
3 Reviews
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Absolutely foul
19 June 2003
I love gross and vulgar movies. I love bad movies that have some redeeming

value. I will keep this brief--avoid AT ALL COSTS!!!!! I don't recall ever seeing anything as worthless as this. Everybody below has said it in one way or another. No need to repeat them except to WARN YOU NOT TO SEE THIS MOVIE!!!!
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Greatest Movie of all time!!!!!!!!!!
22 March 2003
This was the greatest movie I have ever seen (and I have seen a lot of movies)!!!!! I can remember watching this classic when I was a tiny tot of maybe two or three (I have a good memory). Even though the effects aren't all they could be and the acting could use some help I love this movie and suggest you rent it to watch it even if you have already seen it as you might like it better the second time around.
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xXx (2002)
Some problems
11 August 2002
The movie can be fast and fun, but I had to keep asking the 11 year olds I was with to clarify the "plot." Acting's not bad, but the story and actions are very reminiscent of 9/11 and plays off of that tragedy. In addition, one scene in the movie is very suggestive of the Nazi's gas chambers. The movie had a lot of sadism in it.
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