
16 Reviews
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Messiah (2020)
People need to watch this more than ever.
3 February 2024
Talk about drinking from a cup of faith. Do yourself a favor and watch this series.

It tells the story of a convergence of religions, showcasing the good and the bad and of course through in a messenger of god? I'm still working that one out.

At times a bit predictable but certainly entertaining. The characters have flaws which makes them even more convincing. Great casting 10/10.

So set aside some time to watch the season. I'll live in hope that Netflix revisits its decision to cancel the series. I've only just sat down to watch it, I don't even recall seeing ads for it when it premiered in 2020. Talk about a sleeper of a series! One criticism is the sub titles flashed up on the screen pretty quickly making reading then a tad hard.
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Total Rubbish
23 December 2023
Wasted my time and I'll never get it back, plot holes,

1. How would a computer virus disrupt animal migration?

2. why would radio stations be unable to broadcast just because they are cut off from the internet?

3. are we expected to believe all social cohesion would collapse because of a computer hack? Trust me it wouldn't, things like hand held radios would over come a lot of things.

4. planes crashing because of a computer virus? Really ever heard of system reboot or switch over to manual flight mode?

5. Self drive cars running around blocking traffic, yeah maybe but unlikely.

Worst case military law would be enacted, although unlikely, civilian authorities would remain in control, systems would be rebooted and disconnected from the internet.

Give yourself a break from this one and watch something which actually might actually make sense!
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The Gray Man (2022)
John Wick Wanna Be film........................
25 July 2022
Whilst its not a bad movie it certainly isn't great. To give you the idea it's a John Wick clone movie where the CIA are at the table and the hired Mercenary's are below the table. Ryan Gosling plays an indestructible John Wick minus the pencil!

Chris Evans, seems to be playing a gay Psychopath Character seeking to kill everyone.

There is really nothing in the story which you wouldn't work out for yourself, the action scenes are over the top and fun to watch.

Grab the popcorn, enjoy the action and leave the brain safely turned off for this one.
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Designated Survivor (2016–2019)
Interesting Political Show - So many faults
17 July 2022
Warning: Spoilers
How to rate this, first up I don't live in nor am I a US citizen. So lets look at this from a non US perspective. The politics in the show where evident, and season 1 & 2 were quite strong, from a viewing point it was a disaster of the week, mixed in with an un-elected president drama.

Moving forward it was very clear the writers were left wing, and frequently painted conservatives as being on the wrong side of the political spectrum. So this undermined the political center the writers were trying to portray.

The characters where unbelievable as they were only neutral when it suited them then went left wing. The Kirkman character only ever made political speeches and only at every opportunity. Then when running for election decided he needed to be a politician, "Just Really!" then we'll through in Latino's, Black's, Trans, LGBTQI....... in the mix as an after thought, and work in genocide for good measure!

Killing of key characters pointlessly is a poor excuse in trying to add drama, what is this the shock of the week? In the third season the swearing was over the top it should have only be used in hitting a key point.

Hanna Well's should get a spot as Wonder Woman, as far a due process goes it appeared this was an optional exercise in law enforcement for her. Also the way she dispatched people twice her size with physical force was astounding, not to mention murdering people when the occasion arose, I give you the Russian Operative.

All this did was show me that Partisan Politics in the USA is not just morally bankrupt but fundamentally broken. However this is applicable around the western world unfortunately.

The final episode where Emily Rhodes grows a conscience is way over the top. In politics you either want your guy to win or you don't! The final season of this character IMO would have made it impossible for her to go into a 4th season.

The leader of the free world dialogue wears thin on non USA viewers, plus there was never any mention of the CCP or China, how strange, yet Russia was open game "ala Hillary Clinton".

Its clear to me the show started out pretty well, however, the writing went down hill, and the "disaster" of the week gets old pretty fast. Its a pity the show went this way as overall I did enjoy it despite its faults.
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Wolf Hound (2022)
This one is right up there with Oh and Dear!!!
8 June 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Oh Dear, what a terrible movie, to sum up the stupidity in one scene our hero bails out of an P51, and lands safely. Then proceeds to strip down to a snow white singlet and run around the forest like Rambo. Who in their right mind would give up camouflage whilst behind enemy lines?

In the next scene our hero fights off an Nazi who looses their pistol which lands at his feet, so while the Nazi is out of reach of the pistol and lying on the ground, instead of picking up the pistol and - well I don't know - shoot the Nazi the hero runs off and the Nazi then gets to his feet picks up his dropped pistol and fires at our hero!

This sums up the entire film, what a waste of time, don't bother you have been warned.
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Screw it - I saw the first one in the 80's
2 June 2022
If you don't like it that's on you, I saw the original in 1986, yes it's that good, it picks up 30 years later. If you have a heart beat then you will love this film if not there's nothing I can say to change your mind. It is a 10/10, anything less and you were not there in the 80's and this film is not for you.
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Don't bother....Total Crap!!!
10 May 2022
I thought the movie idea started with promise, the trailer looked interesting, and it went downhill from there. Originally I thought was this set on planet earth? Then I thought WTF is going on and why, then I thought well maybe I'll get some answers, but no it totally failed to deliver.

Without any background or wrap up the film basically takes you nowhere, so then you ask why have I spent the last 1 hr 20 mins of my life on this in the first place?

This really is not a great film, I think the one star rating is probably to much, if director provided some payoff at the end that would have lifted the whole movie........ sadly no :(

The fast overview, people wake up in a field, no explanation, people start dying, some explanation. There is no escape and at the end there are no answers to what you just watched! The End.
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The Incidental music is ok, but........
7 April 2022
Warning: Spoilers
What can I say, I can see why it was not released until 7 years after filming. Perhaps they thought it might get better with time?

Alien demonic possession movie complete with a UFO. OMG I watched it to the end and it got sillier as it went along, perhaps a reedit?

No real character development although I liked Grandpa!!!

Save yourself the pain and give this one the flick. 2 stars due to incidental music only which I liked. The special effects should have been redone they were dated and terrible. You have been warned.
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Wasted Potential Bad Camera Work
13 March 2022
Warning: Spoilers
So lets start by saying yes I saw this movie in the 1970's back then it was good to young eyes.

On re visiting it as an Adult and looking at it through what we have in 2022, I'm going to say sure the story is interesting, however implausible, the camera work is terrible even for the time not being set up on tracks for following shots, the camera was being hand held most of the time and not stabilized so you get the idea.

The acting is just hamming it up in front of the camera, I give you George O'Hanlon his character absolutely terrible.

The story line of continually asking the advise of an 18 year old as they'll know everything drives me nuts. Unless they are gifted generally there is no way a young person would know or have enough life experience to be of any major help in a crisis I'm talking critical analysis not heavy lifting.

Back to the story, carting someone down a mountain in any year, is stupid, 2 people should stay with the injured person. Wouldn't you think a young an fit 18 year old can hike down a mountain faster for help than anyone else.

They mentioned is was a 2 day hike I'd assume this is without a stretcher containing a person on it, so how long would that take? With all the rest stops and 1 bottle of water for 5 people!!!!!

After getting off the mountain, and finding transport of which they soon discover the internal electrics of the vehicles no longer work, did anyone say EMP here? They he finally worked out that vehicles that were not running at the time of the EMP were ok. Although by 1974 perhaps 100% of vehicles were running alternators not generators to power the electrics, (continuity error there!)

They even find a Geiger counter and they realize there has not been an ongoing radiation contamination of the food and water, lucky break.

Going forward not everyone was effected, i.e. Turned to dust, they might have included the dust in the clothing that was being filmed (cheap bastards) so if 90% of the population was affected that would still leave a couple of million people in California running around, plus I'd suggest government officials, police and the national guard. Infrastructure was not blown up and fixable. So this is where the story line needed help, to flesh out the background.

At any rate, taking this one to series probably failed due to the 1974 Planet of the Apes TV series failing at the time, so the TV execs just cut their losses and we have a TV movie.

It is what it is, it hasn't dated very well and the story has now been done to death. If you have a lazy hour and 10 mins, then give it a watch its free to see on You Tube.
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What a fun ride, well worth a look :)
13 March 2022
This film left a smile on my face it was easy to watch and Ryan Reynolds as always delivered, on the other hand if you dislike Ryan Reynolds humor you might not get into the film. Mark Ruffalo was awesome as always and Zoe Saldana played her part to a tee.

In fact with these 3 actors in the film it could be mistaken as an MCU spinoff.

I'm not going to give the plot away aside from saying its well worth a look, its fun and genuine family entertainment, I'm wondering why it wasn't released in cinemas!

I've revised my score down to an 8 after more thought I think its a solid 7.5 stars.
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Clean (IV) (2021)
A hard to watch movie
9 February 2022
I've endured watching this film over 3 days period, the take out here is it's not a riveting movie. The action scenes are ok to good, however, it's hard to warm up to the main character.

The Russian protagonists seem to have been an after thought and are totally predictable.

In short this movie of the payback variety has been done a lot better by others. So unless you suffering from insomnia I'd give this one a miss.
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Immanence (2022)
Has its moments!
6 February 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Starts out ok even with some promise, but then degenerates into a Sci Fi Vs Religion movie. Immanence feels like I was swindled being sold one thing and given another.

If religion is your bag you might get something out of this film, if you are into science and facts well it will leave you a bit flat.

The story is so cliche that its laughable unfortunately its not a comedy! Fast run down a group of people track an object moving quickly past our sun to earth then a signal turns up in Bermudan waters. I didn't think divine beings needed a spaceship but hey that's another story. Next they hire a boat and head to sea, but wait not any sea into the Triangle!

No it goes down hill cheap effects woody acting and the usual paranormal ala supernatural. The devil turns up to cut a deal, oh well, which involves people turning on each other to survive.

3 survivors out of 6! The End.
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Gold (I) (2022)
Predictable, no I mean really predictable
30 January 2022
Warning: Spoilers
No story to speak of with the ending just as I predicted, I want my 1 hour and 30 mins back. Really I mean just really. Do yourself a favor go to the dentist and get root canal surgery, the pain will be over faster than this movie.

The pace is the speed of my lawn growing, Zack should have just phoned this one in, don't waste your time unless your a masochist.

Oh here's the abridged version, on drifter gets a job and hires another loser to drive him to the mine to start work I guess. While on the way the ute overheats and Zacky baby goes for a walk and finds gold. So instead of just shutting up and heading to his job and coming back later he tells the driver what he found.

This is to the same guy that just overcharged him for a ride to the mine. So you get the idea this guy is a piece of work.

Next they cannot get the gold out and the driver heads off to get an excavator, and you can guess the rest he comes back to wait on Zackie baby to run out of food water and life so her can get the gold for himself.

There you have it, but the twist is old mate must have flapped his jaws somewhere and is killed at the end as well. The End

Please like the comment, I have just saved you 90 minutes of your life you'll never get back :)
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Being a fan of the Beatles doesn't compensate for wasting time.
30 November 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I've just finished watching the Beatles "Get Back".

I love beatles music, so here is my opinion of 8 hours of "Get Back".

Be ready to hit the fast forward, while it paints a different picture to the film "Let it Be" being more upbeat, it's slow and drags on and on. The film has been restored and is very fresh so that's a positive.

I think it's about 3 to 4 hours too long with nothing of particular interest to show, as we are all aware of the story's by now. Once you've seen a rehearsal for a song for the umpteenth you've seen it, re watching it wears thin. (Its also a good ad for not smoking!)

All through the recordings it's very apparent John and Ringo are off in la la land. If anyone of them comes across as a pain in the arse it's George, as he comes across as way too precious and moody.

One of my favourite albums is "Abbey Road" so its great to see more footage of these songs being developed which was omitted from the "Let it Be" film. You can see why Paul said to everyone lets make an Album like we use to in July/Aug 1969.

The rooftop concert is the Crown jewel of the series, where it's shown from 10 different camera angles which is truly spectacular.

By way of a thought, I think they should have booked an out door park theater in Liverpool and played there this would have been a better ending for the film and created the havoc they were aiming for.

In summary if you are into music history and the Beatles in particular this is a snap shot of 3/4 weeks in January 1969 it's worth a look but feel free to fast forward quite a bit as you won't really be missing much.

Its clear there are issues in the Band but not in the places you'd expect. I think John finally quit due to his ego not coping with Paul becoming a driving force behind the band, and that he had Yoko, where her interests weren't really in alignment with Beatles music. Given he was so drugged out of his skull most if not all the time I doubt he was really able to think things through, John quit the Band first in Sept 1969 but didn't want to hurt sales of "Let it Be" so kept it quiet.

The other irritant was George who by 1969 was being a super pain in the arse. Put this all together with their business problems at Apple and you can understand why Paul finally quit and walked away.

Overall its a good history lesson and has brilliantly restored, but unfortunately, its not actually 10/10 documentary, any reviewer that says it is, is a biased Beatles lover, then again no one can blame them for that. I love the Beatles and I think my 7 is a bit high and on reflection it really is a 6 oh well....... I'll leave it at a 7!

If you like the review give a thumbs up :)
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First Signal (2021)
I'm shocked its called Sci FI
4 September 2021
Where do you start, interesting story which loses its way, ill fitting Costumes the Majors Air Force Uniform pants need shortening by some margin. A lot of babel which generally goes nowhere and Oh yes we have already been taken over by Aliens.

Save yourself the time and effort on this one you are not missing out. A rewrite of the story is required, the US President needs a good feed, the UK PM, well as they are both played by women, did the director just go fully woke while at the same time and of course just cast the bad Russian President as a male, how cliche.

Somes it all up really.....
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Settlers (2021)
What movie, I'd rather watch paint dry...
11 July 2021
Warning: Spoilers
If this is the directors first film then he needs to find a new occupation. Rest assured Marvel won't be calling you anytime soon.

Where to start, plot was predictable, if you call it a plot. The settlers starts out in the first few acts as a farming unit situated on Mars. You only get this well into the movie or from other spoilers. The settlers live under a dome, hence they can walk freely outside the buildings they are odd, then again they murdered the original occupant of the farm. The husband and wife are raising a daughter.

We learn there was a war on earth or mars who knows I might have been in a coma when this bit of info popped out.

We learn there is no one left, aside from all the people they kill. Then they are killed by someone they couldn't kill.

Fast forward 10 years and this dude now wants to breed with the grown daughter. Lets not forget he killed her parents, so this doesn't end well and he is killed by the daughter.

She leaves the dome and walks out into a barren wasteland outside the dome and the dome doors close behind her. The End.

I have now saved you 2 hours of your life you will never get back. Also the positive review are IMO made by the producers of the film or friends of such. It is a truly terrible movie and I fail to see how anyone in their right mind would have funded the script, or more correctly funded this trash.
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