
2 Reviews
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Kill Chain (2019)
A pox upon film makers who don't use lighting.
14 June 2024
A pox upon film makers who don't use lighting. The first forty-five minutes were black, interrupted by occasional muzzle-flashes. The cameramen found it difficult also. They had a marked lack of success keeping the subjects in frame, likely because they were hand-holding the cameras since they couldn't find those subjects in the view-finder. I tried hard to struggle through, waiting until something happened, but, after an hour, I gave up and found something more watchable. It was not hard to do. A toothpaste commercial is more interesting.

I really like Nicolas Cage and I hope he got paid a lot for appearing in this sorry turkey.
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The Weapon (2023)
Maybe not for everone.
1 December 2023
I often try to watch, or, at least, check out, low rated movies mostly because my taste runs different from most other peoples. I really don't care about writing, continuity or dialogue. What I care about is if the movie interests me enough to see it through to the end.

This one is a hidden gem. I liked the camera work and the character development. The flashbacks were a bit to get used to and I found that actually paying attention is helpful.

If you don't mind having your scenes delivered to you haphazardly in a non-linear fashion with head-scratching moments, this is probably going to appeal to you.
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