
6 Reviews
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Good Omens (2019– )
19 July 2023
I watched Good Omens without reading the book. I LOVED IT AND NOW SEASON 2 IS COMING IN TEN DAYS!!!!!!! My partner and I are in a long distance relationship and fell in love with each other because of the show. We have decided that next weekend we are going to have a watch party. This show is fantastic and with the new season it's totally fresh and new TO ALL FANS!!!!! Except to the lucky few who got to see the first two episodes in New York. Me? I am just so excited to see Aziraphale and Crowley. I did not see the BIG leak but I have my suspicions and will enjoy it the whole time. GET HERE FRI.
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Dark Skies (2013)
Good Slow Burn Of A Horror Movie
21 June 2023
I actually watched this tonight for the first time on Tubi. It actually genuinely scared me. Decent acting, Really good plot esp if you're into aliens. Although the ending was ok but I probably will not be sleeping with the lights on. It's not like a bunch of trash on Tubi and honestly I'm kinda glad I watched it. There is nothing but shadows of the aliens which is something I like just in case they got goofy. It's a slow but decent burn of a movie. I was pretty impressed with it. So if you like these kinds of films watch Dark Skies you will not be disappointed. Coming from a jaded horror movie person it's pretty good.
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I Scraped The Bottom Of The Barrel
23 January 2023
What can I say about this movie? There is no plot, the acting is atrocious, the main couple was more like a porn couple that decided to make a "real movie" and "act" in it. I am not going to say anything about the people themselves that people have said before me.

I want to concentrate on the movie itself. The soundtrack is awful and if I had to hear Buzi's name one more time I swear.

The word Amityville has nothing to do with the Amityville Horror so why have it in there? I don't know maybe for clicks maybe for something else. Who knows.

I was laughing so hard at this. I am so glad I didn't rent this it is on Tubi and I watched it for free where it should be watched.

If you want a good laugh and have Tubi watch it. It is not scary at all. Do not expect much. Just my two cents.
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Dark Mountain (2013)
This Is Blair Witch 2 Book Of Shadows Bad
4 October 2022
I absolutely love movies like Blair Witch Project or something clever this was not Blair Witch. This was more like Blair Witch 2 Bad! I mean first of all if you want it to be like a Found Footage Film you don't put in music over it or spooky noises. I have been 47 minutes into it and so far the characters are bad, the plot is very thin. At first I thought ok this might be interesting and then it's like oh no jump scare, run, scream and meh. Maybe it's just because I am jaded or bored with these kinds of movies but yeah I am not impressed with this movie at all! And the heavy metal music is seriously giving me a headache.
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Horrible Movie
1 October 2022
Warning: Spoilers
This movie reminded me of a cheap JC's Haunted House. At first I thought ok pretty cool there was some tension filled moments until around the second half when the puking of the shaving cream yeah that's what did it for me. The ending was horrible and not on a good way. At first I thought the main character was great but then it was like ok then it was like OMG. The ending was horrible. If you have a fear of people dressed up with clown masks, manniguins and chainsaws this will be right up yer alley for me I will be going to sleep with the lights off. So there's my review for Paranormal Farm..
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Um..what can I say about this movie?
20 August 2022
It's cheesy it's not scary it's just one guy running around a house that looks like a hoarder's house and the actor is just meh! It just seems like someone made it one day. Yes there is a house and a white string. It is a good time waster there was a few good scares but not many. Just my two cents.
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