
60 Reviews
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Good Omens (2019– )
Season 1 Very good - Season 2 Was Not
6 August 2023
Thoroughly enjoyed the first season of Good Omens - VERY well written and acted. The chemistry between Tennant and Sheen was marvelous. The storyline was intriguing to say the least - the idea of an angel and a demon considering to be friendly to one another is outrageous and was done so well.

Then Season 2 started off and expected the same level of wit and entertainment that Season 1 had. The storyline seemed interesting enough. But it became painfully obvious that this season would be bogged down with topics that did not have anything to do with the main story. It was a shame how utterly obvious it was to promote the LBGTQ+ agenda - not a single straight person in the entire cast. I was not offended, only bored.

Season 1 gets a 7-8 rating while Season 2 gets a 3.
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The Night Agent (2023– )
Great at First But Loses Steam
20 April 2023
I thought the show was quite entertaining at first and well written. Acting was above average for a series from Netflix with an exception of only one or two characters. Around episode 8, I felt the writing got a bit lazy/sloppy and ended pretty melodramatic.

Only found a couple of times where scenes felt out of place or unnecessary. Sometimes it did interrupt the flow of the story and action. Also, I would have given more background on some characters - they would act and react oddly but would have benefited from knowing more about their thinking and their past to justify it all.

Give it 7/10 for action and storyline.
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Westworld (2016–2022)
Great Show At First Then Takes A Nosedive
18 August 2022
Part 1 deserves an 8 or 9 as it is some of the best shows available as a series. Season 2 gets a 5 as it becomes more and more senseless. Season 3 deserves a 1. Take a 9, a 5, and a 1 gives it a 5 overall.

If only the dialogue and script could have stayed interesting the series would have made it but as I see it, it's over.
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The Way Down (2021–2022)
Interesting Story But A Horrible Documentary
2 May 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I don't think I've seen a documentary that was so poorly edited and one sided. So much of the scenes were interviews with people who disliked the church leaders and everything they said were to be considered as true with no evidence necessary of proving their statements. I had so many issues with this series because only one side of the story was ever told - I suppose it was to make it more entertaining rather than accurate.

The flow of scenes was all over the place, never coherent. When people would say things like the people leading church were mean and ruined my life - why not leave? It's a church - if a church is not fulfilling your spiritual needs, go find a church that does. To imply that your life will be ruined if you leave is preposterous.

This series should only be called a documentary only because it used actual footage of the people being discussed rather than actors portraying them. I haven't seen anything like this where the makers took about a dozen women who were treated badly by their church and proceeded to say this is a cult and is dangerous. Sure, it's entertaining at times, but frustrating to watch because none of these women's accusations were ever validated. Poor definition of a documentary.
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Iron Sky (2012)
Turn Off Your Brain And Enjoy The Ride
8 October 2021
If you watch this film, you MUST understand this is about German Nazis from the 1940s setting up a base on the moon - WHAAAAAT?

I consider this film to be one of those that makes zero sense, is completely impossible, and insulting to my intelligence - but is fun to watch. First, the special effects are above average for this type of film and the acting was surprisingly good. I get it that the characters are ridiculous and the circumstances are beyond over the edge, but most of it is funny to watch.

I found myself noticing very small details that were kind of accurate from 1940s German technology and some of the dialogue concerning the Nazi party and fooling citizens of their intent. Some of it was eye opening.

You cannot think while watching, it will ruin the movie - I mean, we're talking motorcycles and Volkswagen bugs running around on the dark side of the moon driven by men wearing helmets with masks and leather jackets.

If you can consider this film a wild fantasy science fiction joyride, you might enjoy it - but you must turn off your brains first, haha.
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Could Not Take Any Of It Seriously
8 October 2021
I love movies, especially those that can offer escape or make me think for days after watching. But Neon Demon did neither.

The premise was weak, the script nonexistent, and the acting stiff as a board. I did not find a single character in the film I cared about, even for an instant. The only positive aspect of the film was that it was well made and attractive - the sets were well done and some of the sequences were appealing to the eyes. But that's it. The film's scenes were disjointed and just fell flat. The dialogue was never interesting and pauses that seemed to last for minutes.

Cannot recommend this film, unless you're interested in self-absorbed young women talk to each other like they're made of wood. They are pretty, but void of anything anyone would find interesting or thought provoking.

I give the film a rating of 2/10 for being a film that is pretty to look at. If you want a film that has interesting dialogue or some resemblance of action, look elsewhere.
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A Couple of Moments But That's All
1 September 2021
What started off as an interesting concept went downhill quickly and never recovered. Special effects are not bad, which is the only positive aspect of the film. None of the characters were likable and literally only one had two brain cells that rubbed together. After a while, you find yourself rooting for the aliens to kill all of them.
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Aquaman (2018)
Not a Good Movie But a Horrendous Aquaman Portrayal
2 August 2021
Kept seeing decent early reviews but waited until now to see it. I wished I had decided to never see it. I cannot think of a single redeeming thing about this film. Most acting was cardboard, the CGI was laughable, and the script was over the top cheesy. I just do not see how this film made money.

If there is a chance you have not seen this and are an Aquaman fan, then do yourself a favor and pass on this blockbuster failure.
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Very Good Action And Special Effects
11 July 2021
I tell friends about some movies and my opinions with a preface of "for what it is", it's pretty good. This film had good action and was very surprised at the special effects and sets. The acting was above average, although the script was weak in some spots. Now this film will never win any awards, but if you want a good popcorn flick that you can leave your brain at the door, you will be entertained. Trust me, there are several parts of this that you tell yourself that would never happen or how come these guys never have to reload their weapons. If that kind of stuff drives you nuts, then think twice before taking the plunge.
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Monsters (2010)
Decent Acting But Sloooow
1 July 2021
Interesting concept but being a low budget film, the special effects are average at best. The film had its moments but for the most part, it was non-eventful.
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Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. (2013–2020)
Outstanding, Especially Considering It's A Network TV Show
28 May 2021
Finally finished the final season and enjoyed all of them. Sure, some episodes were a little off and the comedy aspect didn't always work, but overall, an excellent series. Special effects were always above average in the normal Marvel way and being a multiple season series, time was taken to develop characters and their pasts. Chemistry between the characters were especially strong.

Highly recommend this show.
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Good Special Effects, That's It
17 April 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I will say the special effects make this movie. The closeups of Kong and Godzilla were excellent. But that's about this film's only redeeming value.

The script is complete nonsense, full of too many impossibilities to count that happen to the human side of the action. The acting itself is mediocre at best. Some are little, but some are glaring - how can three people walk around a highly secured facility without being seen? Laughable.

This film had high review ratings at first, which tells me bots got a hold early, but real reviews started coming in and pulled it down to an average movie, which is my take as well. I saw this film cost almost $200 million to make and am floored that this is the best that this much money can produce.

If you are a huge fan of Kong, then get some popcorn and enjoy it, but you had better be prepared to turn off your brain first.
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Good And Bad
19 March 2021
This is a very interesting film - but you must understand that this is a low low low budget film. The acting is just plain horrendous and the camera work is amateurish at best. But if you can hang in there for the final "steal", you are treated to one of the better car chase scenes ever made. The final chase scene lasts 40 minutes and crashes over 90 cars. That is truly epic - to devote that much screen time to a car chase is insane. For the most part, the chase itself stays pretty cohesive.

But that chase scene and some of the old cars to see make it worth your while.
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48 Hrs. (1982)
Overall Very Entertaining
19 March 2021
I've watched this film 3 or 4 times and find myself enjoying it every time. If you watch it for the first time, you must remember this film is almost 30 years old - no CGI, no special effects - but good stunts done with real people and real cars.

The storyline is good and well executed - and the yelling and discussion in the police station sure does feel authentic and believable. The film has a nice pace to it as well.

The chemistry between Nolte and Murphy takes a little while to get going, but I appreciate that it just takes a while for these characters to establish a relationship, if you want to call it that.

If you want a good popcorn movie with action, laughs, and real horrible bad guys, then sit back and enjoy.
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Meh.. Had Potential But Just Didn't Pull It Off
19 March 2021
I wanted to like this film, the cast was outstanding, but I was left feeling the film missed the mark. Was it a satire, comedy, horror? It really didn't accomplish any of these genres. The storyline wasn't bad, but it didn't come through.

I would say my biggest issue with the film is that of the main characters, not a single one was likable or very interesting so I did not really care what they had to say or what happened to them.

There were moments that were interesting, but none of them lasted. I would say this is one of the biggest waste of talented actors I have seen in a long time.

Just an average film, thus a 5/10.
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Decent Film But Far Below Par Marvel Film
27 January 2021
If this had been any other studio's film, it's decent, but certainly not great. Given it's a Marvel film, I found it to be disappointing.

The Bad: Pretty poor acting by most of the cast. Average CGI, which is unacceptable for a Marvel film. Way too many "that wouldn't happen" moments - worst was seeing a plane full of people loose in a plane doing wild maneuvers and no one is even knocked out of their seats. And a very poor script that did not keep me interested in the plot, which was not well executed.

The Good: By far the pre-movie tribute to Stan Lee. Somewhat entertaining and some of the banter between Fury and Vers was humorous.

Bottom line - a decent popcorn movie, but very disappointing for Marvel fans.
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Just An Outstanding Film
19 January 2021
First, I am a HUGE car guy and am well aware of the history of the GT40 and the importance that car made on the world of racing. I was young, but lived during the time of this film's story and every single aspect of it was spot on. Wonderful acting, script, action, and the realism of the racing scenes made the hair on my arm stand up.

Even if you aren't a car person, it is a great story that most all would appreciate. Highly recommend this film.
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Not Bad But Not Good
5 December 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Overall, this is not a bad film. If this was not the latest film in the franchise of a highly beloved series, it would get higher marks. Acting pretty mediocre, but special effects were good, and action sequences decent.

But holy cow, come up with a new storyline, will ya? Terminator comes from the future to kill the leader of the resistance while a human from the future is sent to protect them. Gee, where have we seen this before? The storyline and script is unacceptable and I understand why this film bombed at the box office.

I've read where one problem was the fact that the strong leads were all women - BS. Linda Hamilton was the lead in the first two films and no one complained. The problem with Dark Fate is not gender, it's the script. Pretty awful. If someone watched this film without knowing any other Terminator film existed, then it's not bad. But that is impossible - everyone knows the story - and personally, how they handled John Connor in the beginning was a huge turnoff.

If you're a fan of the first two Terminator films, you will not like this one. Truly a shot at making money, nothing more. Very disappointing.
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Mr. Robot (2015–2019)
Very Good, But Slides With Each Season
20 November 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Loved the first 2 seasons. Writing was innovative and acting believable. Malik's performance was impressive, top notch. I was also impressed on how the storyline changed with each obstacle that the characters faced. In season 3, the writers decided to get more political, which is a major turn off to me. The end of season 3 had some interesting developments, so I was excited for season 4. Not sure what happened, but it was like a light switch went off - either they had new writers or the directors decided to turn this series into a soap opera. Acting was over dramatic, characters were suddenly not behaving like themselves, and the storylines that came at you were predictable and unbelievable. For the first 2 seasons, I give it a 9/10, season 3 a 6/10 and season 4 a 4/10. Average it out and I give it a 7/10.
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Not Funny
17 November 2020
One of the most cringeworthy movies I have ever seen. Sasha's character is over the top and not funny. Please stop making these films.
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The Nice Guys (2016)
Enjoyable Film But Don't Take It Too Seriously
24 July 2020
I watched this with no expectations, only saw the trailers and had no idea of the real plot. I was surprised by the number of times I laughed out loud and found the chemistry between Crowe and Gosling to be quite good. With that said, there were several moments where you watch and think "That's impossible" or "That would never really happen". I consider this film to be one that entertains you - doesn't make you ponder anything or make you think about it hours later - it was funny, good acting, and decent script. I would recommend it for a fun, Friday night popcorn movie. Sit back and enjoy.
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Better Than The Last Jedi, But.....
5 May 2020
Warning: Spoilers
The Star Wars movies have just gone to the garbage can. The best parts of The Rise of Skywalker are the special effects (almost flawless) and the fighting choreography. Other than those items, the movie was a waste of time. The story line was so convoluted and so many times a very important dialog was going on and almost every time I knew exactly what was going to be said - very cheesy and predictable. The big showdown crescendo with Rey was cringe-worthy, not to mention seeing warriors on star destroyers attacking blasters while riding horses - really? Walking around out in space? I guess the sceenplay writers never took the time to understand what happens in space without gravity or air. Overall, very disappointing but had better action than Last Jedi, but that's about it.
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Death Wish (2018)
Enjoyed It
21 March 2020
This is a film I call " Good for what it is". This is not an Oscar winning film, it is an action film meant to entertain, and it does a good job of it. Follows the original well and the action is well thought out and fairly realistic. The main drawback is how the film portrays the main detectives - the original did a much better job of that aspect. If you want a good action film with a lot of shoot-em-up scenes, then you will enjoy this one. Just don't expect to be watching a thought provoking, Academy Award caliber film.
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The Commuter (I) (2018)
Not Bad But Turn Off Your Brain First
21 March 2020
Decent idea and the acting was good. But the holes and situations are so far fetched, it was difficult to take seriously. Liam did a good job with what he was given. The support cast was above average displaying their panic and desperation. Overall, a decent action film, as long as you don't take it too seriously, it is pretty entertaining.
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The One That Started Them All
9 November 2019
This was made in 1953, keep that in mind. Think of all the monster movies that featured giant creatures created by atomic bomb radiation - this was the first movie with that story line, this movie inspired Godzilla. The stop motion of the monster was the best I've ever seen. The creature is the star from start to finish. This is what you call an iconic film. If you're into old films like this, it is a real treat and something special about it - knowing this is the film that started a whole genre of films.
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