
5 Reviews
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A Show that gets Better with Each Episode
11 May 2007
The first episode was a bit slow with a few too many characters to be introduced in one episode which made it difficult to follow. But episode by episode each character shows real development. Mainly focusing on four brothers. Tommy is the Sensible responsible one, Kevin the Gambler, Shaun the Innocent one and Jimmy the impulsive and reckless one. Also there are a number of perpiheral characters including the boys mother, Irish and Italian Mobsters, an old man with alzheimers, and Girls from the block. And the whole thing is woven together by often witty narration by Joey Ice Cream who is often seen is prison telling the tales to various Police, Priests, nurses and lawyers. Overall a great show that only seems to get better now that NBC has axed the show and made the show available on the web. Overall a great show If you get the a chance to see it don't judge it till you've seen more than a couple of episodes.
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Thieves Like Us (2007– )
Better than the promos i say Led me to believe
15 March 2007
When I first saw the promotions with the tag "these are the guy Del and Rodney bought their stock from" I thought this was going to be another tired unoriginal comedy from the BBC. So i only tuned in to episode 2 because i couldn't find anything else and what I got was a very enjoyable often surprising laugh filled half hour. Since then I've watched the remaining 4 parts of the series enjoying everyone of them.

Tom Brooke as Bex is top quality as the main protagonist always planning the next job but never to busy to deal top draw sarcasm. As his foil Fraser Ayres (who you may remember from another BBC3 series "The Smoking Room") plays Ollie his often dim witted partner in crime (literally). Add to this a great ensemble cast of Girlfriends, a fence, Competitors and police detectives and it is a truly all round enjoyable show.
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How Depressing
5 November 2003
Why couldn't they have left it at one film?

Not to say it was a bad film cause it wasn't. but it certainly wasn't the uplifying end to a trilogy you normally get. Some odd moments in the film where you feel like you know what's going to happen next but it does chuck in it's fair share of surprises. The acting is good and there's a good soundtrack to it. If you're just looking for light entertainment this probably is not the film for you. If you like questioning your reality you'll love it. All in all not a bad end just a bit depressing.
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Pearl Harbor (2001)
boring cheesy Generic War Movie but then what do we expect
7 March 2003
Warning: Spoilers
SPOILER Out of ten I gave this a three. and thats only because the acting was good you spend three quarters of the film bored. Ok lets see basic storyline, Pilot goes off to Europe to fight for Britain but while he's away she cheats on him and not only that with his best friend. Ok maybe its because she thinks he's dead but is that really enough. and then he turns up alive just in time to find out she's pregnant with his friends baby and to be bombed by the Japanese, What a stroke of luck in the timing there. So then you have the bombing by the Japanese which is where the story gets quite exciting maybe because they actually pick up the pace a little, To be quite honest at this point you feel like your told the story by a Ninety year old with breathing difficulties.

So then the Japanese are quite merrily bombing the crap out of the US Navy Port of Pearl Harbor. And guess what you got the Two friends fighting side by side. anyway I think you get the Gist. This is nothing but sentimental rubbish. If you actually enjoyed the storyline of Titanic you'd probably enjoy this.

P.s. If you don't know your history here's a Hint The US Won in the end, but only after they were drawn in by this event. so this is reflected in the storyline with the usual Hollywood Aren't we great ending. After all the victors write the history books and the beaten crawl back ashamed and try to forget they lost.

This could have worked if they had of cut out the sentimental storyline, had the Japanese attack earlier and extended the fight back part of the storyline

So in summation this is a film that will probably only be enjoyed by people who like soppy movies or people who like mindless boring crap that teaches you nothing and twists events to suit their end goal (I think you know a few of these people in powerful political positions). Once again I think was a case of bad writing rather than anything else.
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Backbeat (1994)
Good Film, Even Better Soundtrack
20 September 2002
I really enjoyed this film, I do however doubt that i would have enjoyed it as much if it hadn't been for the absoloutely storming soundtrack made up of Fifties covers which you believe would have been played by the Beatles at that stage in their careers. Add to that the fact that the Band used to create the sound of the Beatles consisted of some of the leading musicians of the 90's. They bring their own interpretation to the music just as you believe the Beatles would have done, The only exception to this is the Drum beat which tends to sound more like the 90's than the 60's that being said it does make it more accessable to a contemporary audience.

Now as for the actual film itself, It was built on an interesting story about Stuart Sutcliffe, John Lennons best friend, Choosing between music and Art, the latter enevitably wins out with the help of Astrid. Much of the story is of a Tug Of war between John lennon trying to keep him involved in the music and Astrid who sees his artistic potential. It's a story that has been played over and over again but is refreshed in the context of surrounding characters that you feel you already know.

The Characteristically funny Lennon, Business like McCartney, Shy Harrison all come across very comfortably. But they are merely bit characters as this film is more about the choices of sutcliffe than it is about the fab four.
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