
5 Reviews
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Sniper: G.R.I.T - A Misfire in the Franchise's Precision
18 January 2024
In the latest installment of the Sniper franchise, G. R. I. T, my anticipation turned to disappointment. Unlike its predecessors, this film took an unexpected comedic turn, abandoning the series' established serious tone. The recasting of Lady Death with a different character further deviated from the franchise's core concept, contributing to an overall letdown. This departure from the established formula marks G. R. I. T as a blunder in an otherwise beloved and enduring movie series, failing to meet the expectations set by its predecessors. All in all, I think given the direction this has went, the franchise should be over if they want to now make it a comedy.
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Fingernails (2023)
Slow and boring
8 January 2024
I thought I might like this movie as most apple movies are ok. I also thought something with Jeremy White would be good. I couldn't have been more wrong. This movie was just so extremely slow, boring and to be honest, the concept was dumb. Don't waste your time with this movie. I think it probably could be improved even with the concept but I'm just shocked and disappointed. I wanted to turn it off 30 minutes into it but just kept watching hoping something better would happen or the movie would shift and get interesting but man I was wrong. Not to mention: its very predictable what is going to happen.
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This isn't the 2nd season...
22 November 2023
I'm intrigued by the number of people who seem to mistake this for a second season of the original-clearly, it's a spin-off. Let's keep that in mind, folks. Personally, I find it quite good. The reality show part of it makes it interesting. Let's not pretend that we don't like reality shows.

Looking ahead, I'm eager to see how the actual second season will be. This will do in the meantime. Give it a chance, and you might just find yourself pleasantly surprised by the compelling characters and engaging storyline. And for those who still don't get it, there's a thing called Google :) cheers!!!!
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So stupid
31 July 2023
Not being funny, but this movie was so stupid. From the trailers, it looked great, but it was just as I imagined... always trying to make a funny, but I'm sorry, it just didn't meet the mark. It was more corny than anything. I can't believe with the talented actors they had that it would turn out this cheesy. I guess sometimes you gotta do what you gotta do, but personally, I know that I would never sign onto something this silly. It's disappointing because I had high hopes, and the cast seemed promising, but the plot felt predictable and cliché. The humor was forced, and the jokes fell flat most of the time. I wish they had utilized the actors' potential better. I mean, come on, they are capable of so much more! The only redeeming quality was the film's decent cinematography, but even that couldn't save it from being an overall letdown. I wouldn't recommend it to anyone, to be honest. It's a shame when you're excited about a movie, and then it turns out to be a major disappointment. I'd rather watch something with substance and a compelling story any day. Hopefully, the actors will have better projects in the future, because they certainly deserve it after this dud.
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Seven Seconds (2018)
Very slow
26 May 2022
Great story but takes so long. Literally like watching paint dry. Some shows take a few episodes to get into it and I appreciate that but even at episode 7 I'm sitting here wondering when are we going to speed up and get some action.....
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