
16 Reviews
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Very Nice
12 June 2024
I couldn't follow it at first when I discovered it on YouTube. Looked it up on Prime and found it on PBS Masterpiece. Watched it and became delighted. Well shot. A bit dark in nature and scenery. However, once I discovered it as truth, I became deeply invested and all the more pleased with the retelling of history.

Well done to the producers and crew. Well done to the actors. And well done to PBS, yet again, for finding valuable ways to produce historical learning in an engaging and entertaining manner. Indeed, I highly recommend higher level teenage educational institutions subscribe this piece as a learning assignment for those interested in historical legislation.
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Thoroughly Enjoyed This!
7 April 2024
Warning: Spoilers
I entered the theater for the first time in nearly twenty years with more excitement about visiting a historic 1950s theater rather than seeing the film. The movie started, I enjoyed it, but I was a bit antsy and eager to see how the dog's role would unfold in this true story. The action scenes were nice. Yet, my recent knee replacement diagnosis thwarted any and all inspiring thoughts of sports activities. My jogging will probably not be revisited once again. I am not an adventure seeker anymore. Too many adventures have impacted my middle aged body. Hence the expressed antsy adrenaline I mentioned earlier. Towards the end of the movie, I became engaged. And as the credits rolled, after seeing the "true" inspiring man and dog, I hurried out of the classic movie theater to wipe away my tears before others saw my tall strong figure shedding my emotions in the form of unexpected tears.

Very nice movie. A few swear words. Watch paying to watch.
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All Time Favorites
8 August 2023
Loved this movie, which I purchased years ago while visiting an old Blockbuster's video store. Watched the DVD thinking it would put me to sleep. Instead, I watched it again. Some folks might think it is too slow due to the quietly moving plot. I loved it! Took me in. The actors...WOW!!! I loved every role. The quality of acting transported me into the life's of each character. And Nick Cave's writing and accompanying soundtrack is still craved after first watching and listening to this brilliant piece of art. Hearts to Nick and his wife for their loss. Thanks to Nick and his wife for providing us a lasting piece of history.
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Midsomer Murders (1997– )
A Theatrical Series with Legendary Actors
8 June 2023
I thoroughly enjoy seeing actors I have witnessed in other series on these late 90s shows. This show has the feel or a hint of theater acting, in my opinion. I am binge watching the early episodes. However, something changed by the 2002 season. So, now I keep asking myself, what on earth happened to this series during season 5??? Something is different. Maybe it's a new director.

By episode 5 in season 5, I am deeply annoyed with the lead detective. It seems as if he changed the way he played the role. Also, they definitely removed most background sounds or removed the musical score in most of the show. And maybe that is the change making me notice the actors very low volume voice and his constant VERY heavy breathing. Geez, was he a smoker???

Anyway, decides those issues, I do enjoy the acting contained in this series, especially seasons 1-3 or 4.
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Injustice (2011)
Injustice: Society Has Changed
25 December 2022
Great casting. Great writing. Great cinematography. Old narrative. We have changed, thankfully. The best part of this show, for me, was finally realizing why I cannot handle watching this. I am bothered by this series because our world has changed, and for the better. Modern day biased elites governing, finding intellect in one sole non-typical criminal, and learning servant minorities filling the stage sidelines is no longer in vogue, socially. And thankfully this biased narrative is no longer comfortably accepted as a norm. Horowitz is a favorite of mine, but only when presenting dated characters: Poirot and Foyle. Social advancements are occurring, cheers! I will now return to the characters of old. I am more intellectually stimulated when watching Horowitz bring those characters to life through film. This modern day glimpse of our recent past is not far enough away from my reality. But this show is showing me, we are progressing, thankfully.
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9 December 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Call me crazy, but I am questioning the themes I witnessed in this movie: doofus dad; non-stop talking high-pitched vocal mother who settles EVERYTHING; son who dreams of receiving a gun and when he gets the gun he shows his family how he becomes a hero; lying and swearing kids; son beats a bully until the bully bleeds, which is the son's reaction after receiving a bad grade on a paper he fantasized as his teacher's favorite story of all; the son finally receives a gun for Christmas and the target of his shooting is "Black Bart;" and as the story ends, the main characters, a typical Indiana family, must reluctantly sit amongst Asians, who are unable to sing English American Christmas songs without an Asian dialect, which happens after the leading characters of this "favorite" movie fails to close the door to their home (and the "Hillbilly" neighbor's wild dogs ravage their Christmas dinner), so they MUST settle for Christmas dinner at a Chinese restaurant where the Chinese people serve them a duck that is served as a turkey.

Ah. No.

This show sends enough subconscious biases hidden within the many subtle messages that the entire show sickens me! The only theme this show consistently aimed to tell is how fantasizing is the best part of life. I guess I would not feel this way if "nostalgic" America were not still shooting "Black Bart," and Asians were no longer mocked. And young white boys did not rely upon violence and guns to make them feel like heroes, especially when seeking revenge against bullies or when processing the disappointment they feel after receiving a bad grade. Sorry. This is no classic movie in my eyes.
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Jack Irish (2016–2021)
I'm Trying...Really
12 November 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Guy Pearce is one of my favorite actors, hence the reason why I chose the show. Movie actors in a tellie series can be tricky: can they carry such a long standing role. Guy is acting, I think. The actors take on each role. The episodes have plots. And the series has promise, for me. This is especially true since I am just discovering it in 2022. However, I am having issues with following each of the season long plots. Maybe there are too many characters and side plots. Or maybe I simple don't catch Australian humor. But what I do encounter, consistently, is the rhythm pattern of the characters: antagonist, protagonist, violence, balancing characters: old men, horses, frustrated teen; all serve as a clockwork track. Honestly, the angry teen character...once again in a series...seems to act as a possible draw for a younger audience. But please, teens, don't copy her attitude, really. And the successful professional ladies softening, or whining, to have sex with Jack, geez, that's a bit old as well. But my experience with three of the season's has made me detect the series necessity to fill all quotas: violence, mystery, sex, and a good needy leading character. If that is what you long to see, Jack Irish is your show; it rhythmically and predictably fills those quotas...thoroughly, in my opinion.
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The Bay (2019– )
First Season Was Worth the Binge
12 September 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Updated after watching Seasons 1, 2, and 3.

I was drawn to the show due to Morven Christie and Sharon Small. I enjoyed Christie's acting skills in Grantchester and Small's in Inspector Lynley. Both are great performers, in my opinion. And regarding the acting in this series, I think they are all stellar. However, the plot in Season 1 episode 1 caused caution. Overall, however, after watching Season 3, I enjoyed the entire series. Some episodes were a bit slow, at times. But all three seasons were a nice binge.

At first, whilst watching Season 1, I was bothered due to the obvious lack of honesty. So, I did not think I would endure the first season. But the writing kept me. Some episodes dragged a bit. Yet overall, it was a nice show to binge watch as a means of trying to distract my brain from about due to the challenges of life. So, if you are in the same situation, you might enjoy this version of distraction. However, in all honesty, I think my feelings towards the show would hinge on the season of life I must confront: a good season or a very tough season. This means I would either enjoy the show and take the time to get into the plot, or I would dislike the show and think I have too much to worry about to spend time watching a series this has a plot that mimics a train approaching its wreckage.

Let me add, this might serve as a spoiler. I'll have at it. But don't read after this if you do not want a glimpse at the plot prior to watching the show.

If you are a Prime Suspect fan, Season 1's show's plot might ring familiar. I think the writers or consultants adopted similar music from Mirren's version of the Tennison character, in season 7. With that said, I think the entire plot is almost like a developed extended version of Tennison working outside of her lines due to an error, again, found in season 7 of that Prime Suspect series.

After reading reviews of Season 3 on this site, I was a bit reluctant to watch the series. But after watching a few episodes, I think the negative comments reflect the very theme the season's writers addressed. So, those viewers who were impacted in a negative way probably vented their internal embarrassment, after seeing their actions, externally on a public venture. As the saying goes, hurt people hurt people. Enjoy each season's original plot.
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Vomit Alert: 12 Minutes in and I Am Sick!
17 August 2022
Some might enjoy this show, but I could NOT get through the first few minutes! I watched 12 minutes and nearly threw up. Why people pay homage to folks like this shows me how our society has a true illness. Wealth is NOT LIFE!!!

The show might turn into a masterpiece, later. But the first 12 minutes required a break (after 6 minutes), and the 6 minutes that led to the 12 minute mark was embarrassing. So, I am writing a review for others that could not endure this documentary. However, maybe another day I will be able to watch this show and find some beneficial use for wasting nearly 2 hours of my life to watch an old couple try to build a large house that truly does not help aspect of our society.
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White Lies (I) (2013)
A Plus!!!
6 August 2022
This is worth watching when you have the time to watch and read the subtitles. Stellar writing, performing, and setting. Eye opening and thought provoking. Definitely a documentation of the horrid influential destruction and disruption of true civilization.
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The Power of Political Soldiers
6 August 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Nice movie to watch. Somewhat engaging. Because I no longer watch American cinema "popular" movies, I was hesitant to use the nearly two-hour block of time to view this project. But I am a huge fan of the late great British actor, (Sir, in my opinion) Alan Rickman and the great Dame, Helen Mirren. And being familiar with those two actors, I could actually digest the compassion driven plot. Yet, based on my true cinema addiction to documentaries, I cannot truly accept a nearly two-hour show involving a military decision based solely on a compassionate heart conviction. At least in this case, let's hope those who are possibly drawn to this type of artistry, especially expressed by such intellectually stimulating actors, will become those who will actually imitate such art in their real lives.
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6 August 2022
Choices. Assimilation. Wealth. Manipulation. All sad factors contributing to what qualifies as being and gaining success. I watched this during a block of free time after binge watching documentaries. This one was worth watching.
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Great Documentary/Heart Gripping
6 August 2022
If you watch this please be aware of this one heart wrenching horrific factor: the mother. Powerful documentary. Extremely informative. Heartbreaking.
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Footage Speaks More Than Subplots
8 April 2022
I read a few reviews, which were a collage of negative opinions. I then reluctantly opted to watch the show as I rest in bed, this rainy day. Within moments I was awake and thoroughly fixated. Wow!

As a civilian who worked with military personnel, during the early 2000s, I could only wish, WISH, I saw this then. I would have pat every soldier I saw on the back for their desire to engage in such a career, despite their reason for enlisting. Because of the footage, and seeing these folks on the field, I did not pay attention to the father and son plot or any other subplot. Instead, I was hooked to the live action and the camera's ability to transplant me, visibly, to the hills of Afghanistan. I will purchase this for sure so that I am ever reminded of how life could be and is for MANY innocent people around the world.
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DCI Banks (2010–2016)
Great Acting HORRID Reality
23 February 2022
Love the show. However, the horrific blunders portrayed by the fictional police make this series nearly unbearable. Let's see, experienced DCI freely walking into homes without warrants: no. Watch Inspector Lynley to correct that mistake. Ahhh??? The idiot female officer talking to a possible criminal grabs a prepared drink FROM THE CRIMINAL while at his remote home, she is then seen drinking the offered liquid drink then succumbing to being drugged??? Really??? I hope that wasn't a purposed gender blunder. And to make it even worse, she had blond hair. Gosh. Really??? The other horribly non-researched errors are known by any normal non-law enforcement member of society; even they would refuse to do such walking into a basement without proper building search procedures, as witnessed in the pilot episode.

Sadly, I might not be able to truly enjoy the wonderful cast in any more episodes. I am glad the show had a long running. Although, the folks who enjoyed it must have been clueless about civil servant's protocol.
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Historic Story/Fictitious Account
13 February 2022
The plot and (sadly) the account of the victims are a bit inaccurate, I felt I could not continue to watch the show. However, after a few hours, I continued watching. Pros: in the end, I gained a better understanding of the victims lives. Cons: I dismissed the actual facts about the case and watched it as a form of entertainment,sadly.

Overall, I would think an honest portrayal, especially in regards to the many girls and ladies who lost their lives due to the murderous "Green River Killer," would be a better way to remember their lives. So, an accurate telling of the story could have served as a benefit for all involved in that tragedy.
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