
19 Reviews
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What the Folks (2017–2022)
Great show if you haven't seen similar before
5 May 2022
WHAT THE FOLKS is relatable and lighthearted and the acting is superb. I LOVE the handheld camera which makes you feel right there with the family. Honestly though watching the first couple of episodes I feel like I've seen this all before. It's the same story told hundreds of times before, and there just wasn't enough of a difference between this show and other TV and film to keep me coming back, which I'm sorry to say as had I seen this show first I would have given it a 10.
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The Good Place (2016–2020)
Comedy with a GREAT message
5 May 2022
This is what comedy looks like! Great characters who just flawed enough to be relatable without being train wrecks, and a story that is pure escapism that everyone in the family can enjoy. Even better is that this show has a message, it inspires you to think about WHY we do the things that we do. Are we TRULY being good when we do good? THE GOOD PLACE is a masterpiece and always re watchable!
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Pretty Little Liars (2010–2017)
Watch it for the first 3 seasons
5 May 2022
This show is surprisingly addictive! PRETTY LITTLE LIARS has great writing and characters, and keeps you coming back for more in the early seasons. It does start to run out of steam in Season 4 but don't let that discourage you as the first few seasons are TOTALLY worth a watch.
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Fleabag (2016–2019)
Is this really a comedy?
5 May 2022
It's outrageous and bold which is for sure - but does that make it comedy? FLEABAG is definitely different and that is to be commended, but I didn't feel comfortable laughing along with a character who seems to have a warped sense of self. Or maybe that means I have the hang-up, I don't know. So I didn't personally like the show but I know that's a matter of taste. The film production quality is excellent so I'm increasing the score for that.
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Pushpavalli (2017– )
Feels like two different shows
5 May 2022
This show seems to change genres which might push away its initial audience who came for the comedy. I LOVE the main character Pushpavalli despite (or is it because!) of her flaws - so great job to the writer and main actress. But this should have stayed as one season.
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1917 (2019)
Dunkirk did it better
5 May 2022
Incredible cinematography but is that ENOUGH? I wanted to love this film but there was limited emotion in it, and we didn't get to know any of the characters enough to care about them. The only thing it's about is one question - will Schofield and Blake make it through danger? And once I found out the answer after what felt like 3 hours (edit - it was actually 2) then I realised the film had nothing to make me watch it again, apart from a cool nighttime running sequence which I think is clipped on YouTube. I hate to say it but Dunkirk did it better.
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Dunkirk (2017)
Truly excellent
5 May 2022
DUNKIRK is hands down one of the best war films out there. Beautiful cinematography and the characters were done so well that you really care about them and root for them to succeed! Although sometimes I got a little lost because the storytelling jumped around, but that is more than made up for in a story that feels so personal that it brings a historic event to LIFE. The performances were fantastic and we got to linger with their emotions at just the right amount. Truly excellent, you must see this if you haven't yet!
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Missed opportunity
5 May 2022
Great concept and beautiful filming but it felt unbalanced and preachy. It really feels like the writer has a strong opinion on this issue and used this film as a way to get that opinion out into the world without wanting to explore any opposite point of view. As a result the characters felt thinly drawn and not real. A missed opportunity to add to the conversation about our relationship with religion which is a shame.
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Bridgerton (2020– )
Grabbed my full attention and wouldn't let go
5 May 2022
I could not tear my eyes away and I'm usually on my phone watching a show but this grabbed my full attention and wouldn't let go! If you want the same old period drama then there are MILLIONS out there for you. BRIDGERTON is the period drama for us who are excluded from those other stories. We deserve a happy ending too!!! I can't wait for Season 3.
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Great show but have a strong stomach
5 May 2022
FINALLY a show that feels like it's actually set in our NHS with people who actually feel like real doctors and patients! Ben Whishaw is on fine form here and the deadpan comedy is FIRE. There are gory bits though with the medical procedures and those made it a bit unpleasant for me so I only made it two episodes, but YMMV.
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Our Flag Means Death (2022–2023)
Top marks for Taika and Rhys
5 May 2022
Period piece and comedy is difficult to get right and OUR FLAG MEANS DEATH has a decent go of it. It does take some time to get going and if I didn't know Taika Waititi was going to be in it then I wouldn't have stuck the course. Taika and Rhys have huge chemistry on screen together and the show is excellent when they are both in the scene - but a lot of the other cast wasn't that memorable.
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Sober City (2020)
Needs more drama
5 May 2022
This might be a Marmite show but we can probably agree its bold. The physical comedy and the characters are genuinely hilarious but SHOULD it be a comedy? Usually topics like this are found in bleak dramas with the number of an addiction helpline in the credits. Here we have recovering addicts getting into all sorts of comedy situations and barely talking about their addiction. Maybe that's the point to show people moving onto a better life but I would have loved more drama with this topic.
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It was great. I think.
5 May 2022
It's unexplainable and I don't know where to begin but it was great. I think. Definitely different and ORIGINAL. I was lucky to be in the States when this came out and all I can say for sure is its expertly done and the three main character are really excellent and full of charisma. But I still don't understand what was actually going on. Maybe that's the point?? Or was it too much of everything all at once??
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Her Story (II) (2015–2016)
5 May 2022
HER STORY shows empowered trans and queer women who are dating and going through life's ups and downs - with true REPRESENTATION in the cast and the production team! This webseries is GOLD and a must watch. I binged it all and am only sorry there aren't more episodes.
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Servant of the People (2015–2019)
Genuinely hilarious
5 May 2022
WOW. I'm only a few episodes through the series so far but I LOVE LOVE LOVE this. Really enjoyable to watch. It's genuinely hilarious with a great speed that makes it feel fun and fresh. Zelenskyy is a wonderful everyman in an equally excellent cast. And we know from Zelenskyy's election afterwards that the political problems in the show were actually true, so we can learn about it while having an enjoyable time. A must watch!
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The Office (2005–2013)
Other shows please take note
5 May 2022
Ok so I'm British but I love the American version of THE OFFICE so much! No really cringe moments and no laugh track telling you what your reaction should be. You can relax into it and react however you want (other shows please take note). And there are just the right amount of characters to keep things fresh and never get confusing. The writing is amazing and it's a guaranteed laugh. Go see it!
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Deserves all the applause
5 May 2022
Who doesn't have that inner awkward part of themselves? J is so many of us AND the whole show breaks away from stereotypes to show such real and funny people we can all relate to. I also really love the "home movie" style of the filming which makes you feel you're a friend coming along with J for the ride. This show deserves all the applause.
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EastEnders (1985– )
Not escapist and that's why it WORKS
5 May 2022
My favourite thing about EastEnders is that it is NOT "escapist" telly. Whoever you are and whatever you're going through, one of the storylines on this show will speak to that. Every character looks like a real person and if they can handle their dramas and stick up for each other then we can too. It does look a bit "home movie" when you watch it but the important thing is to be RELATABLE, which it is. It's not too late to start watching because the writers do a good job of letting you know whats going on with the current storyline - you'll be up to speed in no time.
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Trying (2020–2024)
5 May 2022
Heartwarming and funny and you want to spend all your time with these characters. The storyline isn't the most groundbreaking in the world but that doesn't matter. TRYING does it so well and takes us through all the emotions with Jason and Nikki and keeps us coming back episode after episode. :)
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