
3 Reviews
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The Offer (2022)
Not realistic, but great
26 January 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I agree that this show is great entertainment. Bear in mind a lot of it is fictitious, if you know the actual facts. Just one example SPOILER AHEAD: Joe Gallo is portrayed as blackmailing Rudy, thus jeopardizing their possibility of finishing the movie in Sicily. Rudy is saved by Gallo being shot. In reality, Gallo was indeed shot... but after the film's release! Same with Evans discovering the McGraw-McQueen relationship, it happened after the release... As long as you don't mind this series taking big liberties with the truth, the show is great. I wish it had bit a bit closer to the actual facts, but then, maybe it wouldn't have been as fun.
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Rigor Mortis (2013)
Absolutely stunning
6 October 2013
How could one not enjoy this visual feast thoroughly is beyond me. It's a sad state of affair that this movie doesn't rate higher on IMDb. Granted, the narration is rather obscure, the ending a bit botched (hence not a 10/10 for me).

Once you let go and you stop trying to understand every second of it, this movie becomes like watching the most fantastic nightmare you've ever seen. Visually, sound-wise, music-wise, it's simply mind-blowing. It's extremely poetic and disturbing rather than terrifying, which might explain some ratings. It's Murnau's Nosferatu meets Ring meets Kung Fu Hustle.

The Japanese horror elements are there but carefully blended with Chinese folklore and shooting style, so the movie remains original. The story ends up making sense overall if you're patient enough, even though some elements of it remain a bit fuzzy. Watching this movie is like getting a shot of something strong, getting slapped in the face and kissed by a beautiful woman (my wife) all at the same time.

One of the most enjoyable - if puzzling at times - movies in a long, long time.
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My Way (2012)
Amazing performance, beautiful production design
15 March 2012
I have to disagree with the other review. I'm not a fan of Claude François, I'm not a fan of the 70s, yet I loved the movie. And that's because of Jeremy Renier's amazing performance. He's extremely magnetic, doesn't show any of the French (slightly precious and fake-sounding to me) brand of acting. The film isn't perfect and the script, certainly, would've deserved some work. It's rather descriptive and chronological. Yet I enjoyed every 158 minutes of it and that's what matters. Renier is AMAZING, so is the production design by the way. I would definitely recommend it to people who don't care about Claude François. If only because he's the guy who wrote one of the most famous songs in the world, which most people would attribute to Sinatra: My Way.
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