
3 Reviews
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This anime problems.
19 May 2024
Warning: Spoilers
I'm not going to talke about all the good things this anime has to offer because I think theres enough reviews on it; instead, I'm going to talk about the problem that many anime fans simply oversee or don't even notice, because of how common it is in anime.

The problem is: Overexplanation

EVERYTHING is explained, every goddamn thing; it leaves no space for subjetivity and own interpretation, but that's not even the main problem. Only half the dialogues on this anime consist of real conversation and this should sound weird, but people seen to not care? Most of the dialogues are one character explaining a magic concept to another, even in situations where their life is in danger, they just NEED to explain everything that is happening in DETAIL.

I know it's hard to present a magical world and concepts without the element of explaination, but great works can do it seemlessly, and that's one of the reasons I don't get how many people let this pass in this case. Like, come on, there's literally a scene where Fern explains that a bird needs water to live, like man.

Now It may be more of a personal problem, but I think the other characters, besides from Frieren, lack emotion, and I'm mostly talking about Fern in here, just a little weird to me seeing someone so robot-like in some scenes, well, I got whiplash with Frieren too but her case is a little bit explained so...

And, I'm sorry, but how can mages just go on happy willingfully taking another mage's life?! There's not even that many of them, and they are human beings, why do you want to kill one of your own for no reason at all that justifies it? (no, I don't think passing a test is a good reason, maybe it's a good reason for 1 character with ill intentions to do to give it a little spice, but like, 4 of them?), this is what I'm talking about on the lack of emotion, it may be because I havent watched anime in a while and characters that "just kill" are normal, but when you consume other form of media for a while and go back to this, you can clearly see this is lazy and no sense writing falling into the recycling sucessfull characters problem.

I gets a little boring seeing only two spells being cast most of the time as well.

Well, great fights, I really like the animation and I think they really did put it out beautifully using 3D.

Anyway, I mostly talked about the bad points and wont linger it any longer, but I did enjoy this show, it was fun, but yeah, it definetely has its problems and I am not overseeing them just because of the fuzz and compliment bomb this anime has been receiving.
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Psycho-Pass (2012–2019)
Boring and bad.
12 February 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Horrible. We're forced to see that black haired man development throught the whole anime, he literaly has his own history line which is the main story of the anime; so I ask, why is he not the protagonist then????? If you're gonna make a good protagonist, that barely has any importance in the wide scenary, then why make her at all???? ( i'm talking only about the anime, i did not watch the movie, and neither will I).

All and all, the other characters beside the main ones, develop poorly, i barely know anything about those guys, especially that one that died early, because there is no way that you can call only one episode containing only one chat with him, character development, and after that treat him like he doesn't exist until you can just discard him, c'mon.

And now about the black haired guy again, cause i forgot his name; HE IS SO DAMN BORING. It's almost like he and the vilain were created only for the creator of the anime to show off all of his knowledge, he only speaks in citations, every time. If you really want your piece to be filosofical, it's way better if you work on the abstract part of the anime, hidding what you want to say with abstraction, or with NATURAL DIALOGUES ( which this guy doesnt have) so it can be subconciously understood, and not by just spitting random citations every single time. It's boring, and the creator's intentions are obvious, almost an self insert. This character fells like a robot honestly, he and the vilain are so poorly made, they dont seem human, dont show emotion, and all they do is explain,explain,explain; they dont have feelings, it's just bad. ( I dont remember if the vilain is a psychopath, but even if he is, he should have emotions regarding himself and the other guy, not the widest range of emotions, but stil some, that should at least have beedn made seeable, in his face, voice, word choice, whatsoever)

And again, if everyone in that anime is so darn intelligent, knowing every sociologic and filosofic bit as to why their world is flawed, then why dont they do anything to change it??? It doesnt make sense. That just reinforces the fact that some of the characters are not really chatacters, they are just a way for the creator to show how much he knows.

Anyway, one of the worst anime I have ever watched.
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Maboroshi (2023)
3 February 2024
It's a cool movie, but it just happens to be another one of those japanese movies that has a pretty good start, with a good aim on what it's about, but somewhere near the end, the metaphors and meanings stars hiting everythinf they can; it's almost like they want to make the movie to be about everything, and honestly it doenst work, not when you start doing this at the very end. It got confusing and extra explanatory; it didnt even seem real anymore.

I really liked where it was going, but this urge they felt for talking about a bunch of emotions at the end with almost no development to most of them just kinda of messed everything up. I'm just saying that, it is better to keep it simple and targetted than start adding a lot of unecessary dialogue about emotions that you'll have to explain because they weren't developed to be simply undestood by context.
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