
5 Reviews
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Zoe Lund and Larry Cohen
14 December 2021
This is a really underrated Cohen film. It has great art direction and terrific performances by Zoe and Eric.

The film obviously borrows big from Hitchcock but it never feels like it's stealing overtly (like the way certain DePalma films feel) Watch this if you can find a copy.
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Black Swan (2010)
One of the best films this century
29 November 2021
Saw it a decade ago - thought it was really good.

Watched it again last week - masterpiece.

Everyone needs to revisit it if you've only seen it once.
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Safe Men (1998)
Unheralded 90's comedic gem
27 November 2021
I remember renting this at Blockbuster because I liked all the cast members.

Me and my college buddies sat around drinking and laughing our asses off over and over again. It became our "pre-game" throw on movie cause you could have a conversation with you friends while getting dressed and tanked before the night begins and at any moment, you could walk in front of SAFE MEN and you'd be laughing. IT'S LITERALLY THAT FUNNY. NOT A DULL MOMENT.

With the future success of people like Rockwell and Giamatti (and the director), there really needs to be more people talking about this film now.

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Going Places (1974)
Brilliant and hilarious
27 November 2021
What can be said that hasn't already been said about his film?

One of the best comedies to come out of the 70's -- Don't get upset that I find a movie about kidnapping, assault, theft, suicide... you know everything terrible to be funny, but IT's MEANT TO BE.

Humor is different for everyone. Some people are very sensitive to sensitive subjects, regardless of how they're handled, but these subjects are CLEARLY meant to be humorous. This is also a strange coming of age tale which holds up. (DO NOT WATCH IT'S REMAKE RECENTLY -- I WON'T EVEN MENTION THE REMAKE BY NAME SO AS NOT TO SPREAD THE WORD THAT THE REMAKE EVEN EXISTS. THANK GOD IT DOESN'T USE THE TITLE 'GOING PLACES')
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What in the what??? KATHY freakin VALENTINE as an actor???!!!
27 November 2021
Watched the Go Go's at the Rock & Roll HOF ceremony the other day and started doing a deep dive on all the work they've done solo over the past few decades.


In a movie about a rock & roll band on the the rise and fall and rise and fall, there's 1. No Rock&Roll music and 2. Characters played by rock musicians who bring a real authenticity to the world of indie rock music. This is especially apparent with Valentine who has been as mainstream as possible at times in her career and as indie as possible. She brings a real authenticity to the character of Jan (an owner of a dive bar that used to be big and is now lucky to get a few customers a night).

The whole cast is spectacular, but Kathy is a surprisingly good actor. I hope this film wasn't just a one off and that she continues to act along with all the great music she puts out between her many bands and collaborators.

Def check out this movie.
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