also get lengthy flashbacks showcasing Boba's life on Tatooine before the events of the Mandalorian. We see things like how he escaped from the Sarlacc Pit, how he befriends a group of Tusken Raiders and how he first came in contact with Fennec Shand. This provided a different take on the bounty hunter who develops into a more respectable "man of the people".

The flashbacks had a few hiccups here and there, but I mostly enjoyed them. The rest however was pretty dull. Even through the second and third episode I found the show did a poor job of setting up what the conflict was about and who the enemy was supposed to be.

The fifth and sixth episodes were the best. They were incredible even. This was when Mando and Grogu returned and stepped into the picture. By the fifth episode, it essentially felt like the show stopped being about Boba Fett and instead became the Mandalorian season 2.5. It kind of says a lot when the absolute peak of this Boba Fett-show is not even about, or hardly features Boba Fett. This is something I found quite dissapointing, no matter how much I liked these two episodes.

In the final seventh episode we see Fett, Mando with allies fighting the Pyke Syndicate for control of Mos Espa. This could have been a great finale, but it too felt underwhelming. It's chaotic, poorly structured, and just feels rushed. The end of the sixth episode teased that Cad Bane was going to play a big part in the battle but instead almost all of it revolves around Fett and Mando fighting two droids. Bane do show up at the very end, but he gets killed off in like two minutes. We don't even get a satisfying confrontation between Boba and the syndicate. We only get a short, out-of-place sequence of Fennec Shand randomly assassinating the leader and that's it. The finale would have been a lot better if it focused more on the important elements of the story. That battle against those droids could have been cut in half for all I care.

In summary, it's still a good show, I did enjoy most of it. I only feel like it needed a lot more time in the oven because it feels like it wasn't properly planned out. I'm also not too sure about the decision to make Boba-Fett a "good guy". It just didn't feel right to me. His mysterious, cold, and unsympathetic persona is what made fans fell in love with the character in the first place, and this show shy away from that too much.

With all this said, I will give the show a 7/10. I could easily drop it down to a 6 but I will keep it at a 7 because of the two episodes revolving Mando and Grogu.

I also want to mention the those "modders" and their ridiculous scooters. I don't know who designed them, but Disney seriously needs to have that person fired. I honestly don't think I've ever seen something in a movie/show that felt so out of place.
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An ambitious but flawed interpretation.
6 November 2021
I do appreciate that they at least informed viewers at the beginning of each episode that this crime is still unsolved. I also like how they captured the time-period: Things like clothing, cars, and architecture feels really true to the mid-1980s Sweden. Robert Gustafsson's performance is also really solid, even if the writing of his character (Engström) is not really in line with how most people in his close proximity described him in real life.

Now, I feel like I need be honest. You see, when it comes to the murder of Palme, I'm a bit of a nerd. I've gone through some of the material revolving the investigation and I've even read the book of which this series is based on. With that being said, I was quite shocked when I saw how poorly this series re-enacts the actual murder. For someone who is at least somewhat well-informed, there are fatal mistakes to be found everywhere. Several witnesses being placed in entirely wrong places, the murderer running on the opposite side of a street, the size of the weapon, plenty of accounts that are totally ignored. I can go on and on.

It is abundantly clear that the people who directed/filmed this didn't do their research and it begs the question; why would you try to present this as a credible and legitimate theory if you're not going to pay any attention to many of the most fundamental facts? Personally, I'm not a believer in the theory presented but I still liked the idea of being able to immerse yourself in it though a tv-series. But it turned out near impossible to take any of it seriously due to the sloppy execution...

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