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Exactly what you expect it to be
10 May 2024
Mel plays Nick Marshall, an ad exec who loses a big promotion to, of all things, A WOMAN. In a freak accident, he acquires the ability to read women's minds. From here he goes through a series of personal comedies until alas, he realizes that he has been a shallow pig all his life. He proceeds through his journey of personal growth and becomes a solid guy in the end.

There are a few cringy scenes throughout. His solo dance to Frank Sinatra and the montage with his daughter while she tries on prom dresses were the real standouts. However, there were some touching scenes as well. All in all, this is an enjoyable rom-com that gives the viewer exactly what is expected. Sit back and enjoy and don't think about it too hard.
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The Hot Spot (1990)
Passable Modern Noir
9 May 2024
You've heard it all many times before....check this out for a young and stunning Jennifer Connelly. By the way, Virginia Madsen holds her own here very well too. Other than that, there really isn't much to recommend it.

Don Johnson plays a drifter who gets caught between Connelly and Madsen. By the way, both are dealing with their own issues. There's all the traits of classic noir: lust, sex, betrayal, etc, etc. There's style and atmosphere to spare, but sadly not much substance. Johnson, Madsen, and Connelly aren't asked to do much in the way of acting, and they deliver on that count. Also, it was very difficult to take William Sadler seriously as the menacing presence in Connelly's life. The story is very simple and the pacing is way off. This is easily 20-30 minutes too long, and moves pretty slowly in stretches.

If seeing some smokin' hot bodes is enough for you, then you'll definitely enjoy it. Otherwise, there's much better noir out there.
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Nature of Love (2020 TV Movie)
Background noise if you're doing the dishes
21 April 2024
As a few others have pointed out, this is pretty much a rehash of 2018's Love on the Slopes. I prefer this one, maybe just because I've seen Christopher Russell and Emilie Ullerup in several other movies and they are comfortable to watch. This was the 4th and final of the Spring Fling 2020 offerings from Hallmark.

Katie (Ullerup) works for Modern Woman magazine and seems to make a living mostly coming up with 20 word descriptions for various products. She gets her chance to write a potential career lifting piece about a city girl who goes glamping. Of course, she is completely unprepared and doesn't even show up with a pair of hiking boots. Shortly after arriving, she meets Will (Russell) who works there (temporarily, maybe, ???) as a wildlife guide/ conservationist. He is contemplating a full time gig there or going on a sponsored 5 month hike on the Appalachian Trail. The two hit it off immediately, although their conversations consist mostly of two words responses and smiling glances. There's a little hint of a love triangle with the owner of the resort, played by Erin Boyes. Lastly, there is a camping neighbor of Katie, played by Donna Benedicto, who comes off too much like a junior high girl, constantly telling Katie how much Will is crushing on her.

So was there anything memorable about this? Sadly no. I suspect if someone asks you about it two weeks after you watch it you'll barely remember a thing. Russell spends most of the time smiling and looking serene staring off into nature's beauty. Ullerup tries hard to work the "fish out of water" angle doing several outdoorsy things for the first time. She also gets to be startled on the trail by a CGI bear. Boyes is sadly reduced mostly to interrupting our two lovebirds at every opportunity or looking concerned whenever she seems them together, which is fairly often.

Russell, Ullerup, and Boyes are certainly easy to look at. BTW, I have no idea why people have commented here on the fact that Ullerup was pregnant during the filming. I didn't find it distracting in any way, and it's certainly neither here nor there.

There wasn't much in the way of chemistry involving anybody here, no humor to speak of, and mostly just some good looking actors reading their lines. It's perfect to have on if you're folding some laundry.
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You're Bacon Me Crazy (2020 TV Movie)
If Only There Was Some Bacon
16 April 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Lifelong Portland resident Cleo (Natalie Hall) runs a food truck that focuses on making great sandwiches. Then Gabe (Michael Rady) comes to town with his own truck that does great bacon, and it's game on, and maybe some romance to go with it. The big challenge here is a food truck contest with $100,000 on the line. If only she could win and open up her own restaurant to honor dear old Grandpa Morelli. You'll have to tune in to see if her dream comes true.

This was the second of Hallmark's Spring Fling 2020. Sadly, this one didn't do it for me. Hall has been quite a mixed bag in my world but in this movie her delivery and timing was just odd and very unnatural. Rady is usually very solid but it's almost as if he felt his lack of chemistry with Hall here. They just didn't work well together.

There was a lot of unintentional humor. For instance, Gabe has a very popular truck and is always slammed, yet he works alone. You never see anyone else helping him. Somehow he manages to work the stand taking orders, take orders over the phone, collect payment, and all the while cook amazing dishes for the masses fast.

Then there is Cleo who, while transplanting a tree to one of her raised beds, explains to Gabe that she grows a lot of her own vegetables to use for her sandwiches and of course, to donate to the local food pantry. However, all you can see in her beds is flowers everywhere.

There is also one really strange and cringy scene early where all her usual customers are flocking to Gabe's truck. She proceeds to call him in a poorly disguised voice and order about 30 meals just to overwhelm him. I know, really mature. Then to add to the stupidity of the scene Gabe brings all of it over (probably about $250 worth) and says it's "on the house."

There are several other scenes with bad dialogue, bad timing, and lots of unintentional laughs, even for Hallmark. The only member of the supporting cast that does a decent job is Casey Manderson, who is well cast as Gabe's brother Nate. He is basically the voice of reason here, always trying to offer up some good advice for Nate, who for some unexplained reason, is always on the move and already ran away from one seemingly great opportunity.

This one might be worth watching while playing a drinking game and counting all the bad lines, strange looks from Hall, and cringeworthy scenes. Otherwise, it's probably best to stay away.
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Love on the Slopes (2018 TV Movie)
Same ole, same ole
28 March 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Love on the Slopes kicked off Hallmark's 2018 Winterfest series. It doesn't seem that much time was spent thinking about this one. It's a very familiar story of a city girl copywriter of a travel magazine (that's original) who gets her big chance to become the feature writer. She has a week to produce an article about extreme sports from a novice perspective. On Day 1 she manages to not only meet a highly renowned extreme sports photographer, but convinces him to be her week-long guide. He is of course great-looking, talented, adventurous, and modest (oh, and attempting to raise money for under-privileged children to attend his camp).

During this week, she writes her amazing article, falls in love with the hot guy, and finds her true self. I don't actually mind these types of movies if they are well done. However, both actors (he in particular) were very stiff around each other and their conversations felt almost formal, even after they supposedly got to know each other well. They didn't have any chemistry together. He certainly looked the part of the sports enthusiast, but just showed no spark at any time. (I was surprised to realize that he was the lead in The Spirit of Christmas, which is an exceptional Christmas movie). Here he was just plain dull. She (from the terrific horror/comedy Tucker & Dale vs. Evil) is definitely better than him but together just don't generate any energy. They deliver their lines but are not at all convincing of two people falling for each other.

There was also the obligatory early scene with her boyfriend at a big gala with his parents. There is the buildup where it appears he is about to pop the question to her only to announce instead that he is becoming a partner in his father's firm. However, to be fair he does nothing wrong throughout the movie. He wishes her the best when she takes off for her assignment and he contacts her (or at least tries) several times during the week. Then on Day 6 he shows up out of the blue "to surprise his girl, " and she takes an almost accusatory tone with him asking him in a rather annoyed way, "What are you doing here?". He comes up with a surprise on the last day that most women would die for, a horse drawn sleigh ride in the backcountry. By this time though, she has completed her journey to all-out extreme sports adventurer. When he does ask for her hand, she tells him that they are on different paths now. His reaction is both confusing and laughable. He basically just nods and agrees with her....no hard feelings.

Sorry Hallmark....your big Winterfest kick off landed with a thud.
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Everything Christmas (2023 TV Movie)
Not bad but definitely not Everything
19 December 2023
Everything Christmas was a real mixed bag for me. I thought it started out quite well with the over the top Christmas loving Busby and her level-headed friend played by Katherine Barrell on a buddy road trip to the town of Yuletide Springs. They break down and shortly after are helped by a man who resembles Santa in body and spirit. From there are a series of coincidences and almost magical experiences that lead them to believe that he might be the real thing. Oh, and of course there is romance for the both of them.

Unfortunately, after a good start with some legitimate laughs provided mostly by Barrell, it starts becoming more and more bland and predictable. I've pretty much liked Busby but here she comes across almost like a child going on and on about "believing," etc. Etc.

I thought Barrell pretty much stole the show, and George Masswohl provided solid support as the continually appearing Kris. The biggest disappointment was Corey Sevier who was the major love interest but didn't say or do much of anything. He was always just staring googly-eyed at Busby and was basically just a bubble-brain. The other male love interest wasn't a whole lot better.

Kind of a head scratcher and somewhat of a lost opportunity.
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A winning combination
19 December 2023
Hallmark hit it out of the park with this one. Dunne is a college DJ who is full of Christmas spirit and who does a fellow student (Nevin) a good turn at Christmastime, and then inexplicably disappears. 10 years later, they end up in the same town, but now he has turned his back on Christmas. She can't understand how he became so sour on the holidays and is determined to help him get his Christmas spirit back.

It's a wonderfully done story from so many angles, and the chemistry between Dunne and Nevin feels very real. I've seen Dunne in several movies now. I would guess that he is probably not considered one of the Hallmark hunks, but he has an everyman quality about him and always seems to put forth solid performances. He and Nevin are very well matched in this one. The way she goes about helping him makes a lot of sense and is very heartfelt. And unlike some Hallmark movies where the romantic feelings seem to spring out of nowhere, the two actually spend a good amount of time together and the growing bond between them feels very legitimate.

I highly recommend this. With all the newer movies that Hallmark shows, it only seems to appear now a few times during the holidays so keep your eyes peeled and set your DVR. You'll be happy you did!
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Mystic Christmas (2023 TV Movie)
A major disappointment
20 November 2023
Having seen and enjoyed Jessy Schram in several other Hallmark movies, I was looking forward to this. However, I just couldn't get into this one at all. Her character wasn't particularly bad, but pretty much everyone in every scene talks so fast and frantically that virtual no interactions seemed natural. That was done by basically the whole cast which makes me think that the director told everybody to read their lines really fast. I assume that was supposed to make them all seem really quirky, but again, it just led to almost every interaction feel very unnatural.

Also, the two romantic leads in this acted particularly uncomfortable around each other to the extent it felt like both were back in 6th grade when placed together.

There was also one montage in a bookstore that was supposed to be funny and cute but was really painful to watch.

Ultimately Jessy Schram was just passable in this and everyone else was basically a drag on this film. She has done much better in previous Hallmark films.
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The Christmas Cure (2017 TV Movie)
Patrick Duffy lifts this above the ordinary
20 November 2023
I've seen this one several times now and have grown to like it a little more with each viewing. Brooke Nevin and Steve Byers seemed a little uneasy together and their chemistry wasn't the best, although I've certainly seen much worse in Hallmark movies. What plays better in this is Patrick Duffy, who was a genuinely warm presence as the father and town doctor. He obviously has made quite a difference in the lives of many over the years. There are several scenes of real warmth that show this.

There is also a cute side story involving the younger brother who has a crush on a schoolmate, played by Jocelyn Hudon.

The scenes with Vanessa (Nevin) and her father (Duffy) work much better than the romance with Mitch (Byers) in my opinion. Again, Mr. Duffy's scenes lifted this up from what easily could have been a very bland film, and it's because of him that I recommend this.
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Hey PG: Can you give the little girl a warrior's death?
9 October 2023
I had some high hopes for this after watching the first 15 minutes or so. The way the girl was toying with PG was fun to watch along with his constant exasperation. However, the humor just faded off in the distance. Overly precocious children is always a risk and the little girl was all that but just plain unlikeable thoughout. In fact, the entire family didn't make a very good case for sparing the human race. I guess the constant bickering between mom and dad was supposed to be funny, but just served to make one dislike them both. After having to deal with this group, I might have been on PG's side and helped him to destroy humanity.

There was some fun costumes (a salute to 80's films) and some nice practical effects. Even this got tiresome however. After seeing 5 or 6 heads being ripped off, I pretty got the point. It was a fun idea for sure but failed miserably in execution.

Question: Was it actually supposed to be funny when a police officer is half melted and then left to beg to be put out of his misery? At least I didn't think so.
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Worthy follow-up
12 August 2023
I must admit that as much as I loved The Perfect Bride, I wasn't all that excited about seeing this sequel. However, while it's not on the level of the original, The Perfect Bride: Wedding Bells is a solid continuation. Pascale Hutton and Kavan Smith still have their excellent chemistry, and the issues they work through as they try to plan their wedding are believable. The opening scene does well to set the background for Molly's (Pascale) dilemma in this one.

Leanne Lapp continues to shine here and it's great to see all the original members from the first movie here, with a little more screen time for Iron Chef chairman Mark Dacascos.

The problems facing the two (both his and her business ventures, and the wedding dress) are wrapped up a little too perfectly for my taste, and the bridezilla aspect that was a fun addition to the original was missing here.

It's still worth your time,...just don't expect the greatness and magic of the original.
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The Perfect Bride: The Perfect Bride (2017)
Season 1, Episode 1
Pretty Close to Perfect
12 August 2023
Let me start by saying I don't recall seeing Kavan Smith in anything before this and Pascale Hutton only once in the Sci-Fi channel classic Behemoth (ok maybe not). I was struck instantly watching their first scene together. They were so well matched and had wonderful chemistry. (I found out later that they indeed have worked together - and it shows here.)

There is nothing particularly unique about the storyline and with other actors this could have been a yawner or time filler at best.

However, the two leads really sold it and make you root for them throughout.

And what about Leanne Lapp? Up to this point she has played mostly supporting roles, usually as the sister of the love interest. I've seen her now in several Hallmark movies and she is definitely long overdue for her own movie!

Good work as well by Anna Van Hooft who goes a bit overboard in her quest for her "perfect" wedding. And I must mention Iron Chef chairman Mark Dacascos in a small role.

This was certainly among the best that Hallmark has offered up.
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Deliver Us from Evil (1973 TV Movie)
Solid early "Made-For-TV" movie
21 July 2023
For those of us who grew up in the 70's and remember the ABC "Movie of the week," this flick brings back lots of memories. It features a good cast led by George Kennedy and a relative unknown at the time, Jan-Michael Vincent, as well as several other solid character actors of that time.

The story is fairly simple: A group of backcountry campers come across a skyjacker that just parachuted into their neck of the woods with a boatload of cash. They kill him and then struggle with each other and the elements as their greed starts to take over.

This is a well paced movie and covers quite a lot of ground in only 75 minutes. It's fun to see external frame backpacks and transistor radios. It is one of the few made for TV movies of that era that have been released on DVD. It's definitely worth a look.
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Where Your Heart Belongs (2022 TV Movie)
Avoid like the plague
15 July 2023
I should have listened to my gut and walked away after the first awful 10 minutes. No, I stayed with it because I'm a fan of Jen Lilley. Bad call on this one. She plays a self absorbed marketer who travels home for the first time in (Am I getting this right....10 years?) to help plan a hometown wedding for her best friend. Instead of keeping it simple as the bride wishes, she does all she can to help her own career by trying to glam it up and promoting it all on social media. Meanwhile, of course, she's reconnecting with an old flame and showing her simpler side. However, she even sabotages that by making horrible assumptions about his character and motives. Well, as we know from the Hallmark universe, she apologizes to all and makes everything right in the end.

There isn't anything redeeming about this one. Jen Lilley simply doesn't show any likeability here. Nelson Wong who is an old veteran of Hallmark movies, is downright embarrassing as Jen's marketing sidekick. I pushed the rating up to 2 stars only because Christopher Russell actually showed some ability to do more than just read his lines with a smile.

Note to Hallmark channel: Can we please stop with the trope where the guy is shown to be "authentic and real" by not owning a cell phone? That may have worked 10-15 years ago but in 2022 it comes off as ridiculous, especially given his situation here where his work partner has some heart issues and may need to ring him.
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Harvest Love (2017 TV Movie)
Not much of a "Pear"
6 July 2023
First of all, I really like Ryan Peavey and Jen Lilley. I've seen them in several films now. This one however, falls completely flat. They just didn't generate any sparks together. In fact, they seemed rather uncomfortable around each other. Most of the time, it seemed that he wanted to get away from her. The supporting cast offered no help and the little humor that did appear was unintentional. (Her finding him "stealing" pears and approaching him with a little stick or her big hit in the softball game.)

Trust me...I go pretty easy on my ratings of Hallmark type movies. I know that they are filmed quickly and production values are usually fairly low. I can completely forgive that. The green screen shots of the scenery and plastic orange shrubs placed strategically in the background to make it look like autumn really didn't bother me. It just felt very low energy and the performances seemed like they were mailed in. If you want to see a much better effort with these two together, watch "A Little Daytime Drama."
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