
8 Reviews
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Average Joe (2023– )
Great premise horrible execution
3 August 2023
Warning: Spoilers
While I actually did enjoy the first few episodes the show slowly begins to unravel in the worse way possible as it progresses. The acting, writing, directing and screenplay are all severely lacking with numerous scenes falling flat with dull performances and poorly written lines.

The plot for this show is constantly undermined by the flaws listed above, their are so many scenes that come off as out of place, unbelievable or poorly written sometimes all three. Michael Trucco is one of the few people here with a decent script, Deon Cole starts off fine but towards the middle begins to struggle with a far more serious role with the bulk of the blame falling on the director. A lot of the arguments and drama seem poorly written and completely unrealistic. For example Joe's character is traumatized to the point of contemplating turning himself in after witnessing a murder even though he's killed and dismembered two people prior to this scene. The rest of the cast suffer the from the same sadly as these inconsistency constantly dragged down the quality of this show.

In closing this show ultimately reverts back to the same generic soap opera drama that this platform is known for, the only difference is the violence and cheap special effects.
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Highly Recommended
29 July 2023
The story is centered around three characters that stumble onto a underground conspiracy in their hometown that spans across the country. The social commentary here is beuatfully done, I love how they built the story around it and created this organic blend that most movies are missing.

A lot of people are comparing this to Black Dynamite but they are both very different movies with minor similarities. Black Dynamite is a pure comedy from start to finish while this movie is more of a Sci-fi Mystery with a very serious dark grim undertone that never really fades despite numerous well placed jokes.

Coming into this movie I didn't know what to expect but I was pleasantly surprised by the thought provoking writing, multilayered characters and amazing sound track for me this movie was the whole package highly recommended.
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Jacir (2022)
Amazing concept with a decent execution
20 May 2023
The movie is centered around a Syrian refugee named Jacir living in Memphis, Tennessee trying to learn English and adapt to an American lifestyle. During his journey he faces racism, discrimination, poverty, drug use and the constant looming threat of deportation. This movie is a realistic and raw depiction of what the American dream can look like for anyone impoverished struggling to get by.

I love the how raw and real this movie feels at times especially when dealing with topics like race, the complexity of racism and poverty. Tut Weezy did an amazing job here for his acting debut can't wait to see more from him in the future, the only things I disliked where the music selection(Tut Weezy has more popular songs they could have used) writing/pacing towards the middle and end of movie starts to feel like it's in a rush to wrap things up. They're a few plot holes because of this and off screen conflicts that somehow resolved themselves along with the fact we never learn much about Jacir's past and why he feels so compelled to help Meryl still defiantly worth a watch.
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Black Friday (III) (2021)
Not really a comedy just a really bad horror movie
10 May 2023
This would of been better as a grounded movie about employee's working on Black Friday. The setup and the introduction of the characters is actually very good, I was genuinely interested in this movie before the zombies show up.

The Bad: the budget for this movie was insanely small and it shows some of the cheapest looking props I've ever seen, on top of this there isn't anything funny about this movie it's just a low budget cliché horror flick. It's not scary and the writing for the majority of the cast is horrible, Minor Spoilers Warning: only three characters survive and you will quickly figure out who they are. This movie does not care about the rest of the cast they die in some of the dumbest ways possible, it legitimately felt like they had no idea how to progress the story or make a good horror movie. Things just happen randomly while the other characters are reduced to cannon fodder or poor defined villain's with no real reason or purpose.

The Good: The beginning of the movie before the zombies is the only part I liked, I feel like they could of actually told a decent grounded story about employees being forced to work the holidays. Their are a few scenes about relatable work drama that are well done but they are completely overshadowed and undermined by the low budget cliché horror. I can't recommend watching this it drags towards the end and I just wanted it to be over.
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Pretty Stoned (2023 TV Movie)
It's not horrible but could've been so much better
9 May 2023
I originally scrolled pass this movie because it looked like trash but after looking at the cast I actually gave it a chance and I was somewhat pleasantly surprised. Overall this is still a low quality movie with A LOT of issues I'm not sugar coating any of this movie's obvious glaring flaws, with that being said I still found some of the movie to be genuinely funny.

The Bad: A lot of the main cast are celebrities that CAN NOT ACT, this carries over into Darcy's love interest who she has ZERO chemistry with. The plot/writing is HORRBLIE and somehow progressively gets worse, while the acting and directing in the earlier scenes magnify this. A lot of things feel forced in and unnecessary for example the vast majority of the cast are women(its even being advertise as "MTV's Female-Led Stoner Comedy") with men being regulated to very short supporting roles. I would have no problem if it made the movie better but it doesn't, a lot of the main cast acting skills and chemistry are lacking severely and the casting limitations are at fault imo. It's like they were more concerned with checking boxes than telling a compelling story or making a good funny movie. Lastly the budget for this was small and you can feel it, a lot of scenes are done in one take with errors and a lot of the props look very cheap.

The Good: Even with all it's flaws and faults it's still a surprisingly funny and light hearted movie. Skye Townsend, Jess Hilarious and DC Young Fly carried this movie on there backs comedically, Brandee Evans also did a great job playing the static serious character. Paris Berelc actually had a number of funny lines despite her overacting in most scenes, while Pretty Vee did a great job with what she was given her comedic talents were vastly under utilized in this movie. Somehow Paris Berelc ended up with far more funny lines and scenes between the two with varying degrees of success, It feels like this could have actually been a very good movie if they had a better director, writer and casting all the pieces for a great movie are here sadly its just not properly assembled, worth a watch if you are insanely bored.
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Detentionaire (2011–2014)
Disappointingly average
31 January 2023
Lee the main character is framed for a major school prank and punished with a year of detention, the entire show centers around him breaking out of detention to figure out who framed him. This leads to one of my biggest problems with the show it sacrifices everything for this mysterious plot. The bulk of each episode all take place in detention from the second episode onward, this means their is no real world building, character growth or story telling. The writers seemed hell bent on the entire show taking place during detention, to cement these writing limitations Lee is grounded and on a strict schedule as punishment from his mom. So we literally see NOTHING but the halls, cafeteria, and detention.

On top of all that the vast majority of the characters are stereotypically bland, boring, one dimensional cliché high school students with the exception of literally two smaller supporting characters. Lee doesn't fall completely into the first category but he is insanely one dimensional. This literally describes his entire existence "framed for a prank, now he's popular and he wants to find out who framed him that's it". Nothing else is really define with his character or any of the others, there's potential romance but it's all handled so poorly. The character don't even feel like people just vehicles to progressed the plot.

This show sacrifices so much for a HIGHLY subjective mystery that there really isn't anything left without it, there are so many massive plot holes. For example why aren't the skaters popular if they helped set up the prank Lee was framed for? How is a year of detention with a constantly sleeping teacher punishment? Why wouldn't Barrage supervise detention himself at the very first suspicion of Lee sneaking out? Why are Lee and Biffy the only people in the ENTIRE school that have detention? The list goes on and on the only thing the writers put any thought into is the mystery literally everything else is severely lacking.
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Are We There Yet? (2010–2012)
It's far from perfect but I like it
29 April 2022
It's a nice light hearted family show that I will admit starts slow but gets good towards the middle of the second season.

I don't really understand a lot of the criticism, the vast majority of sitcoms are at this level of quality my biggest issue with the show is it can be boring at times but aside from that enjoyable. The main characters are okay and most the celebrity guest steal the show each his own I guess but I prefer the show over the movie.
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Barbershop (2005)
Just bad
28 April 2022
I don't understand what happened but the writers just completely dropped the ball this show feels so out of touch from its source material. Everything is lacking the dialog, the plots and the character all feel underdeveloped and poorly written. This show prioritized being politically correct over comedy and plot it's supposed to be a black show yet it rarely ever deals with black issues directly. The writers were hell bent on making this a far more racially neutral show with the forced inclusion of various other races and far boarder topics and issues such as homophobia, martial strife's, sexuality etc.

The problem here is all of this comes at the cost of the core writing and characterization that this series is known for, every character from the movies act's and behaviors drastically different.

This Calvin is a push over that is unsure of himself and is constantly battling for respect in his own shop with the addition of Romadal he's constantly disrespected and undermined.

This Eddie is a out of touch alcoholic weirdo who's entire character gets minimized down to he's questionable sexuality all for the sake of forced inclusivity.

This Terri is a insanely annoying orphan that's somehow even more stereotypical and offensive than her movie counterpart. She is the worst character on the show and somehow gets the vast majority of screen time. Most these characters can be minimized down to unfunny one liners or mantras but the bulk of this character lines is literally constantly repeating herself so prepare to hear "my shit is pure" over and over again.

Romadal is a original character created for this show who had plenty of comedic potential that is never realized. The vast majority of his lines are literally one word b****, over and over just like Terri the writing is so bad I seriously question the age and intelligence of anyone recommending this garbage.

I'm not going to go any further examining all the characters because the vast majority of them are all this bad those above are just the ones that stuck out or disappointed me the most this is legitimately one of the worst shows I've ever seen.
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