
2 Reviews
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Angel's Dance (1999)
10 out of 10
26 December 2001
I don't usually like writing reviews so I only write about ones I passionately love or passionately hate! I absolutely loved Angel's Dance! After watching this movie I found myself with a grin that I couldn't rub off. For some reason every time I think about it I smile again.

What I hated about the movie. Nothing! It's perfect just the way it is!

What I liked. Everything!

I love the soundtrack. It seemed to create the right mood.

I love the way Angel "evolved" throughout.

The lead players, James Belushi, Sheryl Lee and Kyle Chandler all fit their parts.

The ending was somewhat unexpected and I loved that too!
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A modern "50's B grade sifi movie"
25 December 2001
Oh please, don't make a sequel. I beg you, not a series.

John Travolta is a very intelligent fellow. How could he make such a lemon?

What I liked.. Special effects were interesting.

What I disliked.. Everything else.

The plot is implausible. The aliens conquered humans in 9 minutes when they first invaded. 1000 years later caveman comes along and kicks their butt, flying Harriers like veterans after a little simulator training. This makes sense how? Did I mention the planes were left in the hangar for 1000 years before use? Harriers are obviously far superior to the alien craft, chewing them up and spitting out the pieces. This is why we were so easily invaded in the first place. Huh? Oh wait a minute..

If I left my car in the shed for 1000 years would it still go?

If you answered yes to the last question you will probably be able to enjoy the movie having thrown logic and common sense out the window.

I'd rate it 1 out of 10 (for the special effects).

Did I mention the alien computer sound is really really silly?...
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