
14 Reviews
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The Mandalorian (2019– )
Pretty good!
27 December 2019
My plan was to only watch one episode but after seeing one I ended up watching all of them and now I can't wait for season two.
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27 April 2019
Seen it last night & I definitely enjoyed EVERY bit of this film Stan Lee would be so proud of this film & everyone that was a part of this!! This was worth waiting for EVERYONE did such an EXCELLENT JOB making this film not only that it was also worth watching for 3 hours if anyone is really into any marvel film! I would LOVE to see it again and again! I can't wait for those that's been waiting for this day to come finally see it! I've NEVER wrote a long review like this before lol! Shoutout to EVERYONE in this movie, The Russo Brothers and lastly Stan Lee( R.I.P.) again I know he'll be so proud!
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Mr. Church (2016)
3 April 2019
Now I've seen Eddie do some films that I really enjoyed but this right here to me personally topped it off! This is the first time I've seen him do movies like this! I definitely loved the relationship with each individual person in this film I normally don't watch films like this but it's worth watching!
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On My Block (2018–2021)
21 March 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Yesterday was my first time watching the entire season 1 it took me a while to adjust to it because I didn't know what to expect from this series but after watching a couple episodes it got really interesting I enjoyed every minute of it! The last episode of the show was pretty sad at the Quinceañera celebration for Olivia because I was hoping that she would finally get to talk and see her parents. I can't wait for season 2 I hope it's going to be just as good as the first season because it was definitely AWESOME and I hope to see many more seasons down the line!
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Sandy Wexler (2017)
Well alright Adam!!
20 March 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Yesterday was the first time I watched this movie I didn't know what to expect from this film but the more I watched it the more I enjoyed it! Another cool thing I liked was seeing some of the cast members from SNL that I haven't seen in on the screen for a long time and friends that Adam Sandler worked with in previous films he has done! This movie wasn't bad at all I thought it was funny!
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Enjoyed it!
7 February 2019
I loved every bit of this film & each person in this did such an amazing JOB!
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I Feel Pretty (2018)
Awesome movie!
1 February 2019
At first I wasn't interested but as I got into the movie it caught my attention! Cute & funny I definitely enjoyed it!
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9-1-1 (2018– )
Very Awesome!
6 December 2018
I was kind of hesitant about watching this tv series but after looking at more than one episode I got hooked! I hope to see more seasons of this show. I have my fingers crossed.
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What a cool movie!!
22 October 2018
Lots of action and comedy which I definitely loved about this film!
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Iron Man (2008)
Dope film!!
22 October 2018
My cousin is the reason I'm into Marvel movies and this was my very first one I had seen! It was very good to see Robert Downy Jr and he is definitely fit for this role!
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Such an AWESOME film!
22 October 2018
I definitely loved this because the movie was much more exciting and action which really made me LOVE Marvel movies more! Also it was a great cast. I wasn't too big on the 2003 because it didn't really catch my attention.
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I LOVE IT!!!!!
25 September 2018
I definitely enjoyed EVERY bit of this movie! This is a must see movie!! I was glued to the TV because I did not want to miss a thing! Please check it out!
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Black Panther (2018)
My kind of movie!
12 September 2018
I definitely LOVE this movie! I'm like a kid when I watch movies with lots of action and adventure! It is ridiculously AWESOME!
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I definitely LOVE IT!
12 September 2018
This movie is so AWESOME with a GREAT cast! OMG I could watch this over and over again that's just how AWESOME this movie is!
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