
3 Reviews
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Our Flag Means Death: The Innkeeper (2023)
Season 2, Episode 3
pure TV magic
6 October 2023
Warning: Spoilers
The balancing-act between the comedy and the drama remains pitch-perfect, and this episode might be its best culmination yet.

The reunion of the crew members despite Ed's overhanging absence is wonderful, especially Jim and Olu talking about their new romantic interests. The tension between Stede and Izzy is wonderfully sharp, filled with guilt and anger and regret.

Ed's scenes on the island are a wonderful fake-out, and the manifestation of Hornigold as his worst self is perfect. The truth of Ed's fate is revealed with the show's brand of mix of comedy and drama, with the cutaway from the slapstick murder attempts to the shot of Ed's body lying motionless on the ship being a masterpiece reveal.

Like Ed, the audience are momentarily left in limbo of how on earth can we come back from this. We are happy to see Stede prove himself accountable, and taking charge of rescuing his crew even as his heart lies in pieces. The Mozart sequence as they take back the Revenge is a much needed moment of triumph among so much heartbreak.

And what can be said about the last six minutes of the episode. They are pure TV magic, some of the most beautifully shot television. It is the perfect reunion for Stede and Ed, everything I could have wanted and never would have dared to hope. Dramatic, heart-wrenching, silly and filled with so much hope. Even though there are still rifts that need to be mended, the ending proves that despite everything, these characters' love for each other is the thing that will save them, time and time again. And also that Kate Bush will never not slap.
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Our Flag Means Death: Red Flags (2023)
Season 2, Episode 2
sailing into the eye of the storm
5 October 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Ed's self-destruction is delivered pitch-perfect by Waititi. The oscillation between the soft-spoken, understated terror he exudes and the unravelling chaos is hard to watch, but necessary for Ed to go through. And Waititi and O'Neill's scenes together are beautifully, horrifyingly toxic, right until the bitter end of the episode.

The crew's reunion with Lucius is a bright spark of hope in their storyline. His trauma with Ed's murder attempt and the other things that have happened to him since then are handled with real heart and sympathy, which also makes it possible to find space for the comedic moments. Nathan Foad delivers a wonderful performance.

And Stede's growing understanding on how far Ed has gone, coupled with his insistence on that he still isn't lost beyond hope mirrors beautifully the audience's view of him. We, too are in love with this man, and we, too are not ready to give up on him.

One of the lighter highlights are the new cast members and characters! Just as it was with season 1, every single new character is an instant new favourite. Oluwande's storyline with Zhang Yi Sao and Jim's with Archie are both wonderful.
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Our Flag Means Death: Impossible Birds (2023)
Season 2, Episode 1
Way to open season 2
5 October 2023
This was a perfect start for the new season, living up to any and all expectations! The show continues to blend and balance comedy and drama seamlessly, a feat that is all the more impressive as the story picks up from a much darker place than before.

Seeing all these characters again, and how their storylines have developed since we last saw them is in turns heart-breaking and joyful, and satisfying all around. Each and every performance sings, and the ensemble as a whole stands out. I fell in love with each and every one of them last season, and I am ready to renew my wows. This goes for the whole production.
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