
14 Reviews
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Marvel gives "maximum effort" and it shows!
26 July 2024
Full on Wolverine nerd here. I have the first 93 Wolverine comics in sequence and many others. (He says with a lisp while pushing up his glasses.). As good as the X-men movies have been, (mostly) we finally get to see just how dangerous he is. "Logan" was exceptional but he was a broken man who had lost hope. Hope is what he fights for in this and it is raw and visceral. Be afraid of the very afraid. Hugh Jackman is so good at making the audience feel the heart of this movie. The nice guy in him really bleeds through every role he takes. Future legendary actor on display once again.

Ahh... Deadpool. Your mouth just cannot stay shut can it?! Everyone knows someone similar I suppose, where every thought rolls right of the tounge. Deadpool's butt-kickery is the best it has ever been. Unexpectedly, he really establishes himself as a, dare I say it, leader?!?!

I'm shocked to say this but after this one Ryan could actually fill the void left by RDJ and Chris Evans. They will have to bleep him quite a bit for any PG-13 entries but that would be funny in itself trying to interpolate which swear he's using.

As for the movie itself, this is the next level of Marvel. You can tell from the first five minutes that Kevin Feige just removed the governor, made everything fair game and told the writers to just have at it. Have at it they did. With so many cameos and nods to the past, this film does for 20th Century Fox what Endgame did for MCU. Endgame was, in part, like walking around in a museum and (finger quotes) marveling at all the movies that brought us there. D & W gives us that for Fox. It is so funny and so touching it will give you all the feels. Watch the movie in a crowded theater, then watch it again to catch all the jokes you missed because everyone is laughing so hard. Let's $!&?@!$ GO!!!
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Brats (2024)
80's kids this one's for you.
14 June 2024
From an 80's kids perspective, there were so many young, cool actors that it's easy to lump dozens of people in the mix. Andrew really focuses on "The Breakfast Club" "St Elmo's Fire" and John Hughes creations in general. He really digs his fingers in the sand to find the root of his personal feelings towards the term and also commonalities from the other members. It's interesting to see the wide spectrum of perspectives from the (finger quotes) brats. Some were fine with it, some didn't even want to be included and McCarthy does well in making both points valid.

Documentary films have a specific formula to follow that can make it seem like, sort of, if you've seen one you've seen them all. This one is no different. It really just depends on is the subject matter interesting to you. If you were a kid at the time then yes, these people were rock stars. Ninety minutes feels a bit long, they could have trimmed the fat a bit more. All in all great walk down memory lane. I can almost smell the shopping mall food court, adjacent to the cinema where we dumped quarters into Donkey Kong. Good times.
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Hit Man (2023)
That's a big green light on this one.
9 June 2024
Wow, there is so much to sink your teeth into with this film. There are two sides to good storytelling in movies. First the obvious, is it a good story that people want to hear. Check. Secondly, for screenplays a story should have a certain flow about it since the audience will not be using their imagination to visualize said story. This is where Hit Man really shines. It simultaneously leads the audience effortlessly, from one plot point to the next all while throwing curve balls the whole way so we don't know where to look. Truly a fun ride to take.

The acting is good on all fronts with special nod to Glen for having fun with multiple characters. Not much negative to discuss. Hit Man does drag a bit in the middle after starting strong but finishes even stronger. That is the key to rewatchability I think, a strong finish. A couple of characters don't add much but also don't detract so it's fine. Yes, green light, no spoilers. Go in fresh and have fun!
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Atlas (2024)
Do you need the definition of a &$?@!% cake?
26 May 2024
First of all, though the average rating of this film is middle of the road, I think action fans are going to be entertained quite a bit more. There is a lot of "Terminator", a good helping of "The Matrix" and a sprinkling of "Starship Troopers" in this film but that is not necessarily a bad thing. There have just been too many movies made by now and 100% originality is almost unattainable.

That being said Atlas does struggle to make its own mark among the sci-fi classics it draws from. The beginning is rushed, as is common in action films, to get to said action and character development suffers. The special effects are absolutely delicious. I was interested in this movie because it is in part a chamber piece and I was curious if J-Lo has the chops to pull it off. She does just fine in that regard.

All in all, though the quality of this film is marginal, the likability is markedly higher. Atlas is not thought provoking high art but it is fun and might make you think a bit. Go go gadget J-Lo!
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Good Times (2024– )
Bad Times.
20 April 2024
Good Times was a classic TV show from a time long past when there was no internet and a new show meant new information. I was a young white person in a small town of 98% white people and this was my first exposure to another culture. That is what Norman Lear did. Expose people to things they hadn't seen or were hard to discuss. From tackling abortion and homosexuality in "Maude," racism with "All in the Family" and most importantly humanizing black life for stubborn white people with "The Jeffersons" and "Good Times." It would behoove anyone reading this to go watch any of these shows instead of this series. As I write this I'm realizing that this series isn't worth mentioning really and that 3 is to high a score. 1.7.
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Desert power indeed.
2 March 2024
I doubt I'm alone in feeling that part one was great but ended right when it was about to leave the chain. Part two broke it and ran. I personally love it when the setting feels like a character in the movie and the desert is that in this one. Timothy Chalamet gives a performance beyond his young age. Zendaya does well and has a much larger part to play here. The direction by Denis is almost flawless and some shots are pure art.

Not much to say on the negative side. The third act feels rushed quite a bit. Act one and two move along at the same pace as all of part one, then it feels like the end is forced like someone was looking over his shoulder to finish up. This is a grand movie with a grand scope from grand source material and it shows.

What a massive undertaking. It must be so hard to film in a desert, with sand gumming up the technology but you'd never know by watching Dune. It just feels like you are there with them all. Great job! The sleeper has awakened!
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Spaceman (I) (2024)
Casual movie fans need not apply.
2 March 2024
This is not a film for fans of Adam Sandler movies. I have seen every Sci-fi movie of note. This isn't really a science fiction movie, it just happens to take place in outer space. It seems cliche to say a film is dreamlike but there is no other way to describe Spaceman. Imagine watching an entire movie through a Kaleidoscope. Not just through the lens of said scope, but also the lens of childlike wonder.

This is a heavy film that asks a lot of the audience. Anyone who sticks with it the whole way will be rewarded with a nice story of friendship and hope. Spaceman drags at points, can feel a bit claustrophobic and is honestly hard to wrap your head around. All in all good job by everyone involved. Again at least semi-pro movie fans only. Operaman-O Bye Bye!
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Game of Death (1978)
Surprise for fans of ending in review!!!
21 October 2023
This movie itself is not worth mentioning, save the finale and some of the acting. Dean Jagger is a swear word legend and does not know how to act poorly. Anna Camp did well. The good news is, on Enter the Dragon Special Edition, the entire cast (some of whom were removed in the bastardized version to fit a new narrative) and tower was fully filmed and roughly edited. It's called "Bruce Lee: The Warriors Journey", is about 40 minutes long and I do mean rough. The dialogue is not for performance sake, it was going to be over dubbed later. They sound silly but you can see where Bruce's original vision leads. Dan Inosanto and Kareem have some more screen time and so does James Tien whom any Bruce Lee fan is going to instantly recognize. This was going to be really something!
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Dash (2022)
Not as good as Locke but worth watching.
12 February 2023
Dash is a fairly decent attempt at the hardest way to make a movie. One camera, one take. There are only a couple of slips in dialogue but like good musicians they just roll with it and keep going. It plays like theater more than a movie in that way. Since the setting never changes, the film relies on characters coming and going to set and change the tone and pace. And change it does. It's analogous to a car starting from rest and by the end is going 85 in heavy traffic with snow and hail then the tire blows out on an ice patch. Good job from Alexander Molina for memorizing 2 hours of lines, actions and placement.
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Prey (I) (2022)
Both a good follow-up and great stand alone film.
5 August 2022
This movie sets itself apart from the previous films while also holding true to the world of Predator. First the scenery is pristine and endlessly fascinating to witness. One advantage this picture has is everyone watching already knows the the back story and the filmmakers can just get on with it. What a great antagonist this series has that it isn't hard to root for him in some scenes due to a sense of honor. And this is I think is the key to its success, focusing on a group of people know for honorable warriors spirit. This film will appeal to fans of Predator, hunters, action buffs and anyone who likes a bloody good time. Just what the franchise needed! Top shelf!
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The Gray Man (2022)
Slightly better than OK
24 July 2022
The Russo brothers do what they do in this one. The first thirty minutes are rushed then the pacing evens out. Ryan Gosling plays a character that fits his personality well, Chris Evans not as much. There is a lot of action but little character development apart from the main protagonist. There are some really good shots, they must have used drones for some. The ending falls a little flat and is a bit unsatisfying. All said worth a watch but don't sweat it if you pass on this one.
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Good but Waititi a little overexposed right now.
17 July 2022
Good 'ol Taila Waititi up to old tricks again. His humor is so hard to put a finger on. It is subtle and understated, at times silly but always unique. His new wacky Thor is ultimately better but maybe a bit too much in this one. Big Natalie Portman fan here and it is fun too see her jacked as Mighty Thor. Ragnorok was so good it was an uphill battle to reach that zenith and fell a bit short. Solid effort.
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The Requin (2022)
Waste of time
16 July 2022
Not much to say about this one. It fails on all fronts. The drama is bland and it's not thrilling or horrific. The human characters are so bad you find yourself rooting for the sharks. The only good thing about it is the cover art which will make shark movie fans want to watch it. Please don't.
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Ex Machina (2014)
This movie is Magical
16 July 2022
Everything about Ex Machina seems to draw you in further to this world. First the architecture seems merged with the surrounding earth like a Frank Lloyd Wright house. The director knows the power of silence in film. The small cast is exceptional with extra credit to Alicia Vikander for acting both human and inhuman simultaneously. I can't say enough good things about her or this movie, so in conclusion, GO WATCH IT!!
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