
4 Reviews
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Intrigues sympathy, but not much empathy.
25 November 2009
Let me start by saying I like this movie. Despite the small budget, this is a well written, well directed and beautifully acted movie. Can't quite get the idea of black-and-white photography, but it's properly executed giving a realistic image of the industrialized city of Kaohsiung.

This movie also reminds us other Taiwanese films made by Hou Hsiao-Hsien and Edward Yang. Like them, the director told a true story, and I'm sure many viewers had shed their tears for the sad experiences that the loving father and daughter had gone through. However, unlike Hou or Yang's work, this story is more based on a unique and somewhat ridiculous event. Despite true and sad, it's hard to give us more to think about other than feeling sympathetic.

This is the director's debut film. He's not yet Hou or Yang, but we have good reasons to believe that there is a lot we could expect from his future work.
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25 June 2009
I watched this film the first time when I was a kid; liked it, thought it was really cool. Men beating each other and firing a gun were exciting and the egg eating scene was absolutely hilarious.

Watched it the second time when I was late twenties, still like it, thought it was cool and this time saw things like rebellion which was not appreciated before.

I'm 48 now and watched it the third time last night; touched, I wish someone would explain to me what "courage" really mean when I was a kid and young.

For people who believe characters like John McLain or Indiana Jones are true heroes, you might have a different view after watching this one.
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Cape No. 7 (2008)
bringing hope to depressed souls!
4 November 2008
By the time I watched this film, it has broken Taiwan's all time box-office record. Taiwan has no Hollywood, but for decades until recent years, it has produced dozens of movies every year. It's been the hub of Chinese-speaking film making industry and nurtured internationally renowned directors such as Hsiao-hsien Hou, Edward Yang and, of course, Ang Lee. That's why it's a surprise to see what the film has achieved because, whichever way you look at it, it fell short of many high standards set by its predecessors. It's by no means a bad movie though. A warm story executed reasonably well. The elements of romance and certainly music (Taiwan's pop music industry is also well developed) added to its viewing pleasure. Beautiful photography gives extra charms to the tropical town in the southern tip of the island. Acting wise not overall brilliant, but some roles depicting typical local characteristics are particularly lovable. Old Mao is the best example.

Perhaps the underlying reason for the film's popularity is something beyond its plot. Taiwan society, in recent years, has suffered from slow economy, isolation from the world as a result of "One China Policy", and especially the conflict between political parties within the island. People are tired. Tired of struggling to make a living in the big cities and tired of watching confrontations among politics everyday and night on TV. The simple small town lifestyle and good-willed characters demonstrated in the film remind people of the good old days. For two hours, it's like providing an escape for people who have long been trapped or bringing light to people who have long been live in dark. This film will represent Taiwan for the quest of Oscar's best foreign language film. It's not going to win. It's even unlikely to be nominated. But, maybe by accident, this film has achieved something that makes it bigger than winning prizes -- bringing hope to depressed souls!
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Jiang Wen is disappointing......
3 October 2007
Jiang Wen's "In the heat of the sun" is a master piece and arguably the best Chinese film ever made. His second work "Gui Zi Lai Le" is controversial in its achievement but certainly fun to watch. The Chinese film industry has so much to expect from him after those crappy 'big productions' such as "Huang jin jia", "Banquet" and alike in recent years. But Jian Wen has failed people's expectation with this one. I don't care how high the technical achievement performed in this film. If a story told can not be comprehended by its dedicated viewers, it's not worthwhile watching. I always have an interest in decoding but do not feel like listening to other people's murmur - Jiang Wen's or anyone else'. Unfortunately, it has thus become a two-hour waste of my life. On the acting part, the talented Anthony Wong wasted his talent entirely in the film. Joan Chen's good performance was ruined by the ridiculous plot. As for the competition with "Lust; Caution" in Venice........ oh, come on!
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