
4 Reviews
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I just watched this and already forgot everything
15 April 2024
Some people may believe the poor reviews may be an outcome of nostalgia for the old movie, but this is not the case. Even without the first film, this movie is still a cinematic disaster. I am still in awe of how this got made and approved in the first place. Yes, many were hoping for a sequel to the original Megamind, but this in no case can be considered a sequel. Although sharing the same names as the original characters (except for minion for some reason), these characters attitudes are completely different to the point they could be considered different entities entirely. I cannot find anything good to say about this film unfortunately except for sympathy for everyone who worked on it. None of the voice actors sounded like the originals but they still gave it a great shot. The poor animation is most likely due to budgetary restrictions and not the fault of the animators. If there was one movie I could have erased from my memory completely, it would be this one.
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Very very good. Liked it so much and liked it even more after hearing the soundtrack again
29 January 2024
This movie has a lot of heart and a lot of amazing effects. It is comparable to other films with the way they use a comic book/video game style but I don't think any other film does it quiet like how it was done here. The first fight scene will always be my favorite and the humor in this film is spot on. I cannot say much on how reliable the adaptation is since I have not read the comics (but will be reading them after seeing this stellar film). You can tell a lot of heart is put into every aspect of this adaptation film with the way the film feels like a moving comic. They nailed it without being too in the face which is nice. I knew going in it was going to be a good film but it really captured me with its deeper themes. I feel watching the series after it is a good touch since you can compare the two and see more sides of the characters. Overall wonderful film even if you are not a fan of video games and comics.
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Very good
23 December 2023
I enjoyed this film very much and think it is a must watch for many. It does not follow the usual format of story that the director usually takes but nevertheless it still feels like one of his films. Even if you do not enjoy the story, the animation is beautiful and complex and honestly something very mind bending. The story can be understood in many different ways depending on perspective and I would recommend it to anyone. However, I do not see this as a children's film for it is very intense at some scenes. If you believe your child is mature enough then I definitely recommend it but darker themes and narratives are present. I loved this movie at the end of the day and it will be considered one of my favorites for a long time.
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Rope (1948)
10/10 A must watch even for non-Hitchcock fans
2 September 2023
A lot of fun and great acting. Even if you're not a fan of Hitchcock's work I definitely recommend this film to anyone interested. Even though being a dialogue heavy movie it is never boring with its visuals (and everything looks like it was taken in one shot too!) and the writing is extremely clever. I love Hitchcock for his suspense and this movie has tons of it. Even if you're not into all that stuff check it out anyways since it is just a great film overall and a classic. James Stewart is a delight as usual and John Dall and Farley Granger give one of the performances of a lifetime. The chemistry of the actors is perfect and nothing ever feels out of place. If you are a perfectionist you will love this movie because everything feels perfect. Hitchcock is just so smart with how he constructs things and this movie almost feels as if it was shot within Hitchcock's very own doll's house. 10/10.
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