
2 Reviews
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The Signal (2024)
Sleep aid
8 March 2024
Warning: Spoilers
This show is very calm and very, very slow. The story is about enough for a single Twilight Zone episode (but far less entertaining) and is crammed with every cliché the writers could think of. The result is that there are no interesting, surprising or even original ideas, as every concept in this production has already been done better by someone with more talent.

The score is some of the worst kitsch ever recorded, but since it's just as calm and very, very slow as the rest of the show, it won't wake you up.

Do yourself a favor and heed the warnings of the people who suffered through this forgettable nonsense for you and took the time to write a review: This is an incredibly boring show. But perfect for falling asleep to.
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Surviving Paradise (2023– )
Bad viewing in a beautiful location
22 October 2023
Lefkada is a beautiful island! Unfortunately, we hardly got to see it in that ill-fated TV programme. It could have been shot in a studio, with the camping part outside in the car park. Everything looked extremely cheap, from the house with the cheesy lights to the terrible acting of the contestants. I kept watching, hoping that the challenges would get more interesting. But when the camping group's challenge was to swim across the just 300 feet wide natural lake of Lefkada, a task that would take even the most inexperienced swimmer less than 3 minutes, I gave up. This show is rubbish and I wish I hadn't stuck it out for 5 episodes.
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