
20 Reviews
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Monster (2022– )
The scale
26 September 2022
Warning: Spoilers
The scale of true crime horror presented in the play is relatively conservative. One is Dahmo's unhappy growth experience and the gradual formation of his perverted personality. The other is the story of the victim, which is the most tender and heartbreaking sixth. The pictures of people on the fringes of the two societies expressing their affection and love in words will even make people willing to immerse themselves in the short-lived sweetness, and when all this finally returns to darkness, they will feel the freshness of the life he destroyed with his own hands even more painfully. The third live article is an in-depth discussion of social issues that is generally not lacking in excellent crime works. Neighbors are full of angry but powerless questions and accusations against law enforcement agencies, which still reverberate in countless communities today in the 21st century.

The audiovisual language is still high quality in narration and expression e6 seems to see the shadow of Ryan's ACSs2 and Pose again The attention to the minority and the disadvantaged Both Dahmer and the 17 victims were once neglected marginal figures and ironically the victims The family of the murderer was haunted by nightmares all his life. After being imprisoned, Dahmo got the attention he had never received in his life and the so-called God's acceptance. Being killed by God's messenger was also well deserved.
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Forrest Gump (1994)
Exquisite warmth
26 August 2022
Delicate and warm American theme. The different fates of Forrest Gump and Jenny are almost a mockery of the affirmative action movement in the 1960s, and Forrest Gump's burial of Jenny is also the burial of America's own history in the 1960s. The writing is beautiful, the editing is clever, the monologues are soulful, and Tom Hanks' acting is flawless, but the film's values are dubious. So divided.
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Not Realistic
19 August 2022
The plot follows the previous one, the tone is deep, and finally the righteous Batman has to bear the undeserved crime. The style is unrealistic, and Batman still fights with fists rather than weapons. The justice prosecutor took anger at the police for the death of his girlfriend, degenerated into a two-faced person, and human nature became too fast. Can you invite real Hong Kong people to play, even if you don't speak Chinese fluently? When looking at a simple feature film, the plot is a bit lengthy.
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12 August 2022
There are no surprises in the plot, the pacing is flat, and the adventure or action sequences are substandard. The incognito and ability settings of superheroes are also common. The characters have no bright spots or even annoying. The combination of superheroes and family life is unpleasant or even contradictory. I especially hate the role of the heroine. The only character I like is the villain.
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The Gray Man (2022)
12 August 2022
It can be seen that the production team is the top short video team in Hollywood, and the drone really dazzled me. But the rhythm and content of this movie are a bit weird. The rhythm seems to be lax, and the grandfathers of the audience smell it from the beginning. The content four is not like pretending to be forceful and deliberate, and even doing the connotation tricks of the Utopia and Schopenhauer Sisyphus if you don't speak well.
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The Sandman (2022– )
American media
8 August 2022
The articles and remarks of the American media are really unbelievable. They are completely made up and just for the sake of throwing dirty water. And they, the media, are just like the reactionary forces, provoking troubles everywhere, with various rhythms. They have been trying their best to post all kinds of posts recently, causing conflicts between mainland China and Taiwan.
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Fictitious Hope
22 July 2022
The #1-marked film is marked as demand by an increasingly institutionalized public, but that imaginary hope is a big joke. The deeply ingrained capital principle has shown various forms of beings on the Seventh Continent, which has been deprived of rights by those in power. Capital accumulation has become the only way for people to return to freedom and dignity. So The Shawshank Redemption is ultimately the redemption of the ruling class, it has nothing to do with being human.
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The Godfather (1972)
Don't Like Violence
18 July 2022
I really don't understand, and don't want to understand, why people are obsessed with this type of movie. Every violent scene makes me sick, and I don't want to go back to any of them. I even think that to treat such a film as a classic, even if it is highly skilled, isn't it secretly instigating more people to worship violence? Damn manly. It amounts to violence in some ways.
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Reactionary forces
11 July 2022
The U. S. government has always wantonly distorted and fabricated facts, and tried its best to spread all kinds of rumors and information, inciting separatism and subverting the regimes of other countries. Most of the outbreaks of international unrest are behind the planning and behind-the-scenes promotion of the US reactionary forces.
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The Umbrella Academy (2019–2024)
8 July 2022
Take it, such a good setting is shot like this. Except for 5, are the other people's superpowers useless, and all fights are hand-to-hand? ? Almost every plot direction can be guessed, and there are many waste scenes. The last episode was so stupid that I couldn't stop laughing. No matter how good editing and music are, they can't hold up a mess. Only the chacha and hasel lines are well received!
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30 May 2022
As the final season, I felt that I didn't work hard enough, and it showed a lot less than expected. I don't know what I was doing in the middle Ahsoka, and it was a pity that a lot of episodes were wasted. The most dissatisfied is that the smear of the lightsaber has been changed to a curved shape, which looks soft, greatly weakening the sense of power of slashing, and blinding Moore's own motion capture, which once again confirms that Disney does not understand lightsabers.
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23 May 2022
The only one who hangs the robber is still brilliant. Although Jack also has the aura of the protagonist, he escapes in a very embarrassing manner. His elegance does not come from his calmness towards danger, but rather his acceptance of embarrassment. It is ridiculous to use moonlight as x-ray. Pirates should show it. The momentum and fighting were completely in place.
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Uncharted (2022)
Creative Exhaustion
16 May 2022
I want to take the line of Jackie Chan-style adventure comedy, but it is neither funny nor exciting, relying on only two large-scale action scenes to fool the audience, solving puzzles is boring enough to scratch my head, and there is no novelty and sincerity at all levels. The tension is far less than that of "Tomb Raider: Origins". The character creation was thrown on the ground by "National Treasure", and there was no spark between Holland and Wardberg. There were even awkward chats, and even many scenes felt that the screenwriter had I can't write anymore, and I feel the creative exhaustion of traditional Hollywood commercial films again.
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7 May 2022
Full of disgusting contrivance and craftsmanship. For example, we must give a close-up of the pistol, we must design prismatic glass doors and windows and photograph the relationship between characters through it, as if every skill learned must be applied. There are also black issues, homosexual content, and class differences, but they are all shallow and speculative. All performances are superficial, and Gal Gadot should also consider the role of his film selection in addition to making money.
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22 April 2022
Why is Netflix so fond of making movies that pretend to be cool, but are actually very humble. Ryan Reynolds is also really not seeking to make progress, indulging in his comfort zone, and repeating his own character indefinitely. Everyone's time is very precious, this kind of bad film is rarely made, and there is really no life to bite the lighter.
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General Plot
15 April 2022
The main storyline is basically illogical. The main storyline is driven by the mistakes of the protagonists. The character creation is even more difficult to describe. The tavern was obviously portrayed as a group of hidden masters who have experienced many accidents but feel drunk, but later One is more temperamental than the other, and it doesn't look like the kind of bitterness and hatred in their background that they have been for a long time to see through the world.
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Rhythm Disorder
8 April 2022
Sorry. Maybe I'm the person without artistic cells that Douban er looks down on. The rhythm is too chaotic and protracted, the editing is too rigid, different story lines are cut directly, and the same story line is directly switched with different narrative rhythms BGM. The fighting scenes are very naive, the protagonist is very brainless, the supporting roles are very noisy, each character is not full, the literary drama is not as strong as the first one, and the most important thing is that the logic of each line is untenable!
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2 April 2022
In terms of the scenery, it is about the characters of the low-end copyrighted games. It seems that each character does not have obvious characteristics in terms of actors. I feel that there are no white robes in the drama that can support the drama. Playing the main role is very dramatic. Episode 8, do you think I'm a real dragon? The real dragon you thought was not what you thought it was. Forced conversion, too embarrassing!
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14 March 2022
This movie won an Oscar! ? It won an Oscar! ? ! ? The script is unbalanced, rhythmically disordered, and the lines are naive, plus a bunch of unintelligible or illogical plots. As a film editor, it is also a mess. A lot of slow-motion shots with diffuser lenses seem to be shooting fashion advertisements. In addition, what is the significance of designing Frodo, the protagonist who was crushed by Sam in terms of ability, courage, tenacity and even thinking?
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The Witcher (2019– )
26 February 2022
Procrastinating plot story, unreasonable plot setting, rough picture design. It seems to want to construct a complex worldview, but it is clueless and confusing. Compared with the first season, in fact, the pattern has not become larger, but has become smaller. And why is it always dark and unclear? And the overall work is tedious and boring. The rhythm is almost zero. Characters adapted for ethnic diversity are also embarrassing.
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