
6 Reviews
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Georgia Rock (2019)
Good movie
21 May 2023
I think this movie was well made, there were a few parts that were unintentionally funny and there was some really funny writing in the movie too. For a movie about a rockstar they don't really have too much music or band scenes. It deals with addiction, loss and transformation, which make for a good story. The main actors got the job done, especially Tiffany Cornwell who played (Vicky), she was exceptional and made the change from being practically invisible at the beginning of the movie to shining bright at the end. I would recommend this movie if you like fish out of water stories, and don't mind a smaller budget movie.
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The Sailor (I) (2021)
Pretty good-*spoiler alert
31 August 2022
Warning: Spoilers
The Sailor has a good story to tell, the filmmakers kept it pretty light, and did not really get into the heavy stuff. I think they could have made a series of this documentary, because he did so much in his life. The documentary style is "fly on the wall" with not really any interviews, they just follow him around and film him and listen to him tell stories. I don't know how this could be an inspiring film on sailing, it is full of regret and alcoholism. I can't stand sailboats myself, I have gotten sick every time I went on one. I do think it is interesting that Paul did all that sailing, and finding deserted islands and basically living the dream, no responsibility and just pick up and go, but it looks like it took a toll on him, and he has a lot of regret about his life. He says life is just a joke and it's only for fun, and that is how he lived, I think that it is very sad, how he was basically stuck in that gross sailboat drinking booze all day, that is a nightmare scenario, and he could not even afford to fix the boat motor at the end, so he sails off with no motor for safety, he probably died out there on that voyage.
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Irish Jam (2006)
One of my favorites
13 August 2022
I have seen this movie more than a few times, and I still like watching it, the theme song is really catchy. Eddie Griffin and Anna Friel are really good in this movie. This movie reminds me of the movie "Local Hero" from 1983.
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Funny and full of surprises
23 July 2022
This was a well made movie in my opinion, I thought the writer took a lot of chances with some of the content, the overall message was a good one too.

This movie was full of seasoned actors and it deals with very heavy topics, but does not dwell on the negative, John Philbin did a great job as the lead actor and Estella Warren was very good in a supporting role. I was surprised by the familiar faces that kept appearing throughout the movie, well done.
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Schwartzman at his best
17 July 2022
This is very well made movie, it deals with many of life's ups and downs. The main character is struggling, and he has been for a long while, he can't seem to find his way, maybe all the tequila he drinks? There is a lot of valuable life lessons in the movie. Some people might not relate to this movie, I understand that it's not for everyone, but if you like this type of movie, they made it just right.
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Birdies (2022)
17 July 2022
I liked this movie, the Characters and comedy reminded me of Caddyshack. There is something going on a twin pines golf club, the greens are in bad shape and they have a pest problem and need to call an exterminator.
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