
18 Reviews
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Mr. Sunshine (2018)
Just here after 12th episode
5 November 2023
This series may be frustrating or make you sad at times but I tell you this is worth watching.

The comic scenes even though very less will make u laugh so hard. Just one particular scene between the men will make you laugh hard. I just couldn't stop myself.

And the romance... This is what you call an old school romance. It's just gives peace to your heart. This is definitely for old school people who believe in love exists without being physically involved.

Though I haven't seen even half of it, their love will definitely make you crave that feeling.

And soo many cultures in one series.. hats off to the maker.
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My Little Happiness (2021– )
It was nice but I liked the second leads more
1 September 2023

As soon I finished this drama I wanted to see put your head on my shoulder and that i had seen 5 urs back so obviously it was shock to see that these 2 here are like representing alternate story for situ mo and fu pei.

I was like whaaaaaaaat !!!! 😂

Anyway please got what they needed. Though this serial didn't have any baad character it was a good watch especially the last episode which shows the wedding. Till now I haven't seen wedding scenes in any other drama like this one...

Asians everywhere are connected no matter how. It feels good something in common.

But everytime they kissed I was like how? Doesn't it hurt for him to be bending most of the time 🤣
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Reply 1988 (2015–2016)
The best
18 July 2023
Warning: Spoilers
First thing I ll say about the drama was taek's smile. Whenever he smiled,the smile on my face was automatic.😁

I feel sad that this drama ended. I would have loved to see all the other characters happy ending as well. That was the one thing missing. If u r a old soul, u will sit and laugh and also cry watching this.

I wished to see how their relationship would have been revealed and the families reaction.

Where the families moved at the end.

Did everyone get married.

Is everyone still in touch with eachother.

Only jung bong oppa's success was portrayed in the end but nothing about others.

The series left me hanging on the end though, even if the couple I was shipping ended up together, it's still disappointing that we couldn't see a wedding.
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Phone Bhoot (2022)
7 January 2023
I don't knw why this movie rating is soo less, it deserves being acknowledge for hilarious moments, just soo freaking funny when other bollywood movies reference was made. I hadn't seen this movie becz of other ppl reviews, but m glad I saw this today. Such a needed dose of laughter. You guys should watch it without comparing it any other movies. I am just writing here so that the IMDb ratings for this movie can go up and people give it a chance rather than just seeing the ratings and skipping the movie. If you love a lighthearted comedy, you can definitely definitely go for this. Just don't expect it to be like serious horror movie.
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10/10 don't just criticize people
13 September 2022
This movie may be more inclined towards romance but the vfx and stuff, top notch. Indian's bringing such kind of mythological stories in movies is a kind of accomplishment. Instead of comparing it with other hollywood Or romantic bollywood movies, it is worth watching with a new mindset. I am a big fan of mythology and other than the romance in this, the story was awsome. I can't wait to watch the next one.

If this was a series Or so, I would have watched it non stop. Overall the movie is about love, love can conquer all, evil and the good. So people watch it without any prior expectations and judgment.
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This one will haunt you for days.
20 August 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I finished this series in 2 days and I am happy and sad at the same time. Maybe not so happy. If you are in a happy mood you will love the starting episodes but after that you will be plunged into sad and depressing mood. If you are already sad and if you want a good cry, you should definitely watch this. The portrayal of royalty and reality is so uncanny. Some people would definitely relate to the relationship and friendship part. There are lots and lots of people dying due to greed Or love, it's just heartbreaking💔😭.

I wished for a happy ending though but still, loved it.
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I haven't even finishes watching yet 😁
5 August 2022
I come here right after finishing my 11th episode. By far my favorite episode of the series. I couldn't stop smiling and I felt sooooooo happy. How could someone else's relationship give that warmth? How? It's just.. It's a must watch if you are one of the romantic kinds.
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Not a scene to be skipped.
21 July 2022
Very different and unique story line. But why is the male cast soooo pretty😍😍 like seriously, they were cute and handsome at the same time. Emotions--top notch. Should atleast watch it once. Loved the last episode of all.. Just wholesome.
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A mirror to reality
24 June 2022
Though this is not your usual rom-com, it will keep you hooked. Very emotional and touching. Maybe I won't be watching this again but i am glad I watched this series. There is no part where u would wanna skip and I hope others come across this one as well. If you are married then you could definitely relate to this I think.
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Never disappoints
8 June 2022
Episode 23 is my favorite in the whole series.. I laughed soo hard while watching that. Atleast you don't have those stereotypical villians in this story. Plus the animation is amazing. I was hesitating to watch this because it was a E-sports thingy but I am glad I gave it a try. You should too.
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Soo heartwarming
31 May 2022
I never heard of this movie from anyone yet somehow I stumbled upon it and i am glad. These old rom-com movies are enjoyable far more than the movies that ppl are producing now. If you like romantic stuff, this is your place.
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Vivah (2006)
Pure tasteful romance and love
19 April 2022
This movie doesn't have any unnecessary or inappropriate scenes. Though the movie is really cringe worthy and veeeery sweet, it worth a watch if you want to feel some old romance.
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Swaran Ghar (2022)
Keeps on edge
7 April 2022
I thought to give it a try once but got emotionally hooked to the serial. Though the things with the kids are quite extreme, but it's not totally fake as well. The generation now is different. But at times I want to slap everyone in this serial. It's so frustrating😤. I clap everytime the mom slaps someone. 😂
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Loved everyone from the cast
14 March 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Jen and Mark finally together after 13 going on 30.... Wohoooooo... 😘😘😘 and don't get me started on Ryan.. He is just the best. Comedy comes so naturally to him even in the serious emotional times.
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Just comedy
19 January 2022
I watched this movie just for the two leads and loved it. The imdb rating doesn't do any justice to the movie. It's a fun movie to watch. Deserves one watch at the least.
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The best
19 January 2022
One of my favorites.. There is nothing you would like to skip in this series. I loved their chemistry and mainly how the guy portrays what it is to be like in love. Totally cute.
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A handsome Superman
4 January 2022
Only watched this movie before any other Superman movie and i loved this guy portraying Superman. And Henry as Superman is nothing to talk about, he just amazing. I wished if we could have gotten a sequel to this one. No other movie showed Superman's kid.
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Don't always go for the review
25 November 2021
Just to drop in a review here, I signed up.

So, I have never learnt why Christmas was or is celebrated but if this movie gives even a glimpse of it then I am happy to discover such a wonderful movie. Such a simple story with such meaningful and beautiful messages about life. I don't know why I felt like crying when the movie ended but this movie gave me hope. Hope to find happiness, hope to look forward. The best thing I liked was the dialouge which said...

If you don't believe in something, you will never see it even if it is in front of you.

It is not something we don't already know, but one should always get reminded of this.

Just watch this movie with an open mind and don't go judging the actors.
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