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Nedelja (2024)
This could have been good but failed
1 February 2024
In "Nedelja," the narrative fails to delve deeply into the life of the protagonist, Dzej. Instead, the film primarily focuses on secondary characters and tangential storylines, neglecting to provide a comprehensive exploration of Dzej's journey. Throughout the film, there is a notable absence of emotional depth and character development, leaving the audience disconnected from the central figure's experiences. One of the glaring weaknesses of "Nedelja" is its erratic pacing and disjointed storytelling. Scenes transition abruptly, and significant events unfold without sufficient build-up or explanation. This haphazard approach to storytelling results in a lack of coherence and makes it challenging for viewers to fully engage with the narrative. Without a cohesive structure, the film feels disjointed and lacks the emotional resonance needed to captivate the audience. Moreover, the film's treatment of Dzej's music is disappointing. Despite being a central aspect of his identity, his musical journey is sidelined in favor of superficial subplots involving mafia elements and mundane characters. The music, which could have served as a powerful means of character development and emotional expression, is relegated to the background, overshadowed by less compelling storylines. This oversight diminishes the impact of Dzej's artistry and undermines the potential for the audience to connect with his passion and creativity. Furthermore, the portrayal of the mafia subplot feels contrived and unconvincing. Rather than adding depth to the narrative, these elements come across as forced and derivative. The inclusion of mafia characters and their interactions with Dzej distracts from the central themes of the film and detracts from the authenticity of the storytelling. Instead of enhancing the overall experience, these plotlines serve as unnecessary distractions, diluting the impact of Dzej's story. Additionally, the supporting characters in "Nedelja" are underdeveloped and lack complexity. Many of them serve as mere plot devices, existing solely to advance the narrative rather than contributing meaningfully to the exploration of themes or the development of the central characters. As a result, the interactions between Dzej and these peripheral figures feel superficial and devoid of substance, further weakening the emotional core of the film. Overall, "Nedelja" fails to deliver a compelling portrayal of Dzej's life and struggles. The film's disjointed narrative, superficial treatment of music, and contrived subplots undermine its potential to resonate with audiences. While it may offer fleeting moments of entertainment, its shortcomings prevent it from achieving the emotional depth and authenticity necessary to leave a lasting impact. In its current state, "Nedelja" falls short of its ambitions and fails to fulfill its promise as a meaningful exploration of art, identity, and the human experience.
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A very stupid movie
7 September 2020
This is one of the stupidest movies I have watched.

Everything you can think of that can go wrong have gone wrong.
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Seems like
26 April 2020
All of the other reviews In Norway giving this Movie 4 out of 5 in rating seems like paid reviews. This movie is bad and doesen"t make any sense. Me and my girfriend almost fell asleep watching this, waste of time.
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