
2 Reviews
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Great story and really good acting
21 April 2019
The story, the acting, and the ending are all very wonderful. It was sad during the unhappy bits, but it was all so well done. In the ending you get to see the real life people in the story. I was crying And it was cool that the actors look a lot like the real life people. Beautiful story.
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Good Movie (Possible Spoiler)
19 December 2010
Warning: Spoilers
I went to this movie last Friday because it was our anniversary and my wife wanted to go. I had seen a trailer and read a few comments written before the movie was released and was prepared to sit through a very bad movie. Surprisingly, it was quite good. More surprising, were the very negative one star reviews waiting for me on the IMDb.

Witherspoon was excellent. She was totally believable as an elite softball player (another surprise.) She had some tough lines to deliver to Owen Wilson and Paul Judd and handled them quite naturally and convincingly when they could have been an embarrassment to herself and the audience. I am particularly thinking of her first "date" with Paul Judd. He is about to babble on about his troubles when she orders him not to talk and suggests the date will go much better with no conversation whatsoever. It's a classic moment and it supports the overall message of the movie.

Speaking of messages, I am also surprised that no one has mentioned that this movie is a parable with a very powerful lesson. It is not as if Brooks hid the message. He is quite bold about it. The lesson is this. If you want to be happy, figure out what will make you happy and then figure out how to ask for it. I enjoyed the movie and the lesson.
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