
21 Reviews
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Branching Out (2024 TV Movie)
Must see!
16 September 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Oh my goodness. This movie is amazing. At first I thought it was going to be a carbon copy of the other Hallmark movie where the brothers were adopted. Which wasn't bad, it just wasn't nearly as good as this. Yes the "conflict" was pretty stupid, but sometimes fear makes people do really foolish, unrealistic things. Also, as a single mom, you really do make some dumb mistakes while trying to make sure your child is safe physically and emotionally.

Sarah Drew played her character perfectly, especially when she went to spend time with T. J.'s mom and sisters, her anxiety was palpable.

Perfect family dynamic, held my interest the entire time.
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A Costa Rican Wedding (2024 TV Movie)
21 August 2024
Really wanted to like this, but at the half way mark, I'm not sure that I can make it through even with fast forwarding through the commercials. The character Emily (Rhiannon Fish) is so far unredeemable, arrogant and downright unlikeable. Not quite sure how they think it's plausible that she could be a nurse. The scenery is absolutely beautiful. Ryan (Christopher Russell) is as always wonderful. A good actor who is also easy on the eyes. The mother of the bride didn't help matters, hopefully by the end Phoebe will be able to stand up to her mom and actually have the wedding that she wants and deserves. By the way, the whole stalking the ex thing was really creepy.
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Mr. Manhattan (2024)
13 August 2024
Oh wow! I went into watching this movie thinking I wasn't going to like it. Not usually a fan of the PenaVega movies, but boy was I wrong about this one. Some parts sweet and sentimental. Some parts were almost too real and painful to watch and realize that this really can and does happen to families. Reuben and AJ are phenomenal young actors. Their acting at some parts tore my heart out, not sure how they were able to show such an amazing range of emotions.

While I realize some people don't like faith based movies, I found it quite refreshing and at no point was God or religion just tossed in. It was organic, it wasn't just put in there for no reason. It was a continuation of the family. All in all, this was a keeper.
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An Ice Palace Romance (2023 TV Movie)
28 July 2024
I seem to be making a habit of starting reviews while watching and at least halfway through, while reading other reviews. This one passed my first 10 minutes test, and I'm really glad I didn't hit delete. So far it's been a great watch. Of course Marcus Rosner is impeccable, love his acting! I'm not as familiar with Celeste Desjardins, but she proves to be a worthy love interest and I thought that their chemistry was cute. The daughter, Zoe is a wonderful addition and great skater. Showing that when you fall, you need to get up and try again! The other supporting actors are all wonderful and I really enjoyed their side stories.

Well, gotta go, the drama is beginning. Give this a watch, you won't be disappointed!
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A Puppy for Christmas (2016 TV Movie)
Buster was adorable!
24 July 2024
So far the best part of this movie is Buster the puppy, Greyston Holt and Christopher Russell.

Noelle, (Cindy Busby), who has wanted a puppy all of her life, then on a whim goes out and adopts a puppy.

No research on breed or even basic puppy care or training, and not a word to her current live in boyfriend. Who does that? And who lets a puppy just run around?

Ok, just finished watching. The movie did get better as it went along. While it wasn't hard to figure out what was going to happen, it still turned out to be a nice feel good movie.

While I don't feel compelled to ever watch it again, being able to fast forward through commercials made it much more watchable.

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A Very Vermont Christmas (2024 TV Movie)
So far Not so good.
21 July 2024
Almost halfway through. So far it's a bit cringe worthy. We like Katie Leclerc and Ryan McPartlin, however Katie seems to smile awkwardly at everything and Ryan's hair always looks a mess. Will have to see how it pans out but I'm betting the picture Zac takes with her recipes in the background will cause a problem going forward. Also, their "relationship" seemed to take all of three days to build into something serious. The ex, Greg is really creepy. Was going to DVR it but quite honestly we don't feel like it's worth a second viewing. If you like craft beers, you may find it interesting and if there's nothing else to do it's not the worst thing to watch.
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Falling Like Snowflakes (2024 TV Movie)
Love the SNOW!
4 July 2024
Yes, as many reviewers have noted, there is fake snow, a lot of it. However, it does land in the competing photographers hair as she's taking pictures.

I'm about halfway through the movie and purely from an entertainment angle, I'm enjoying it. Being in the south, I love seeing the snow, even if it's not real.

Rebecca Dalton is relatively new to me and the jury is still out on her abilities as a Hallmark actress. This is just an aside, but who on earth travels into a snow storm and packs sleeveless blouses? Marcus Rosner however has always been one of my favorite Hallmark actors. Julie, the daughter, seems much older than I would have thought and the friend looks familiar but I can't place her. The carolers were actually pretty good as well.

Again, currently at 3/4 through and still really enjoying the movie.
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Fall Into Winter (2023 TV Movie)
27 June 2024
I thought Fall into Winter was a really sweet, sometimes predictable watch. I thought Lori Loughlin was her usual charming, somewhat neurotic self. James Tupper was also charming and a bit arrogant at times, but their chemistry was palpable, they just got in the way of themselves. The supporting characters really added depth, dimension and reality to the movie. I mean the dad being in assisted living is as real life as it gets for many of us. Also, the daughter in college is also very relatable. Though a little slow moving at points I still feel that it was a very enjoyable way to spend a heat advisory day.
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Art of Falling in Love (2019 TV Movie)
26 May 2024
Unfortunately, while I like the actress who played Vanessa, her character was totally unlikable. Love Iris, Kelly Bishop. I'm unfamiliar with the actor who played Nate, but felt he was more genuine. I didn't feel any real connection between them and it was difficult to pull for them as a couple. While she says she has opened up her heart to love, in actuality she didn't totally open up until the last 10 minutes. It's been difficult to totally be immersed in the movie and fast forwarding helped it move along, otherwise it was extremely slow moving. If you need a way to mindlessly get through a couple of hours, it'll do. I'll be hitting delete in about 2 minutes.
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Great Storyline, good watch!
18 May 2024
I've enjoyed all of the Murder She Baked iterations. Love Alison Sweeney, Barbara Nivens, her sisters, Norman, etc. Not liking the new Chad character, have always enjoyed whatever Victor Webster acts in, just not this. The relationship between Hannah and Chad is just too formulaic. It's like the writing is already on the wall. When Murder She Baked began, I wasn't sure I liked Norman, but he's truly grown as a character and he's kind of quirky, goofy, funny and also a stand up guy that Hannah can count on and I really wish that they'd expand upon that relationship. Absolutely adored Barbara Nivens as a PI.
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Tracker: Off the Books (2024)
Season 1, Episode 12
Great brother dynamic!
14 May 2024
Really enjoying Tracker. Not the biggest Justin Hartley fan, but the addition of Jensen Ackles as his brother Russell really has me intrigued. I thought that the "Easter eggs" were fun. As a viewer of Supernatural and This is us, I like the interaction between Colter and Russell. Reenie is a wonderfully written character as well. It's interesting watching how the three actors play off of each other. I'm hoping that Russell will be a recurring character and that they delve deeper into Colters past to see who actually killed their father.

There's kind of a wistful wishful thinking between them when they talk for things to be different. It will be interesting going forward.
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A Not So Royal Christmas (2023 TV Movie)
Didn't work for me.
3 December 2023
I adore the leads, Will Kemp and Brooke D'Orsay, just didn't think this one worked. I DVR'd this and unfortunately found myself fast forwarding through many parts.

It didn't delve into the community, except for his mum's cafe. To be honest Brooke's character really got on my nerves, even Will behaved a bit like a moron.

The scenery in parts was quite magnificent and while the story seemed to be a little different, it was in the end boringly the same.

It's not the worst, but certainly not one of the best. Thankfully no prerequisite snowball fights that erupt out of nowhere. Good for a watch if you haven't yet seen. But not one I'll watch again.
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Haul Out the Holly: Lit Up (2023 TV Movie)
Not worth the time!
28 November 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Ugh.....started watching yesterday, only able to watch the first 33 minutes. Started watching again this morning and it's not getting any easier. The singing gnomes gave me a headache. I realize this is a movie, but Joe and Jane are bullies, who totally take over the fun of this movie. I was truly looking forward to this movie after the original, but this movie is not fun. Unfortunately, this movie parallels our society today. If you don't like something, change it to how you want it, who cares what anyone else thinks or feels.

Also, another disappointment was when Ned, Stephen Tobolowsky, switched to the Johnsons side.

While the ending was nice, it wasn't worth the time it wasted.
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Dashing Home for Christmas (2020 TV Movie)
Not sure I can finish watching
19 November 2023
Currently watching, over half way through. Not sure I can stomach much more. Emily is awful. The scene at the diner made me want to strangle her. I mean seriously, how inconsiderate, and while I realize this is a movie, too many people believe they need to be catered to like this. Even in the car, where she's freezing and he's too warm, she doesn't care about him at all, only herself. Hopefully this character can redeem herself before the end of the movie. The Simon character is written brilliantly as a kind and generous and caring man.

The ancillary characters, sister, mother and father were really wonderful.
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Christmas Belle (2013 TV Movie)
LOVE this movie!
9 November 2023
Warning: Spoilers
While it starts a bit slow, this movie is incredible. Yes, the background music can be somewhat intrusive but it doesn't spoil the movie. Belle is strong, sweet, kind and loving. She can stand up for herself to everyone except her father, Rex who takes advantage of her. Hunter is deep and brooding not unlike the Beast in Beauty and the Beast. But as he slowly softens, his smile lights up the screen. Both seem wary of the other, but you can see subtle changes in them as the story progresses. Tony, the Gaston is reliably dispicable!

A character you love to hate. The town Christmas dance is amazing. This movie is definitely worth the watch!
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Hard to watch
6 September 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Usually really enjoy all Hallmark movies, looking at them purely as entertainment. Usually the plot or lack therof doesn't bother me. Unfortunately this movie was a big swing and a miss. Way too formulaic, was simplistic and easy to figure out as soon as she had met Rhys and he turned out to be Nate's brother. There were absolutely no surprises, in fact the only way that they could've pulled it out of the toilet was if the Nate and Riley characters had ended up together. Huge disappointment and waste of time.

The grandmother, Faye was well cast and we did enjoy her character. Also, the turtle was an interesting pet. That said, still a huge waste of time.
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17 August 2023
Not usually a fan of Ashley Williams, but she was really good in this movie. Even though she waffles continually, it's believable for a person who lost their spouse. You're torn between wanting the new person and feelings of loss and guilt for your spouse. The lead male actor was amazing and he seemed to sense her reticence. The son, Adam was also a very good actor, he played his role well.

All of the ancillary actors and actresses, I felt did a phenomenal job as well.

It turned out to be a pleasant surprise and I won't hesitate to watch again. I understand some logistical aspects were unbelievable to some, but all in all it was a good Christmas movie and definitely worth a watch.
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Moriah's Lighthouse (2022 TV Movie)
Beautiful scenery!!
25 June 2022
Almost finished watching. Love the premise, the scenery, the flowers, the rocks and the water. The story is somewhat believable. Not a big Luke Macfarlane fan, but he was ok in this. I thought the accents were charming. The subtitles were so difficult to see that it was annoying. Ending was cheesy and predictable, but still nice.
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Sweet and entertaining.
5 June 2022
Wonderful entertaining movie. My husband and I have watched this movie more times than I can count. Is it plausible, no. Are there plot holes that could fill a stadium, yes. But seriously, it's a fun, heartwarming rom/com. Is there a north/south stereotype? Yes, absolutely. But being from Philadelphia and living in North Carolina, it's exactly how southerners feel about people from the North. If you want to watch a fun mostly lighthearted movie, you'll enjoy this. If you're only interested in criticizing and looking for plot holes and inconsistencies in the storyline, then please don't watch.
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Emily in Paris (2020– )
1 April 2022
Well I realize Emily in Paris is no great work of art I do find it extremely entertaining. Having never been to Paris I absolutely love the scenery. And quite honestly the scene with Petra the Ukrainian girl I mean come on do we really believe that every Ukrainian woman is like this no it's a TV show. It's not a depiction of real life. Look at it as a bit of fluff an entertaining bit of fluff.
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8 November 2021
Thankfully I recorded this so I was able to fast forward through the slow parts, of which there were many. Totally predictable. Scenery and decorations were beautiful. Usually save to watch again, that won't be happening, will delete as soon as it's over. Absolute waste of time.
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