
5 Reviews
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The Acolyte: Destiny (2024)
Season 1, Episode 3
Meandering nonsense
14 June 2024
Obi Wan and Ahsoka weren't great shows, but they had their moments.

But what the heck is this garbage? This has to be the lowest of lows for the Star Wars franchise and I don't see how it comes back from this?

Bargain basement writing, wooden acting and really poor quality all round. And I know that it's just a tv show, but it's quite depressing watching a once great franchise get picked apart and destroyed like this.

To be honest it would be much more preferable if this project never saw the light of day and the money that would have been spent on it put towards some good causes. Just a waste of time, energy and money.

Shame on everyone behind this raging dumpster fire.
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The Flash (I) (2023)
Enjoyed this way more than I was expecting
14 June 2023
Just finished watching this and I can safely say that it's a thoroughly entertaining watch. Ezra Miller is great playing the two different Flash characters, the plot has a lot of heart and Warner Bros threw everything at this one in terms of their DC properties. Seeing Michael Keaton as Batman again gave me goosebumps and the nostalgia factor is dialled up to 11, but done right. I often find that action sequences can become quite repetitive and boring, but in The Flash they manage to pull them off without the film getting too bogged down with smashy crashy nonsense. An excellent entry in to the DCEU, more like this please.
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The Mandalorian: Chapter 23: The Spies (2023)
Season 3, Episode 7
Plot conveniences ahoy!
13 April 2023
How did the Mandolorian go from one of the most entertaining shows out there, to this pile of trash. Sure, this was the best episode of the season so far, but that really does not make this a great episode. Too many plot conveniences, forced drama and too many filler episodes up until this point to make me care about any of the characters. Too little, too late I'm afraid.

Disney Star Wars is up against fantastic shows like The Last of Us and Severance and The Mandolorian could have been up there with them, but sadly not any more.

I still absolutely love Andor, but I don't think that is enough to make me keep my Disney+ subscription at this point. A shame really.
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Starstruck (2022–2023)
It's pretty dreadful....
3 April 2023
And that's why I love it.

Most of the acts are hilariously bad, with a smattering of really decent performances. The latest episode featured 3 guys having a stab at being Barry Gibb for the night, and I haven't laughed so hard in such a long time. So tonight Matthew, for that reason alone, I'm giving it a 9/10.

I'm guessing the viewing figures have been good enough to bring it back for a second season. Most of the judges are bit too forgiving, but at least Adam Lambert can be more cutting with his appraisal of a performance.

Just don't go in to this expecting too much, enjoy and treat it for what it is, light entertainment.
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A big green mess.
16 September 2022
I love the lead, she's great. But everything else just does not work. The jokes fall flat, the script is tired and boring, The rest of the cast give mediocre performances and don't get me started on the CGI. I realise this is on a tv show budget, but hulk related scenes are just jarring and cheapen the show.

Who am I rooting for in this show, what's the point it's trying to make and where is it heading.

I remember when the Marvel franchise used to make me excited, but now it's just a drag. Wandavison started with some promise, but soon faded. Loki was ok (I guess), Falcon and the Winter Soldier had its moments and Hawkeye was largely forgettable.

Now it's all just a bit meh. Such a shame.
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