
1 Review
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Fighter (2024)
Ridiculously average
29 January 2024
I am surprised a crew as stellar as this would come together for something as average as this. It contains so, so many cliché plots, over dramatization that really does not fit the narration directions. I watch every Hrithik movie because he is a fantastic actor. This was pretty average barring some great action scenes in the better half of the movie.

*May contain mild spoilers below*

The plot's centric towards an over abused topic in the industry unfortunately and relies solely on action scenes and the fitting of multiple repeated storylines to fit into one narration. It is hopefully fairly easy for everyone to guess what happens next in pretty much every scene.

It's like you've heard these 20 songs for a long time and someone released a new song with rhythms borrowed from all of them together to fit into one song with a normal average length. Is the problem that it borrows ideas from multiple narrations or is it the fact that each one of those narrations itself is mainstream meaning it would be borrowed already?
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