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14 Love Letters (2022 TV Movie)
Good points and bad points
30 August 2022
I definitely liked the idea of the movie. It was fun to try to figure out the mystery. I thought the lead female was extremely likable and very believable, as were two of her suitors. To not make this a spoiler, the suitor that was last on the list had absolutely zero chemistry with her. He was on screen more than the other two, and his range emotionally was very narrow. There were about five separate moments where I almost grabbed the clicker to turn it off, but I did want to see how to mystery resolved itself. I feel bad for the main actress, because if they had an actor that had some sort of believability, the movie would've been much more enjoyable.
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In with the Old (2021– )
I really enjoyed this!
19 August 2022
I just found this show and see that's it's not even on demand. I hope the powers that be aren't going from the single review before mine to base their decision on whether or not to renew this show. I watch a LOT of these home improvement shows, and honestly this is the second one only that has a couple where I enjoy both of their personalities! I also love the show Home Town. It's difficult to watch shows where people are yelling at each other or are so hard-core that you can't follow how to do a project on your own. I really enjoyed that they explored the history and spoke to the people of the town about the house they were working on. And I really liked their easy-going personalities and they are obvious joy for what they choose to do for a living. Now that this is Magnolia Network, they are probably testing new shows right and left. But this is a keeper!

And BTW, PLEASE bring back at least one landscape show. There are zero on the air!
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My Grown-Up Christmas List (2022 TV Movie)
Better than the usual!
13 July 2022
We all know from the beginning how Hallmark movies end. They are very predictable, and the ending is always happy. But honestly, isn't that why we watch them? At least for me, if I'm not in the mood to be shook up in anyway, and believe me I like well crafted horror flicks, or torn to pieces emotionally, I will specifically make sure I have recorded a few Hallmark movies to fall back on if the world is too much. What I particularly appreciated about this movie was that the two lead actors were extremely believable and very good at their craft! I really don't think I need to say much more than that. I appreciated it for believing it, and that cannot always be said.
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Feeling Butterflies (2022 TV Movie)
A movie about butterflies that had ZERO correct information about butterflies
27 March 2022
This is a movie about butterflies, and so there should've been research done. It appears that it was released with a first grader's knowledge! There are way too many errors to correct, but here are just two. 1) The little girl said she found a caterpillar, which was a monarch caterpillar, in the woods. Monarchs only eats milkweed, and absolutely it will not grow unless it is in full sun, so you will never find a caterpillar from a monarch butterfly in the woods. 2) when a monarch caterpillar gets the disease 0E, Emily looks under a microscope. The image they show is not microscopic first of all, but also you do not need a microscope to see OE. The parasite blackens the caterpillar and it's very evident. But most importantly, the caterpillar that they show is not a monarch at all! Monarchs have horizontal bands of colors and are smooth, but this caterpillar had vertical stripes and spikes! I'm really horrified at the lack of research that was done, which would probably have taken 30 minutes tops. But I have to mention another blatant error, which was when Emily was in front of a class towards the end teaching, and had a brochure showing a monarch caterpillar and what the monarch butterfly looks like. It was the wrong butterfly!! What could have been a very different story for Hallmark couldn't have looked more amateur.
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Surprisingly unique for Hallmark
20 March 2022
I truly enjoyed this movie, especially because it didn't follow the same hallmark formula. We usually see a man or woman being sent on business to their home town which is always small and where everyone knows each other. There's either a run in with an old boyfriend or girlfriend that either starts out badly and ends up together with one kiss and then the movie immediately ends, or the person who went to the small town is dealing with trying to change something because of work, an argument ensues, they hate each other and then they fall in love which ends with one kiss before the movie immediately ends. This film had a whole different feel and a very different path telling the story. I thought the acting was very good and loved the deviation from the typical that I'm used to seeing with Hallmark.
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Love Strikes Twice (2021 TV Movie)
Very pleasant surprise!
15 February 2022
I think this is one of the best acted hallmark movies that I have seen! And not only that, it doesn't follow the typical Hallmark formula. Most of the movies start with someone sent back to either their small town or a specific small town where they end up having to either confront someone who in the end they fall in love with or someone confronts them while they are involved with someone else. There is always a huge disagreement towards the end of the movie, and then it is always resolved! Once the one and only kiss happens, the camera fades out and the movie is immediately over without any further development. Because this had a completely different storyline it was very enjoyable. It also had depth in the language in the script which made it feel more like a cinema movie than a Hallmark movie. Don't get me wrong, I do enjoy Hallmark movies possibly because they are relaxing are so predictable. Although you may figure out how this movie would probably end, it took you on an unexpected journey to get there!
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