
3 Reviews
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My Street (2015–2018)
Greatest roleplay on YouTube there is
20 December 2021
Warning: Spoilers
What can I say about this that hasn't already been said. First off props to Aphmau aka Jessica for making what I think is the pinnical of YouTube roleplays. Just everything about this series is great. Zane garroth katelyn Dante Aaron and Travis are all my favourite characters there all written great there jokes are funny. And man season 4 and 6 they were the all time best seasons. This really shows how well everyone did and you can tell alotta care went into making this show and I'll gladly rewatch it.

Spoiler warning

I'm gonna sound like every fan but PLEASE I WANT A SEASON 7 OR SOME KINDA CONCLUSION MOVIE CONCLUSION ( by that I mean like maybe an episode that's an hour and that can finally finish off this story without having it be a cliff hanger) anyways though if I had to give it a score easily 9/10 it's so amazing.
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Ok this one shocked me
20 December 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Man this was a smash hit I never knew Netflix had in them like honest to god all the characters have an episode where there all memorable and they get there time to shine. Also puss and dulcineas loving relationship like goddamn after season 6 where puss was forced to leave and he says goodbye to dulcinea like that one had me crying for a good moment I definitely gotta say this is one of Netflix and dreamworks really good shows.
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So close to perfect it just needs one thing
20 December 2021
Warning: Spoilers
So I'm not gonna sugarcoat that this movie is the greatest Tom and Jerry movie ever but I'll gladly say this one's the most ambitious and it fits what the nutcracker is whilst at the same time fits as to what Tom and Jerry is. It's great but I have one slight complaint nothing major though. When Nelly is reported dead I felt maybe they coulda extended that scene not by much but kinda flesh it out maybe have everyone say something nice about her then cue to her revival. I know it's nit picky but I still thoroughly enjoy this movie and I'll let it slide. Where I think they really got it right was the music whoever the music person was that made king of the cats and marching off song whoever wrote the lyrics deserved a raise. This is a definite 8/10 I recccomend it to both the new and older Tom and Jerry fans. It has some fun for all fans.
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