
5 Reviews
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Kalki 2898 AD (2024)
Colourful, Spectacular, and Fun!
4 September 2024
This was something different for me to watch. I'm glad it provided English subtitles! Convincing special effects, exciting fights, and amusing dances fully stuffed the movie with action.

The storyline and some of the characters performed really well, but there were some moments where it became confusing. I wasn't sure I believed either what happened in the story, or who the characters were and what they did. Some parts went too fast, some too slow. It made for a jerky feeling to the movie. It felt rushed and incomplete at the end. I was quite surprised that it ended so suddenly.

Perhaps I did not understand the cultural and religious imagery and background?

These reasons were enough to cut out several stars.
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Joyride (II) (2022)
Worth Patience
1 August 2024
I enjoyed the varied pace and well played characters. The young man was a convincing actor and his character, Mully, had a good heart. The conflicted Joy was performed truthfully by Olivia Coleman, although the accent slipped once or twice. She was only about 47 when she played Joy, an age when many women are still capable of conceiving a baby! The father was a little two dimensional, fixated on the acquisition of money, not being a loving parent, and seemingly not grieving his deceased wife. The story was filled with many of the contradictions and tribulations common in life. It was genuine to those dichotomies and still had a hopeful ending.
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Poor Things (2023)
Ridiculous, Far-fetched, and Distasteful
23 April 2024
I can't remember when a film made me feel physically sick and gave me heartburn. What a weak story and such outlandish fantasy!

None of the main actors were great performers and none elicited my sympathy, respect, or admiration. The filthy language did not enhance it one tittle or jot. The hair, makeup, and clothing styles were ugly.

The "music", such as it was, lacked any pleasance or harmonious melodies. In fact, it was downright painful, jarring, and uncomfortable.

I felt that the characters were overblown by a huge amount. The sets and scenery were lurid and strange. The rich palette of colours seemed dreadfully out of place.

The thenme of the father being a monster to his son who was damaged and desecrated, leading the son to further desecrate animals and a young woman and her baby, was terribly unpalatable. The special effects to achieve these crazy concoctions must have been very clever, but the results were unbelievable. Cruel amusement by tinkering with natural animals and people was not funny at all. In fact, extraordinary attempts at making "dark humour" fell flat. The only moment I even smirked was when a poor man gave 3 thrusts and Bella stifled a laugh.

Thoroughly disappointing movie with not much to recommend it at all.
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Sid Is Dead (2023)
Hope For Teens
3 September 2023
From the opening, Sid, the stereotypical teen boy, ducking under the radar in every sphere of his existence, awakens our sympathy. His self-imposed rules keep him from really living.

Until, one day, he inadvertently offends the seriously violent school bully.

He then realizes that the bully is really planning to kill him!

Despite the offensive language, which weakened the dialogue, the story is engaging. Sid decides that, in the two and a half weeks that his bully is spending at an anger management retreat, he will write a list of must-do ideas and accomplish each one.

Sid manages to work through his list and achieves some of his dreams. By being true to himself and exercising bravery in the face of fear, he inspires others. Until a new video appears...
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Love Is Blind (I) (2019)
Odd Little Movie
10 October 2022
Best thing about this movie, is Aiden Turner! He didn't have much to work with.

I found it difficult to follow the dialogue because of the over-loud music track! This made it difficult to understand what was going on. What was with all the mirrors everywhere? Why have an animated white peacock? I sort of enjoyed bits of it, but it was all too disjointed and slow. A few scenes made me laugh, but mostly I felt puzzled. Aiden Tirner did a creditable performance, but that's all.

The main actress playing Bess was good at ignoring the actors around her, but otherwise, her performance was disappointing.

The guy playing the autistic psychoanalyst was unconvincing but occasionally amusing.

If you've nothing better to do, it is a reasonably amusing movie to pass the time, but I didn't connect strongly with any of the performances so I didn't much care what happened any of them.
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