
7 Reviews
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Starhyke (2009)
Loved it!
17 March 2010
Look, I took the show at face value and thoroughly enjoyed it! Some of the jokes didn't work but it was fun and well made on a tight budget. I found the ensemble cast interesting and engaging although I would have liked more character development and a bit more straight acting - which really does scan when it comes in (liked the 'Reboot' episode exactly BECAUSE it knew it was doing a cliché (and very funny Gandalf scene!), but the humour is not awful as some have said - it's amusing, and the show is FUN. Some very clever nods to other shows, very engaging skirts and martinis. I want to see more! (and work on it).

People, we can all moan away about small areas where shows don't hit the mark, but when I watch a whole series in one sitting it's gotta be good.

The always engaging Claudia Christian does a great Kirk/Janeway, and Jeremy Bulloch was hilarious. The always lovely Rachel Grant is solid and puts in a surprisingly good performance reminding us that she did actually study acting and shouldn't be labelled as tits 'n ass Nina forever (lovely though she is!) and I'd like to see her given a chance to do more serious acting, and the biggest surprise? Another victim of 'presenter typecasting'; the very underexposed Suanne Braun is developing an interesting character here who you root for at the end. Also the Crocker/PopyertopOff (the names are too silly, yes) relationship is well played and I especially like the energy of talented newcomer Stephanie Jory and really freaked at her Superman experience in the finale. Genuinely jarring! The cast are all very easy on the eye and turn in good performances. The supports are all reliable and I found the show as good as if not better than tired Red Dwarf and unengaging Hyperdrive, but this series is constrained by limited episode running time.

Buy it simply for the genius ensemble from classic SF and its unassuming charm and very pretty cast! BEAUTIFUL CGI & make-up too! Many nods to the past. If you don't get some of the jokes... you haven't watched much Sci-Fi. Many are cleverly executed 'easter eggs'.

Shame there weren't 8 eps to develop characters and resolve one plot-point intentionally left open in the finale, so we have to buy the DVD to get season two!
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Godsend (2004)
WORST ending EVER! (Really. No point watching it!)
9 February 2007
Warning: Spoilers
Great story, very thoughtful & interesting direction, moving performances and a thrilling plot...

but the ending sucked major ASS!!! It was no resolution, was an insult to the intelligence of the viewer, wasted De Niro (though I'm sure he laughed all the way to the bank & didn't watch it - a phone in), and just plain pi**sed me off! A real waste.

If you want to EVER be let down by a potentially good film, this is it!

The biology aspects and pseudo-science were actually thought provoking, but I'm going to watch the 93 "Body snatchers" now to detox.

I HATE a film that makes me think & then has an "emperors new clothes" ending. A total insult, I'm afraid.

I think the writer died 7.5 pages before the end and a studio Exec did the rest. In crayons.

Don't bother.
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Gratuitous, arty, erotic, but talentless
1 December 2005
I truly thought it was made in the 30s.

The bad acting, the jagged B&W cuts, the seeming lack of a plot! (and GOD don't get me started on that unconvincing model the old bloke hides behind that our "vampire queen" reports to!) I don't care if it's supposed to be ironic - it's cheap & amateurish.

The ABYSMAL sword fight - leave it out!!

I'm really sorry, but I watche dthis film and deflated as it went on - it's everything Brecht would have hated, Schechner would have found it a joke, and Sarah Kane probably saw 30 minutes less in than I did.

But hey! I adore Star Trek: Hidden Frontier.

Judge for yourself.

(It AIN'T "Fire walk with me" - that had gravitas!!)

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Great stuff!
15 October 2005
Nicely done, and along with "New voyages" it's a great continuation! Fab to see James Cawley in the latest episode "Vigil" Check it out!

I like the growing characterisation, and think we have good replacements for the TV actors in a fan-produced piece. This show manages to capture the feel quite well, as they state on the ste, it has improved over the years with experience and I hope with some more experience, a strong script editor, and a pick-up in timing and CGI that HF will becoming more remarkable than it already truly is!

Good work to all concerned!

(I have a HUGE soft spot for Lefler & McFarland (GREAT acting), although I'm a bit tired of "Lefler's laws". ENOUGH already! Shelby's great (if a little uptight) and it's cool she got the ship. Commodore Ian's nice (like Fred Flintstone), but lacks the gritty edge of a commanding officer and does seem too pleased with himself. The Doc, Counselor, and Rawlins are right on the money in my eyes, as is the WONDERFUL Nechayev (what a beautiful accent - a REAL Russian! (Well, I'm guessing Rene hails from the Czech Rep.)

It gets my vote, and the CGI is kewl. Some of the greenscreen's obvious, but on a small budget whaddayagonndo?

Really glad I found it!

(OK, some of the acting isn't great but it's fan-made and is therefore allowed to be variable - sorry Cmm. Cole)

The gay material is layed on too thick (Graham Norton'd be embarrassed). Trek doesn't pay that much attention to hetero couples so why signpost gays with all the snogging? It's not necessary to showpiece someone's sexuality to this extent - I hope they tone it down & let Aster & Zen be people not tokens - I don't treat my gay friends any differently, They're just regular guys.

Musically it's a mixed bag. I can tell its all stock Trek OST stuff and works most of the time, but timing can fall flat now & then (the end of "Worst Fears Part 2" misses the crunch, and the edit. Love the fact they use the "Galaxy Quest" music!

I certainly can't wait for more!! Dazza

"Never give up, never surender!"

Viva les frontieres
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Event Horizon (1997)
Excellent "haunted house in space" movie.
13 June 2002
I disagree totally with the negative review of this movie above. I have seen the film many times, 3 times at the flicks, and lots more on video. It's essential viewing. A work of art!

It's the perfect synergy of horror and sci-fi/fantasy. I love the stark horror visuals (flash/NASTY/flash/EURGH!/flash/ARGH!).

An emotional tour de force, wonderfully acted, I don't think anyone lets this movie down! The blood, the gore, the screams, the half-seen horror of the previous crew & Dr. Weir's dreams. And Clair's black eyes. Whoah!

Can't believe I suggested my 10 year-old nephew and his mates watch it as it's so good. On a re-watch, I realise I was mad! Nightmares for months. Hell, I'm gonna have them tonight, ain't it cool!

And the physics is on the button, as is the planetary atmosphere realisation, painstakingly CGI'd by the dudes at Foundation!

"Have you ever seen fire in zero gravity?"

"Where we're going, we won't need eyes to see!"

"Who knows what it's seen, or what it's brought back with it... from hell."

A gateway to hell. Liberate tute mae a. Save yourself from hell, but watch this great movie!

I pray they never make a sequel to cheapen this masterpiece.
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Very impressive back & forth reworking of the story of the Macleods
26 May 2002
Very cleverly scripted, flashing back and forth and, amazingly, providing even more backstory to Connor & Duncan (seen together for the first time!) Emotive, evocatively directed and scored with great action and character counterpoints to die for!
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Uplifting romantic comedy with outstanding, poignant music. Review by Darren Phillips.
12 February 2002
I saw this movie nearly 20 years ago as part of a Channel 4 season of dramas & recall being impressed by BA Robertsons' acting ability, and Judi Trotts' musical work. I actually tape recorded the songs late into the film, as I was really enjoying them! (sadly I only have 3 and I cannot find it on sale or in any private collections, which saddens me). I was 15.

There is a "Living apart together" on sale but it's a Dutch adult movie starring Sylvia Kristel, not a romantic musical comedy.

A realistic tale of, as I recall, a couple called Richey & Amy (Barbara Kellerman) who split up due to differences in character. Richey is a very talented, eccentric, but overall irresponsible husband, who you can't help but love. Amy is a romantic, beautiful, all-woman "English rose".

Richey has an affair with Judi Trotts' character, experiencing his "grass on the other side" and the two indulge in a "Baker Dr. Who/ Romana II" mad week, involving a number of well-written songs (created for the movie by Robertson & utilising the talents of himself, Trott, and, very memorably, the incredible Carol Kenyon, known for her work on the Heaven 17 track "Temptation".

The movie does have a happy ending, and gave this 15 year old a good look at modern relationships. A film I have wanted for AGES!

Moresoe as it features a very young Peter Capaldi!
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