2 Reviews
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My Only One (2018–2019)
22 November 2021
There isn't much to talk about this. I have just watched some of the episodes, but I could predict how the show would play out.

The series is as expected of an average TV drama. The plot is easy to understand, and it contains a lot of characters with different storylines. It all started when the main girl's father was arrested for murder, he asked his sworn brother to take care of her, who was a baby at the time and he must keep this a secret. 27 years later, the father got released and try to set up a new life. He stumbled upon his daughter - who's now an adult and also has a fresh start due to certain circumstances. He slowly gets closer to her life (accidentally) and the story shows more about the main girl's life attaching to romance, work and how she and her father reconnect.

The plot is cliché, there are certain character tropes, some scenes gave me second-hand embarrassment, the protagonist's adoptive mother and sister are extremely annoying, I heard they had good ending so why? But on the other hand, the acting is believable (just some of them), I'm surprised that the actress who played the main girl is an idol, since her performance is actually pretty natural. Her father was great as well.

Overall, the series is an above-average show. It's a good recommendation for those beginners who want to enjoy general drama and have plenty of free time in hand.
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Kinda odd
20 November 2021
I've just tuned into episode 04 yet I slowly feel like things are getting a bit too much to endure. The series is absolutely absurd. Despite the full of potential plot and philosophy packed inside, the execution is extremely poor.

The first thing to complain is that the characters are pure chaos, as if they were not really human.

The students are ridiculously mean, to the point of unrealistic. The main 4 antagonists (at my current progress) didn't seem like students in the first place, they were controlling, manipulative,... they had too much power in hand; instead of learning the lessons from their mistakes of failed attempts in killing the teacher, they still proceeded to continue the reckless behavior. The assistant teacher seemed very sick as well, I don't really know what to say more about him.

The main protagonist on the other hand, was unbelievably lucky. He magically survived from every scheme the students came up with, I was not convinced by the fact that he managed to attend school right after the day one of the antagonists pushed him to fall down from the stairs. His intentions of teaching the class is baffling, he chose to be in charge of this class for revenge because of his girlfriend's vulnerable state (probably caused by one of the students of the class), so on the surface, his true intentions don't hold much value of educating the viewers. He also had his own catchphrases, but he repeated them so many times that they became annoying.

The second complain is that the show was painful to digest. There was a lot of screaming, the scripts were cringe, the acting was too dramatic. The philosophic messages at the end of the episodes definitely had their points, but were taken to a whole new extreme.

However, you can easily give this a quick watch, as the series only contains 8 episodes with the average length of 25 mins/ep. If you just want a good laugh, turn off your brain and are able to tolerate all of the nonsense, you can watch this. But don't say that I didn't warn you beforehand.
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